Animal Boarding Establishment

The keeping and running of animal boarding establishments (catteries and kennels) is controlled by the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963.
No person may keep a boarding establishment for animals without first obtaining a licence from their Local Authority. Keeping of such establishments is defined as the carrying on at any premises, including a private dwelling, of a business of providing accommodation for other people's cats and dogs.

Council duties
The licence is granted at the discretion of the local authority which may take into account the suitability of the accommodation and whether the animals are well fed, exercised and protected from disease and fire.

Further Information
Further information is available from the DEFRA website.
Apply for a Licence
Applications can be made on line on the Council’s website

A fee must be paid at the time an application is made. The fee covers the cost of administration, inspection and enforcement activity.
Public Register

The public register of existing licences/consents/permits/registrations can be viewed on the Council’s website

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Page last updated on: 16/11/2010