
Contract & Service Reviews

Services are monitored regularly to ensure that outcomes are being met for clients and value for money is demonstrated. A copy of our contract review policy can be found here: Isle of Wight Contract Review Policy

Service Reviews - Quality Assessment Framework (QAF)

In order to continually monitor standards providers must complete a QAF assessment every year. A date for return will be given to providers and the details verified before a certificate is issued to show the grade they’ve achieved.

Quality Assessment Framework 2009
Quality Assessment Framework - Core Service Objectives (Guidance)

Safeguarding Adults & Children

All providers must ensure that their policies and procedures are in accordance with the Isle of Wight multi-agency safeguarding adults practice guidance (October 2007) and the 4LSCB Safeguarding Children Procedures 2007.

Equality and Diversity

The QAF has a section on Fair Access, Diversity and Inclusion. This site contains a lot of information on equality and the legislation relating to this which can be found under Equality and Diversity.

On 1 October 2010 the majority of the new legislation under the Equality Act 2010 came into force. More information can be found on the Government Equalities Office website where the following documents are from:

Equality Act 2010
Equality Act 2010 Explanatory Notes
Equality Act 2010 Easy Read

Policies and Procedures

The following links may be useful when looking at the policies and procedures that an organisation needs to have in place to be QAF and contract compliant:

Business Continuity
Health and Safety Executive
Information Commissioners Office
Direct Gov – Employment

Page last updated on: 04/03/2011