
Agenda – Meeting 37

Venue – Arreton Community Centre

Thursday 6th September 2012 at 4pm

1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • (i) Sub group to identify dangerous road crossings (item 1.3 of previous minutes - JF & AL)
  • (ii) Providing Schools with information on access to the countryside (Item 1.4 - SW & AN)
  • (iii) HUDDLE registration (Item 1.5 - SW & ME)
  • (iv) Litter picks (Item 1.8 - SW & DC)
  • (v) DEFRA consultations (Item 7.1 - ME)
  • (vi) LSTF consultation (item 7.2 - SW & DC)

2. Any Declarations of Interest.

3. Disability Sub Group update.

4. The Isle of Wight Bridleway Group update.

5. IWC Public Rights of Way update.

6. Recruitment (including appointment of new Chairman in March 2013).

7. Any other business.

8. Confirm date, time and venue of next Meeting.

Page last updated on: 28/09/2012