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A-Z Council Services

One Link - Health and Well-being information in One place

One Link - Information Prescriptions PilotWelcome to 'One Link' the Isle of Wight project for providing personalised information for everyone with a long term health or social care need.

Use the links on the left to move around the website.

If you want to know more about the 'One Link' project click here.

To start creating your personal set of information click here.


How does 'One Link' work?

The main aim is for the One Link website is to work like a sign posting service - providing you with the right information, at the right time for you.

  1. 1) Choose the best route to build an information prescription based on your needs.
  2. 2) Select which groups of information you are interested in. (Local Support Groups, Websites etc.)
  3. 3) Choose the information you are interested in. We want your information to be personal to you, so rather than swamp you with too much information, you can choose what you want to see.
  4. 4) That's it - you are now finished. Simply view your personalised information. You will also get a unique reference number so you can get back to it at any time you choose.

To start creating your personal set of information click here.