
The Council has produced an updated version of the SHLAA, which includes an assessment of all new sites, in accordance with the methodology, and sites that have been removed, their category amended or other changes made. A number of sites have been reassessed following comments received on them through the Island Plan Core Strategy process.

The SHLAA is a technical exercise to inform the Island Plan. It does not allocate land for development, but examines the extent to which possible sites, including those suggested by developers, landowners and other parties are suitable, available and achievable over a given timeframe.

It is not an identification of:
(a) planning applications which have already been made, or about which there has been pre-application discussion between landowners or their agents and the Local Planning Authority; or
(b) planning applications that may be made subsequently.

The inclusion of sites within the SHLAA should not be taken to imply that the sites will be allocated for housing or looked upon favourably when determining planning applications. The decision to allocate sites will be taken in the Area Action Plans for each of the three Key Regeneration Areas and the Delivery and Management Development Plan Documents (DPD).

The Indicative Economic Viability Assessment of Potential Development Sites Identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment was submitted as an evidence based document in the Core Strategy Examination held in October 2011.

Previous versions of the SHLAA were published in October 2010 and April 2011.
SHLAA Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed here.

January 2012

Submission of New Sites

As the SHLAA will be reviewed as required to inform the Local Plan documents in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), the Council continues to welcome the submission of new sites which will be considered as part of the assessment.  If you would like to submit a site, please complete and return a land request proforma.  Submitted sites will be assessed as required to inform Local Plan documents in the LDS or when it is deemed necessary to comprehensively review the Council’s SHLAA.

Page last updated on: 01/11/2012