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Documents beginning with the letter 'S'

Statement of Accounts 2009-10
File Size: 935kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

The council's full statement of accounts from 2009-10

Solent Coastal Habitat Action Plan
File Size: 696kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This Habitat Action Plan has been prepared through consultation with a range of organisations and specialists within the Isle of Wight BAP Partnership. It covers a ten-year period from 2004-2014, with a review in 2009. This action plan embraces a number of estuarine and coastal habitats that are identified as individual habitatstypes within the UK BAP. The plan will assist in ensuring that national objectives for coastal and estuarine habitats identified under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan are translated into effective action on the Island, taking into account local issues. The habitats occur in the major estuaries and along the Solent coastline.

Strategy for a Thriving Third Sector on the Isle of Wight
File Size: 553kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight NHS, together with the Isle of Wight Rural Community Council and the Voluntary Sector Cabinet, have asked Island residents, including our voluntary and community organisations (VCOs), how we can create a thriving third sector on the Isle of Wight. This strategy reflects what people have told us. It sets out what we want to achieve and a way of meeting the many national and local objectives for our community including Eco Island, our Sustainable Community Strategy.

Statement of Licensing Policy 2010-13 Gambling Act 2005
File Size: 205kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This document sets out the Isle of Wight Council’s policy, for the next three years,
commencing on 31 January 2010, in respect of its licensing functions under the
Gambling Act 2005. Hereafter, the Isle of Wight Council shall be referred to as the
‘Licensing Authority’. During this three year period the Policy will be kept under
review and may be revised by the Licensing Authority at any time.

Statement of Licensing Policy Licensing Act 2003
File Size: 326kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This document sets out the Isle of Wight Council’s “Licensing Authority’s” policy, for the next three years, commencing on 7 January 2008, in respect of its licensing functions for the sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment. During this three year period the Policy will be kept under review. Where any amendments are considered necessary, these will only be made after consultation has taken place in accordance with Section 5(3) of the Act. Proper weight shall be given to the views of all those consulted. A list of consultees is reproduced at Appendix B. Further licensing statements will be published every three years thereafter. This Statement of Licensing Policy has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Guidance issued under Section 182 of the “Act”.

Street Collections Policy
File Size: 13kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Street Collections Permit

Street Trading Policy
File Size: 209kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This document sets out the Isle of Wight Council’s policy in respect of its licensing functions for street trading in the Isle of Wight.

Summary of accounts 2004-05
File Size: 154kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2004-05

Summary of accounts 2005-06
File Size: 3mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2005-06

Summary of accounts 2006-07
File Size: 171kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2006-07

Statement of accounts 2008-09
File Size: 710kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2008-09

Statement of accounts 2006-07
File Size: 664kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2006-07

Statement of accounts 2007-08
File Size: 700kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2007-08

Statement of accounts 2005-06
File Size: 554kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2005-06

Statement of accounts 2004-05
File Size: 221kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2004-05

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures - section 1 of 3
File Size: 216kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The purpose of the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures is to enable those working with adults to be able to recognise instances of abuse and to address them effectively as part of their core business.  This involves the prevention of abuse, early detection, protection and work with those adults following interventions to combat the abuse.

The Safeguarding Adults policy is divided into three sections:
Section one identifies the various aspects of abuse, the priority given to safeguarding adults at risk of abuse and the overarching roles and responsibilities of agencies.

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures - section 2 of 3
File Size: 249kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The purpose of the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures is to enable those working with adults to be able to recognise instances of abuse and to address them effectively as part of their core business.  This involves the prevention of abuse, early detection, protection and work with those adults following interventions to combat the abuse.

The Safeguarding Adults policy is divided into three sections:
Section two – The Procedures are a set of standards to support the roles and responsibilities of practitioners and managers.

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures - section 3 of 3
File Size: 319kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The purpose of the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures is to enable those working with adults to be able to recognise instances of abuse and to address them effectively as part of their core business.  This involves the prevention of abuse, early detection, protection and work with those adults following interventions to combat the abuse.

The Safeguarding Adults policy is divided into three sections:
Section three - Practice Guidance provides information about good practice in safeguarding adults work.

School Attendance & Legislation Guidance
File Size: 114kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

School Attendance and Legislative Guidance for schools

Safer Recruitment Policy
File Size: 659kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Elected members together with the senior management team are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, vulnerable adults and older people we work with and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is recognised that this can only be achieved through sound procedures, good cross council and interagency co-operation (including our partners) and the recruitment and retention of competent, motivated employees who are suited to, and meet the clearance requirements to work in the roles they undertake. The council has a statutory duty to appoint based upon merit.

Scheme for Financing Schools
File Size: 297kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

The funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 45-53 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

Statement of Accounts 2010/11
File Size: 897kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Final audited statement of accounts 2010/11

Statement of Accounts 2000-01
File Size: 285kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2000-01

Statement of accounts 2001-02
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2001-02

Statement of accounts 2002-03
File Size: 320kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2002-03

Statement of accounts 2003-04
File Size: 346kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2003-04

Single Equality Policy
File Size: 3mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This is a partnership document for equality and diversity between the Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust

Sensory Impairment Equality Impact Assessment
File Size: 125kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The Council currently has two separate contracts that provide support and advice to people with

a sensory impairment. The contract supporting people with sight impairment is run by the Isle of

Wight Society for the Blind whilst the other contract supporting people with a hearing impairment

is run by Action on Hearing Loss.

The intention is to bring together both of these services into one single contract and to provide

increased support to people who are deaf blind, children in transition who are not in education

and people with other related sensory impairments.

School HR Adviser - Who to Contact
File Size: 7kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The list provides you with the contact information for your relevant HR Adviser.

Statement of Accounts 2011-12
File Size: 2mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Final approved version

Statement of Accounts 2011-12 - approved signed version
File Size: 4mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts

Section 11 Council Tax Policy for Second Homes, Long Term Empty Properties and determining discounts for certain dwellings
File Size: 607kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Local Government Finance Bill 2012 amends the Local Government Finance Act 1992 allowing local discretion over the implementation of certain discounts and charges applied within the Council Tax regime.   The changes in legislation require the Council to determine the levels of discounts in respect of second homes, dwellings which are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished and dwellings which are unoccupied, substantially unfurnished and in need of repair.  Section 11 Policy

Stage 2 Equality Impact Assessment on Technical Reforms to Council Tax
File Size: 567kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

Equality impact assessment in respect of Technical reforms to Council Tax that apply to second homes and empty properties.