References | Objectives | Lead Body | Cross References |
A1 | To ensure that existing and future rights of way are designated, managed and maintained appropriately to minimise potential trespass | Rights of Way Dept.-IWC | A3, R2, R4, PA1 |
A2 | To increase public awareness about the existing rights of way network and the effects of trespass | Rights of Way Dept.-IWC | NC4, PA2 |
A3 | To ensure that landowners and farmers are consulted over appropriate issues relating to present and future land use | Rights of Way Dept.-IWC | A1 |
C1 | To identify the means to establish alternative commercial opportunities and attract new businesses to the area | Island Partnership | A3, L1, NC1, NC2, NC4 |
C2 | To reserve, where appropriate, riverside land or areas of the harbour with adjacent deep water for river dependant activities | Planning Dept.-IWC | A3, L1, NC1, NC2, NC4 |
C3 | To maintain access channels and wharves, subject to technical and environmental considerations | CHC, NHA | HC1, HC2, NC4, P1 |
C4 | To investigate the feasibility of providing landing and storage facilities for the commercial fishermen registered at Cowes | CHC | |
C5 | To improve the tourism resource and actively promote tourism | Tourism-IWC | HC2, R3, PA1 |
C6 | To continue the development of strategies and the means of communication to ensure that conflict between commercial and recreational users is minimised | CHC, Planning Dept.-IWC | NC1, NC3, R4, PA2 |
F1 | To improve the quality of the oyster fishery | CHC, EA,IWC -Env.Health | NC6, W1, W2 |
F2 | To expand the knowledge of fisheries and fish populations in the estuary | MAFF, NFSA | RM1 |
HC1 | To safeguard the cultural resource | Archaeology Centre - IWC | C3, HC2, PA1, R1 |
HC2 | To promote survey, research and integrate historic information and data to achieve a thorough understanding of the historical and archaeological interest of the estuary | Archaeology Centre - IWC | C3, HC1, PA1, RM1 |
HC3 | To promote a better understanding of man made heritage resource | Archaeology Centre - IWC | C5, PA1 |
L1 | To maintain and enhance the estuarine landscape | Countryside Section- IWC | C1, C2, NC2 |
L2 | The preserve and enhance the open rural landscape | Countryside Section- IWC | NC1, NC3, NC4 |
L3 | To promote a high standard of maintenance of the estuary landscape | Issue dependant | C1, C2, P2 |
L4 | To promote enjoyment, awareness and understanding of the estuary | EO, Tourism –IWC | PA1 |
NC1 | To minimise the adverse impact of development on the nature conservation resource | Planning Dept.-IWC | C1, C2, L2 |
NC2 | To maximise opportunities to conserve and enhance the nature conservation resource | Countryside Section– IWC, | L1, PA1 |
NC3 | To ensure that the appropriate protection is given to designated areas of the estuary | EN | L2, PA1, PA2, RM2 |
NC4 | To minimise disturbance to estuarine habitats and wildlife in recognition of international obligations | EN | A2, C1-4, L2, P1, R1-2, R4, PA2, RM1 |
NC5 | To monitor and conserve the saltmarsh habitat and where appropriate encourage opportunities for re-creation | EN | L2, P1, RM1 |
NC6 | To achieve co-ordinated, comprehensive information about the nature conservation resource | EN | NC3, RM1 |
P1 | To develop a comprehensive knowledge base about the physical processes to inform and facilitate decisions | EO, CHC, EA | C4, NC4, NC5, RM1 |
P2 | To ensure the co-ordination of appropriate coastal protection and flood relief | EA, IW Centre for the Coastal Env – IWC | L3 |
R1 | To provide adequate and appropriate access onto the water | CHC, NHA, Wight Leisure -IWC | HC1, NC4 |
R2 | To improve the quality and provision of footpaths and cyclepaths | Rights of Way -IWC | A1, A2, NC4 |
R3 | To improve facilities for yachtsmen visiting Cowes and Newport Harbour and the Harbour Authorities moorings | CHC, Directorate of Env. Sve–IWC | |
R4 | To promote the responsible use of the estuary as a recreational resource while minimising the conflict with and between other users and interests | All User Groups | A3, C6, NC4, PA2 |
R5 | To improve the water quality of the estuary | EA, SW | W1, W2 |
W1 | To improve the treatment of wastewater within the estuary | EA, SW | F1, NC6, R5 |
W2 | To ensure that chemical pollutants do not significantly affect water quality | EA | F1, NC6, R5, RM1 |
W3 | To ensure that up to date and comprehensive plans to deal with any oil spill incident exist | CHC, Centre for the Coastal Env-IWC, | NC5, RM1 |
PA1 | To increase public awareness and understanding of the estuarine resource | EO | A2, C5, HC1-3, L4, NC2,3,6 |
PA2 | To increase awareness and understanding of the range of estuary users | EO | A1, A2, C6, NC4, R4 |
RM1 | To develop and co-ordinate programmes of research and monitoring | EO | F2, HC2, NC3, 4,5, 7, P1, W2,3 |
RM2 | To develop and co-ordinate specific targets which will enable the success of the project to be monitored | EO | NC3 |
Page last updated on: 04/09/2001