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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Minutes – Meeting 37
Arreton Community Centre
Thursday 6th September 2012

Present at the meeting:

Forum Members:
Mrs Sheila Weedall (Chairman)
Mr Mark Earp (Vice-Chairman)
Miss Janie Feakes
Councillor John Hobart
Mrs Margaret Honeybourne
Mr James Hewitt
Mr Christopher Bull

Mr John Gurney-Champion (guest)
Mr Alec Lawson (guest)
Mr Stephen Darch (guest)

Forum Secretary:
Darrel Clarke, Definitive Map Officer, IWC Public Rights of Way Section (PROW)

  1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • Apologies were received from David Farnham, Councillor Paul Fuller, Martin Gilchrist and Tricia Merrifield.
  • The minutes were approved as a true record of the last meeting.
(i) Dangerous Road Crossings: Janie Feakes confirmed that she had identified a number of locations where Bridleways and Byways meet roads in dangerous locations with poor visibility and lack of signage and road markings. She read out the list (copy attached to these minutes). SW suggested that this list be sent to Rights of Way and the other members agreed that this was the correct course of action. JH asked what the situation will be once PFI take over maintenance of the highways. DC confirmed that he understands that the PFI contractor will also be responsible for traffic management. SW referred to the dangerous situation at the Whitely Bank road and Bridleway NC31 and explained that it was reported to the Council five years ago with no action to date. CB referred to the Portsmouth to Brighton Road where lines are painted across the road to indicate the location of bridleways. He also referred to the Military Road where traffic travels very fast particularly motorbikes and there are a number of paths and bridleways that cross this road. SW said that verges need to be cut back more frequently so pedestrians can step back and walk along them rather than having to go out into the road and gave an example of the crossing at Yaverland – if the contractors had cut a few more yards then the tall nettles in front of a stile would have been cleared. MH said that she does not believe that the Council’s contractor is cutting back hedges as thoroughly as they used to as a week after they have been cut they have grown back. SD said that he has been told by the Council that paths are only cut twice a year. It was put forward whether JF’s list is work in progress and that further work should be carried out to add public footpaths before sending the list to the Council. CB said that he thought that the current list should be sent out now. JH agreed. SW therefore asked JF to send a copy of the list to her and a letter would then be drafted to Peter Hayward and copied to Alex Russell and Kevin Burton. (Action JF, SW & DC)
(ii) Schools: SW explained that she had given this matter some further thought and has come to the conclusion that it is not really an issue that the LAF should become involved with and that there are a number of other organisations that educate children on access to the countryside. ME explained that the Police visit schools to educate students on access to the countryside. A discussion then took place between the members regarding various problems in the countryside. JH explained that the powers of PCSOs have been increased and can issue £30 fixed fines for cycling on a footpath and can confiscate alcohol from under 18s and cigarettes from under 16s. The members agreed that the proposal should not be pursued by the Forum.
(iii) HUDDLE: SW and ME confirmed that they had both registered for HUDDLE and found it a useful source of information.
(iv) Litter Picks: SW explained that she had given this matter some further thought and like the situation in respect of schools, does not consider it something that the LAF should be actually organising. She further explained that it was an issue first raised by DF but unfortunately he hasn’t been able to attend the Forum since. SW proposed that the Forum could write to all Parish Councils to explain the problem of litter on the public rights of way and suggesting to them that they organise litter picks for their own parish. JH said that we could provide them with information - Mick Halliday, Community Officer is very helpful and can provide equipment. Contact could also be made with the CPRE. ME said the Keep Britain Tidy website is very useful and they can provide stickers for bins and sticks and bags for picks. JH said his view is that the issue is a moderate priority for the Forum. The members agreed the Forum should write to the Parish Councils and the CPRE to set out its concerns and suggest litter picks. (Action: SW & DC)
(v) DEFRA consultation: ME explained that unfortunately he had not had the chance to peruse this. The deadline for comments has now passed. ME confirmed that he would look out for the results of the consultation. (Action: ME)
(vi) LSTF: SW confirmed that the LAF have been included on the list of organisations to be fully consulted on the schemes. DC will check the date of the next meeting. (Action: DC)

  1. Any Declarations of Interest:
  • There were no declarations of interest.
  1. Disability Sub Group update:
  • No update was possible due to the absence of AN.

