NHS Choices is a comprehensive information service that aims to put you in control of your healthcare.
The service is intended to help you make choices about your health, from lifestyle decisions about things like smoking, drinking and exercise, through to the practical aspects of finding and using NHS services when you need them.
It draws together the knowledge and expertise of:
And since the integration of the online arm of NHS Direct in October 2008, NHS Choices provides a single public "front door" to all NHS online services and information through the country’s biggest health website.
The Department is responsible for a range of benefits and services for pensioners and people planning pensions.
Jobcentre Plus provides an integrated service to people of working age. It offers help to people looking to move into work and support for people who can't. Jobcentre Plus also provides a range of services to help employers fill their vacancies quickly. For more information visit: www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk
Pension, Disability and Carers Service comprise of:
The Pension Service is a dedicated service for current and future pensioners. It provides state financial support to over 11 million pensioners delivered at a national and local level and in partnership with other organisations. It also helps people to plan and provide for retirement.For more information visit: www.thepensionservice.gov.uk
The Disability and Carers Service supports disabled people and their carers, whether or not they work. It is responsible for delivering Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Carer's Allowance. For more information visit: www.dwp.gov.uk/dcs
The website of the Mental Health Foundation outlines the charity's work in research, policy, service development and service user involvement. The site offers information and publications to download on research, good practice in services and on mental health problems and key issues.
Special Parkinson's Research Interest Group (SPRING)
An action group to accelerate research to find a cure for Parkinson's disease.
SANE is a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services and initiate and fund research into the causes of serious mental illness through its research centre. Information and emotional support is also provided to anyone affected by mental illness via the helpline, SAVEline and by e-mail, via SANEmail.
The UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers.
Carers Direct is a section on the NHS Choices website, dedicated to carers with information on:
Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. We work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.
Mind info line: 0845 766 0163
Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition.
We have over 170,000 members. We work for people with diabetes, their carers, family and friends. We represent the interests of all people with diabetes by lobbying the government for better standards of care and the best quality of life.
This website provides information about:
This is a Food Standards Agency website which provides information about:
Walking for Health (WfH) encourages more people to become physically active in their local communities.
We support the largest network of health walk schemes across England, offering regular short walks over easy terrain with trained walk leaders.
WfH walks are free and particularly aimed at people who don’t take much exercise.
NHS Direct is at the forefront of 24-hour health care - delivering telephone and e-health information services day and night direct to the public. Although the organisation started out in 1997, it has been growing and changing over that time, most noticeably since April 2004.
Comprehensive, free, up-to-date health information as provided by GPs to patients during consultations.
The Kidney Cancer Support Network has been created to help kidney cancer patients, families and freinds join together and offer information, advice and friendship to each other, either by registering on our Support Network Map or by posting news and views on our patient forum.
build-uk.net - Building a motor neurone disease network for the UK
This site is for people affected by motor neurone disease (MND), that means people who:
The forum can be used to contact others with a similar interest in MND - to decide what information and services should be provided, to tell people what you want and to share what you know. We have recently added a voting page and a chat room to communicate with others and let your views be known.
The Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association is the only national organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland dedicated to the support of people with MND and those who care for them.
The MND Association is a charity working to help people with MND secure the care and support they need, while promoting research into causes, treatments and a cure.
This site has been created with funding from the UK Department of Health as an independent source of assistance and advice. It can help you in two different ways:
The official government website for citizens. Easy access to the public services you use and the information you need, delivered by the uk government.
HMRC is responsible for collecting the bulk of tax revenue, as well as paying Tax Credits and Child Benefits, and strengthening the UK's frontiers. This website has information and advice for both employers and employees.
08457 143 143 (employer helpline)
The Stroke Association is the only UK wide charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. It funds research into prevention, treatment and better methods of rehabilitation, and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its Rehabilitation and Support Services.
These include Communication Support, Family and Carer Support, information services and welfare grants. We also campaign, educate and inform to increase knowledge of stroke at all levels of society, and we act as a voice for everyone affected by stroke.