Information Factsheets and Figuresheets

Please note: The information and data contained within these factsheets and figuresheets will be reviewed in line with the 2011 Census release – more information relating to the release is available here.

Community Safety

Community Safety Factsheet April 2012

This factsheet highlights key information relating to community safety on the Isle of Wight, including crime figures, youth offending, road traffic accidents, fires, environmental health and trading standards, as well as street and school pastors.

Demographics and Population

Demographics & Population Factsheet October 2011

This factsheet offers an insight to the population of the Isle of Wight, including the geography of the Island, latest population estimates (including age bands and gender splits), population change, and population projections.

Population Statistics Figuresheet, 2010 (PDF)

Population Statistics Figuresheet, 2010 (Excel)

This figuresheet gives the latest population statistics (for Mid-2010) from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This gives the Island population; broken down into age bands (for males and females), by single years of age (between 0 and 90 plus years). Also included are population changes from mid-2009 estimates, and population by Electoral Wards.


‘Indices of Deprivation 2010’ Factsheet June 2011

This factsheet explains the 2010 Indices of Deprivation and the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2010, focusing on the areas of the Isle of Wight which are considered to be most deprived, and why.

Click here to view maps showing deprivation on the Isle of Wight according to a number of domains, including housing, crime, education, health, income, living environment and overall.

The Church Urban Fund offers access to information on a range of poverty-related indicators for parishes in England – click here for more information.

Diversity and Equality

Diversity & Equality Factsheet June 2011

This factsheet explores the Island’s ‘diversity’. The characteristics of diversity (as defined in the Equality Bill 2010) on the Isle of Wight are discussed, including; Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Religion, Disability, Transgender Status, Sexual Orientation and Pregnancy & Maternity, as well as Marriage & Civil Partnerships.

Isle of Wight Council Workforce Profile September 2011

This figuresheet gives a detailed breakdown of the equality and diversity make-up of the Isle of Wight Council workforce.


Economy Factsheet February 2012

This factsheet highlights key economic information relating to the Isle of Wight, including statistics on employment, benefit claimants and disposable income.


Education (2010-11 Results) Factsheet April 2012

This factsheet details the 2010-11 academic (revised) results for Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, GCSEs and A-levels. Also included are areas such as class size and performance by gender. This will be updated as more academic statistics, results and information are published.

Education (2009-10 Results) Factsheet October 2011

This factsheet highlights some of the key statistics associated with education on the Isle of Wight, including 2009-10 academic results from Early Years to A-levels. Also examined are areas such as class size, performance by gender, performance by eligibility for free school meals, and attendance.


Environment Supplement – Eco Issues Factsheet September 2012
This factsheet highlights some of the key information and statistics associated with the environment on the Isle of Wight, including an explanation of the Eco Island concept, Carbon Dioxide and other emissions, household energy use, and recycling.

Environment and Highways

Environment and Highways Factsheet February 2012

This factsheet highlights key information relating to environment and highways on the Isle of Wight, including the geography of the Island, climate and weather, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), transport and accessibility, as well examining future challenges and demands.


Housing and Accommodation Factsheet June 2012

This factsheet highlights key information and statistics relating to housing and accommodation on the Isle of Wight, including house prices and sales volumes, housing affordability, homelessness, deprivation, fuel poverty and housing adaptation.

Average House Price and Sales Volume Figuresheet September 2012 (PDF)

Average House Price and Sales Volume Figuresheet September 2012 (Excel)

This figuresheet gives the most recent average house price and sales volume statistics (from Land Registry) for the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton, the South East and England & Wales.

Vulnerable Groups

Vulnerable Groups (Children) Factsheet June 2012

Vulnerable Groups (Adults) Factsheet June 2012

Vulnerable Groups (background and further information) Factsheet June 2012

These factsheets highlight key information relating to vulnerable groups on the Isle of Wight, including older persons and the elderly, those with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health issues. This factsheet includes separate adult and child versions, as well as a background and further information document including links to a variety of sources of information.

Page last updated on: 29/10/2012