2.10.0 Public Awareness and Education 

2.10.1 Background 

The estuary is a natural and heritage resource that supports a wide range of uses and interests. Awareness of the resource and its value to the range of interests that it supports is imperative for the future well being of the resource and its uses. The need for increased public awareness about the resource and its uses is identified throughout sections 2.1-2.9 and is drawn together here with an action plan to achieve integrated public awareness and education.

2.10.2 Issues Public Awareness of the Resource 

Awareness and understanding of the resource is limited. As a result, the nature and agricultural resource have been damaged or misused due to lack of understanding and the tourism, historical and cultural resources are not fully realised due to lack of interpretation and information. Increased awareness of the following resources is required:

• agriculture (A2);
• tourism (C6);
• historical and cultural (HC1, HC2, HC3); and
• nature conservation (NC2, NC3, NC6)

Objective PA1
To increase public awareness and understanding of the estuarine resource. Awareness of other estuary users  

A number of the issues identified within sections 2.1-2.9 reflect a lack of awareness and understanding of other users. Conflict between the interests could be reduced by raising awareness and educating users. This approach could help to alleviate the following conflicts:

• agriculture and land based recreation (A2); and
• commercial and recreational use in restricted areas (C6, R4).

Objective PA2
To increase awareness and understanding of the range of estuary users.

Click here to see the Public Awareness and Education Action Plan

Page last updated on: 04/09/2001