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Documents beginning with the letter 'I'

Isle of Wight Anti-Bullying Strategy for Children
File Size: 274kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The aim of this strategy is to develop a framework that is consistent in its approach in preventing, responding to and monitoring bullying across schools and the Island community

Isle of Wight Local Compact 2005
File Size: 231kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

• It is recognised that a partnership is where all partners are equally important. This means mutual appreciation of each other’s roles and objectives as well as mutual acknowledgement of the constraints facing both the Statutory and the voluntary and community sector.
• The public sector acknowledges the independence and diversity of the voluntary and community sector and the Sector’s right to challenge, comment or campaign on policy and practice.
• The voluntary and community sector acknowledges the public sector’s statutory responsibilities and the constraints placed on it by central Government directives and performance indicators.
• The voluntary and community sector also recognises the decision-making role of elected members and their democratic responsibility to balance the needs of everyone on the Isle of Wight and work within the resources available.
• Both sectors will respect the confi dentiality of information, when given to it on that basis.

Isle of Wight Community Asset Transfer process. A 'How to' Guide for applicants
File Size: 239kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Local Government White Paper “Strong and Prosperous Communities” (2006)encourages Local Authorities to involve local people in shaping and delivering local services. This includes helping local groups and organisations to deliver public and community services by transferring Council assets to community ownership.

Isle of Wight Economic Strategy 2008-2020
File Size: 353kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The purpose of this Strategy is to set the course for the Island’s economy that will address our challenges and secure benefits for the Island’s communities. The South East Region has a strong regional economic strategy and framework. Our local strategy and policy framework will need to compliment this.

ICT Strategy
File Size: 687kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The ICT strategy describes how ICT will support the delivery of the corporate plan over the two year period from 1st April 2012 through to 31st March 2014.

Isle of Wight Broadband Plan
File Size: 912kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Government has the objective of stimulating private sector investment to deliver the best superfast broadband network in Europe together with increased coverage across the UK by 2015. Broadband infrastructure investment is vital to supporting the government’s economic growth agenda and this includes selective investment in rural and remote locations not served by traditional market mechanisms.

Isle of Wight Broadband Plan Approval Letter
File Size: 33kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Approval letter from Project Director BDUK

Isle of Wight Festival Impact Study 2008
File Size: 306kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

An Assessment of the Economic and Environmental Impacts of the 2008 Isle of Wight Music Festival.

Isle of Wight Children and Young People's Services Thresholds for Intervention (under review)
File Size: 149kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

Produced by the Isle of Wight Local Safeguarding Children Board, this document is primarly written for professionals who come into regular or daily contact with children or families and may have concern about a child, young person or unborn child.  This document does not replace best practice guidance which is already in place to inform effective and timely responses and intervention by social care staff, when and where required.

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment
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In April 2010 Local Authorities were required to complete a Local Economic Assessment (LEA) of their area. The aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of the local economy, pulling together a wide range of data and evidence to tell a story of place.  This guidance was revoked in July 2010, allowing local authorities greater scope to use the duty as they see fit. On this basis, the Island LEA will provide the Council and its partners with a robust analysis of local economic conditions that will be used to inform economic policies and interventions.  

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment Summary
File Size: 297kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

In April 2010 Local Authorities were required to complete a Local Economic Assessment (LEA) of their area. The aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of the local economy, pulling together a wide range of data and evidence to tell a story of place.  This guidance was revoked in July 2010, allowing local authorities greater scope to use the duty as they see fit. On this basis, the Island LEA will provide the Council and its partners with a robust analysis of local economic conditions that will be used to inform economic policies and interventions.  

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment Statistical Summary
File Size: 179kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Statistical Summary for the the Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment

IRMP 2012/15
File Size: 2mb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

Integrated Risk Management Plan 2012 to 2015