An application should be made to the Council for listed Building Consent for any proposals to demolish, extend or alter in any way which may affect its special character, a building included in the list of ‘Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest’. This applies equally to proposals for internal or external alterations. It is an offence to carry out such work without consent.

In cases where Planning Permission is also required, a separate application for Listed Building Consent will be required, and a separate decision notice will subsequently be given.

Where proposals involve the demolition of a Listed Building, the area of demolition must be clearly indicated on the plans and in the description. Further information can be obtained form the Customer Information Team.

The Council is required to consult English Heritage and other national bodies before determining applications for demolition, or other applications affecting Grade I or II* Listed Buildings. It must also formally notify the Secretary of State if it is intended to approve such an application, and is subject to the directions of the Secretary of State who is advised by English Heritage.

Applications for Listed Building Consent must be advertised by the Council, and a notice must be prominently displayed on the site for seven days.

Making an Application
The fee for proposed works is half the current Planning Application fee at that time, but a full fee is required for existing development. Application forms and information in respect of fees can be obtained from our ‘Forms & Fees’ section.

Page last updated on: 23/05/2005