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Documents beginning with the letter 'P'

Pension Fund Annual Report 2009/10
File Size: 444kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension Fund Annual Report

Pension Fund Summary of Accounts 2009-10
File Size: 71kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of the Pension Fund Accounts for 2009-10

Prudential Indicators
File Size: 68kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The objectives of the Prudential Code are to ensure, within a clear framework, that the capital investment plans of local authorities are affordable, prudent and sustainable, and that treasury management decisions are taken in accordance with good professional practice. The framework requires that the Council sets and monitors its performance against a set of prudential indicators which are designed to support and record local decision making in these key areas.

Property Code of Practice
File Size: 62kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Strategic Asset Management (previously Property Services) provides the corporate property function for the Isle of Wight Council. In short this comprises Asset Management (the strategic overview and direction of travel of the Council’s property assets), Estates Management (property acquisitions and disposals, rent renewals, lease renewals, valuations), Building Maintenance (reactive and planned maintenance and repair, energy management) and Building Design (major capital building projects, project management).

Parenting Strategy 2008-2011
File Size: 404kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Isle of Wight Parenting Strategy identifies the type and range of support currently available for parents and families.

The Strategy informs the reader of the national and local context and gives details of the links with other significant documents.

Performance Management Framework 2010/11
File Size: 416kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Performance Management Framework measures the delivery of the Corporate Plan and underpins the Council’s key strategies. Its purpose is to ensure that appropriate and practical arrangements are in place to plan, deliver and review Council activities both ‘on the ground’ and at a strategic level in the most effective way, making improvements transparent and sustainable. This document is prepared to provide Elected Members and officers of the Council with an understanding of the principles and components of performance management and how they are employed in the delivery of its services, by the Isle of Wight Council. (May 2010 v1.0)

Preventing Homelessness Guide
File Size: 415kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Information on preventing homelessness

Paying for short stays at The Adelaide, ryde or The Gouldings, Freshwater
File Size: 73kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This leaflet explains to people using either The Adelaide or The Gouldings as to how they will be charged for their stay.

Plain English Guide
File Size: 349kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Plain English Guide for Staff

Pension fund annual report 2008-09
File Size: 413kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2008-09

Pension fund annual report 2007-08
File Size: 313kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2007-08

Paternity Provisions 2011
File Size: 177kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This Policy sets out the statutory rights and responsibilities of employees who wish to take paternity leave.

People Strategy
File Size: 954kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This strategy outlines our vision and commitments on how we will lead, manage, develop and support our people over the next three years. 

Based on our local context and what we have achieved so far, we have set ourselves six priority outcomes that are designed to develop our people and maximise organisational performance.  They are:


1.      Employing the right people, with the right skills to deliver good quality public services


2.      Excellent leadership and management


3.         Being a learning organisation


4.         A safe and healthy working environment


5.         Being recognised as a good employer


6.         Providing efficient and cost effective human resource advisory services


Parking Annual Report - FY2010-11
File Size: 6mb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

Parking Annual Report for the financial year to 31st March 2011.

Pay Policy
File Size: 3mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The pay policy sets out the Council's approach to the pay of its workforce for the financial year 1 April 2012 - 31 March 2013 in accordance with the requirements of section 38 of the Localism Act 2011.

Please note that this pay policy will only apply to non teaching staff at those schools which have opted into the Isle of Wight terms and Conditions 2012.

Private Fostering Equality Impact Document
File Size: 47kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The aim of the statement of Purpose is to:

Meet the requirements of section 44 of the Children Act 2004 and replace regulations( the Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005, which came into force on 1 July 2005.

It is designed to ensure the wellbeing of children who may be living by private arrangement with people other than close relatives.

Personal Budget Appeal Process
File Size: 31kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

Document outlining the appeals process for a personal budget

Parking Annual Report - FY 2011/12
File Size: 475kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

Parking Annual Report for the financial year 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012.  Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, the council has a responsibility to publish a report on annual performance of the parking service - this must be done within 6 months of the end of the financial year (end of September).

Pension Fund Annual Report 2010-11
File Size: 777kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension Fund Annual Report 2010-11

Pension fund annual report 2011-12
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2011-12

Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex Offenders
File Size: 146kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The council's policy statement on the fair and reasonable approach to dealing with ex offenders applications for work within the local authority