Street Collections

Permits for street collections are granted by the Local Authority under the provisions of the Police, Factories etc (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1916 and governed by the Home Office Model Street Collection Regulations
Any collection to be undertaken in a street or a public place requires a street collection permit. This includes the area between a pavement and a shop door or privately owned shopping precinct.
It is an offence to conduct a street collection in any street or public place in the Isle of Wight without the benefit of a permit.
It is not the policy of this Council to permit more than one organisation to collect in the same area on the same date although every endeavor will be made to meet the requirements of individual organisation.
The Street Collections Policy was adopted by Isle of Wight Council Public Protection Committee at a meeting held on 7 August 1997. The policy will be used by the licensing authority in determining whether to grant a street collection permit.
The sale of articles, magazines etc in a public place for charitable purposes as part of a market or other such activity constitutes a street collection for which a permit would be required.
Permit holders are required to publish, at their own expense, an account of the collection proceeds in the Isle of Wight County Press.

Apply for a Street Collection Permit
Applications can be made on line on the Council’s website

No fee is payable.

Public Register

The public register of existing licences/consents/permits/registrations can be viewed on the Council’s website

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Page last updated on: 21/11/2012