
Support planning and outcomes

Supporting People Support Planning

The Supporting People team worked with a group of providers to order develop a common support plan methodology which can be found in the documents below. As with all compromises, they will not exactly fit the needs of your organisation, however, they will form a good basis for sound practice. The documents are Contract and QAF level C compliant.

1.Assessment of Need - Policy & Process
2.Isle of Wight SP Team - Needs Assessment & Support Log
3.Minimising and Controlling Risk
4.Isle of Wight SP Team - Standard Risk Assessment
5.Isle of Wight SP Team - Support Plan

Outcomes Framework

A national Supporting People Outcome Framework for short term and long term services is now developed and being applied. The framework is based on the DFES ‘Every Child Matters’ 5 high level outcomes which are:
  • Economic Wellbeing
  • Enjoy and Achieve
  • Be Healthy
  • Stay Safe
  • Make a Positive Contribution.

Under each of these outcomes are several specific Supporting People indicators.

Outcomes for Short Term Services

The process involves completing a short-term outcome form for every service user who leaves a short term Supporting People funded service.

There are three possible methods of submission: online web entry (CROSS), free software (SP Digital), or exporting from the provider's own in-house computer system using the data specification provided by the Centre for Housing Research (CHR).

Short-Term Outcome information submitted to CHR undergoes validation and assessment. Any discrepancies are queried with service providers and resolved.

The Short-Term Outcome Framework provides key measurable outcomes that demonstrate the benefits being achieved by the delivery of support services funded by the SP programme.

Quarterly data sets are distributed to CLG and Administering Authorities.

Outcomes for Long Term Services

The process involves completing a long-term outcome form for every current service user in a long term service identified in the sample at the time of support plan review on an annual basis. Sampling instructions are available from the Client Record website.

Again, there are three possible methods of submission as outlined above.

Long-Term Outcome information submitted to CHR undergoes validation and assessment. Any discrepancies are queried with service providers and resolved.

The Long-Term Outcome Framework sampling approach offers a method to obtain a regular set of outcomes information delivering clear and consistent information about benefits and outcomes achieved.

Six-monthly data sets are distributed to CLG and Administering Authorities.

For Further Information

To access the SP Client Record website click here or contact the SP outcomes team at St Andrew’s on: 01334 461767 or email [email protected]

Page last updated on: 31/05/2011