

All providers of support services must demonstrate to the Supporting People team that they are suitable organisations to contract with.

The accreditation process is carried out every three years. There are 5 accreditation criteria which are used to ensure that providers:
  • Are financially viable
  • Have competent administrative procedures in place
  • Have effective employment policies in place
  • Have robust management procedures in place
  • Are competent to deliver services

Please use the following links for further information:

Accreditation of Providers of Supporting People Services Guidance

Accreditation Criteria

It is possible for providers to achieve some or all of the above criteria due to accreditation with other frameworks. If this is the case then providers can be 'passported' through the relevant sections. Details of this can be found in the passporting process document, which can be downloaded below.

Accreditation Passporting Process

Page last updated on: 04/03/2011