Apart from your insurance policy there is no automatic source of compensation
for people whose homes have been burgled. The police officer dealing with your
case should inform you inform you if someone is caught and charged for the burglary.
If the the burglar is taken to court and convicted they may br ordered to pay
you compensation.
For compensation to be appied for a court, you will be required to complete
a Frorm MG19, obtainable from the police. You cannot apply for a compensation
order yourself. Accurate details of your losses, with documentary evidence (eg
receipts) where possible should be given. The police will then pass the information
for the Crown Prosecution Service who will inform the court.
The court has to consider compensation in every appropriate case and decide
whether to order an offender to compensation, and if so how much. The court
must take into account the offender's circiumstances and ability to pay.
If the court decides to make an order it may not be for the full amount of your
loss. When an order is made the offender will be required to pay the money to
the court who will pass it on to you.
If you have been physically injured by the burglar, you can apply for compensation
under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme. It does not matter whether
the offender has been caught. There are however rules which will determine whether
or not you receive compensation and you can find out more from the leaflet "Victims
of Crime and Viloence, a Guide to the Criminal Injuries Comensation Scheme",
which is available from the police. Victim Support, Citizens Advice Bureau or
direct from:
The Criminal Injuries
Compensation Authority
Tay House
300 Bath Street
Glasgow G2 4JR