Adoption of Chale Village Design Statement, Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Plan and Yarmouth and Thorley Community Plan as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

At the request of the local communities of Chale, Nettlestone and Seaview and Yarmouth and Thorley, the Isle of Wight Council has adopted the content of the community documents as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) within the Island Plan Local Development Framework.

The following documents were adopted by the Isle of Wight Council on 14 January 2013:

Background information can be viewed here.

Programmed SPDs

The Isle of Wight Council has reviewed the number and content of SPDs it proposes to prepare. These SPDs are listed below, but the Council will consider the preparation and adoption of other SPDs, should the need arise.

Planning Obligations SPD

The Planning Obligations SPD will flow from the policies within the Core Strategy and will clearly set out the contribution requirements towards items such as services, infrastructure and facilities that arise from new development on the Island. The contributions set will be reviewed annually through monitoring and, when required, will be revised to ensure that viability of sites is not adversely affected.

Green Infrastructure SPD

Green Infrastructure (GI) identifies sites which have particular landscape, biodiversity and/or recreational functions as a network. The GI network provides a high quality environment to be enjoyed for its landscape, biodiversity, historic, recreation and tourism value, accessibility, economic and health benefits.
The Green Infrastructure Strategy SPD will identify, deliver, manage and monitor the GI network on the Island. It will also provide the detailed guidance and delivery mechanisms for GI, including identification of areas of opportunity for expansion or improvements to the network.

Design Principles SPD

The Core Strategy policies require design to clearly demonstrate how it enhances the character and context of the local area. This SPD will provide further detail on how the requirements of policy SP1 of the Core Strategy will be delivered and will include information on design processes, pre application discussions and information required to accompany planning applications.

Local List SPD

The council has adopted a Local List of Buildings, Structures and Gardens of Historic or Architectural Merit (local heritage assets) and this SPD will provide advice on what information applications affecting local heritage assets should include.

Parking Guidance SPD

Through the Unitary Development Plan the council operated a system of Parking Zones across the Island; this established the parking provision required with new developments. The SPD will review parking guidance on the Island and update it in line with national guidance and local circumstances.

Flood Risk and Vulnerable Coastal Communities SPD

The council will produce an SPD that sets out how it will address the flood risk that faces the Island. For specific locations around the Island, which include regeneration areas and communities that will increasingly become more vulnerable to flooding due to the effects of climate change, this SPD will be developed to address long-term sustainability.

Page last updated on: 25/01/2013