2.0 Topic Chapters 

2.0.1 Introduction 
This section has been divided into key topics which require management within the estuary. Each of the sections contain background information and a focus on the specific issues which require management.

Each of the topics sections identify:

issues  which require management;

• management objectives  supported by an explanation;

recommendations  which can be implemented to address the issue, with actions  which suggest means for achieving the implementation stage. Timescales  and partnerships  required to achieve implementation, with the lead body  highlighted in bold, are also included.

Each of the objectives are cross referenced using the prefix of the objectives (e.g. A1 refers to Objective A1) and indicate which management objectives should be considered in parallel. A comprehensive list of the objectives is provided in Appendix A3 to facilitate use of the document and identify the lead body.

The key topics are presented in alphabetical order, followed by sections on public awareness and research and monitoring which draw together issues relating to a number of the key topic areas.

A summary of issues which are of importance to the range of topic areas is provided in Table 1. The table helps to identify areas of management which require consideration by a range of interests. They should not be considered to be of greater importance than any other issue identified within the plan.

Click here for Table 1: Cross-reference of issues

Page last updated on: 20/09/2001