  1. IW Bridleway Group update:
  • JF confirmed that the Group are continuing to focus on Bridleway access points and visibility splays. The Group are disappointed as they have been told that PROW will be dealing with it but there is no action to date. A particularly dangerous location is Bridleway NC31 at Island View and riders are having to avoid this. The Group is also concerned that the character and surfaces of bridleways are being significantly altered where they pass through urban areas. R67 at Caws Avenue was given as an example where a grass track through a housing estate has recently been obliterated by the laying of chalk and gravel. They are concerned that the next step will be to tarmac it. The Group wishes to ensure that steps are taken to preserve the character of bridleways in other locations where housing development is proposed and taking place, for example Pan in Newport.
  1. Public Rights of Way update:
  • DC was pleased to report that PROW have a new team member, Jennine Gardiner who was recruited a few weeks ago. She formerly worked in the Council’s Traffic Team and is therefore well versed in Council procedures and has a good understanding of highways law and practice generally. Jennine is presently being trained up on PROW work and will be a great help to the department which is very much welcomed. From the next meeting onwards Jennine will become the Forum’s Secretary but DC will still continue to attend at the meetings as the representative from PROW. In respect of Public Path Orders, Public Footpath N117 - New Fairlee Farm, has now been confirmed and the new route bypassing the farm yard and buildings will be open on 1st October. Public Footpath R57 – Busy Bee Garden Centre, an order has just been made to divert this path – a minor variation which has become necessary following construction of the new access road to Busy Bee. In respect of Long Term Closures, Jennine dealt with road closures and Traffic Regulation Orders when she worked with the Traffic Team and she will be dealing with the permanent Traffic Regulation Orders required for PROW long term closures. PROW are also continuing to work towards reopening as many of the long term closures as possible before the June 2013 deadline imposed by the Secretary of State (a schedule of the closures and proposed action was circulated – a copy is attached to these minutes). JH mentioned his concern regarding N59 and that the dangerous wall situation could easily be resolved by its removal and that a permanent TRO for this path is not necessary. DC confirmed that Alex Russell has asked him to pursue this matter with Property Services and the School.

  1. Any other business:
  • SW confirmed that she will be standing down as Chairman and as a Member of the Forum in March 2013 and that thought needs to be given by all members as to a replacement. Recruitment of new members was also discussed and DC confirmed that another round of recruitment will take place at the beginning of 2013. SW confirmed that the appointment of a new Chairman and recruitment of new members will be discussed further at the December meeting. (Action: All Members)
  • SW explained that she was consulted by a number of beach hut owners and local residents in respect of Public Footpath BB40 at Forelands. The new owner of the café is preventing access across a concrete platform which has been used by the beach hut owners and locals for many years. PROW have confirmed that BB40 does not run across the concrete platform. It is up to the beach hut owners and the local residents if they wish to make an application for a Modification Order adding the route across the concrete platform as a public footpath to the Definitive Map.
  • JH reported a possible cycle route running from Sainsbury’s, along Petticoat Lane then through the grounds of the Church of England Primary School and Victoria Recreation Ground to Wellington Road. The proposal has been sent to Councillor Giles.
  • ME reported that Satellite Navigation Systems are directing tourists through the fords at Carisbrooke. SD explained that the software on Sat Navs must be kept up to date and the device settings need to be correctly set up. CB explained that the Sat Nav companies welcome up to date information from local authorities.

  1. Next meeting:
  • The next meeting will be at 4pm on Thursday 6th December 2012 at Arreton Community Hall.

End of meeting.

Isle of Wight Bridleways Group list of dangerous crossing points

N137 crossing to N137a No Slows on the road, No horse Warning signs No broken white line marking the accesses.

SW 49 crossing to SW51 No Slows on the road No horse Warning signs No broken white lines marking the accesses

This crossing is on the crest of the hill as drivers approach Shorwell or leave Shorwell and has very poor visibility on the Eastern side. (SW49) overgrown and a sply required.

Lynch Lane, Brightstone to Calbourne Road
Byway Crossing BS10 crossing to BS44. No slows on the road No Horse warning signs and no broken white line marking access points.

Lynch Lane-Calbourne Bottom
BS9 Crossing to CB17 No Slows for drivers heading up hill No Horse signs No broken white lines marking the access points.

On the main Newport to Freshwater road some of the field entrances on this road are marked with broken white lines but not consistant.

S21crossing No Slows on the road relevant to this crossing No Horse signs and No broken white lines marking the access points.
Riders heading from north to south on this route have their vision completely obstructed by a hedge and it is on a slight bend in the road.
Also no road end Bridleway sign on the North side.

S19 Crossing No Slows No Horse signs No broken white lines marking access points
Riders heading from the south to the north have their vision obstructed by the hedge.

Also Scotchells Brook on the Sandown Road.

NC31 crossing the main Shanklin Road just past Whitley Bank. This was brought to the attention of ROW around 5 years ago and it has still not been touched.

With the increase of volumn and speed of traffic and the fact that more cyclists and walkers are using Bridleway routes should there be a more consistant policy on signing and road markings relating to crossing points?

Long Term Path Closures

Start date
Expiry date
Bembridge Coastal
Negotiations underway with landoweners to reinstate further inland
Whale Chine
permanent TRO to be processed
Gurnard Luck
sea wall unsafe
permanent TRO to be processed
Carisbrooke Church
dangerous wall
repair in financial year 2012-13 or permanent TRO if not feasible
River Medina -east
dangerous bridge
permanent TRO to be processed (bypass constructed and available)
permanent TRO or extinguishment order to be processed
permanent TRO to be processed
permanent TRO to be processed (remake order to close coastal slope only)
permanent TRO to be processed
permanent TRO to be processed
permanent TRO to be processed
Tunnels Path, Niton
dangerous wall
proposal to repair wall and reopen path in financial year 2012-13
Priory Bay (wood)
ground conditions
removal of rotten boardwalks and possible replacement or ground works
repair in financial year 2012-13 or permanent TRO if not feasible
proposal to reinstate path in financial year 2012-13

Page last updated on: 28/09/2012