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Documents beginning with the letter 'G'

Gifts and Hospitality Guidance to Staff and Members - Version 5.13
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Guidance to staff and members is available in the Council's Constitution (page 161 - 166).

The public are entitled to demand of Local Government Officers and Members, conduct of a high standard. Public confidence in their integrity would be shaken were there the least suspicion that they could in any way be influenced by improper motives. It is a serious criminal offence for officers or members to receive or give any gift, loan, fee, reward or advantage for doing or not doing anything or showing favour or disfavour to any person in an official capacity. If an allegation is made in such circumstances, the burden of proof will fall upon the officer or member to show that they have not in any way been influenced by improper motives. For this reason it is most important for the Council to set clear guidance for all employees and members.

Guide to Parents Involved in School Admission Appeals
File Size: 75kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

This booklet is designed to help you understand what is involved in an independent education admission appeal on the Island.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application, you have the right to appeal to an independent, impartial and informal panel.  That is an appeal.  You do not have an automatic right to a place at the school of your choice.  Instead you have a right to state a preference for the school you wish your child to attend.  Sometimes there may not be enough places at the school for everyone who wants one.  If you are refused a place you have the right to appeal against this.

Grid Connection Study
File Size: 860kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

This report looks at the current electricity grid infrastructure on the Island (including mainland interconnectors) and considers the potential to connect new renewable energy generation. It looks at existing capacity on the network and where reinforcement might be required.

Guardianship Under the Mental Health Act 1983
File Size: 80kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The purpose of guardianship is to enable patients to receive care in the community when it cannot be provided without the use of compulsory powers. It provides an authoritative framework for working with a patient to keep him/her safe whilst achieving as independent a life as possible. Where it is used it must be part of the patient’s overall care and treatment plan.

Grievance Procedure - Incl. School Based Staff
File Size: 254kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

A grievance is an employee’s genuine belief that they have experienced some form of detriment within their work environment or employment. It is for the employee to show that a detriment has occurred. A grievance is not applicable where an employee simply disagrees with a Management, Service, Council or School decision. The purpose of the Grievance Procedure is to provide a fair and transparent process for individual employees to raise problems relating to their employment and to try to resolve these with their manager, or within their Service, Directorate or School.  Examples of issues that can be raised under this procedure include problems or concerns about working conditions, working relationships with colleagues, discrimination, organisational change, health and safety or new working practices.