Norovirus – The Facts

Norovirus as the name suggests is a virus and is the most common cause of diarrhea and vomiting in England and Wales.

It is often referred to as the 'winter vomiting bug' due to its seasonality and typical symptoms. The disease is more prominent during the winter months but infections can occur at any time of the year. 

The illness is generally mild and people usually recover fully within 2-3 days. There are no long term effects that result from being infected.  However outbreaks are common as norovirus is highly infectious so it is important that you do not wait for several cases of sickness and diarrhoea to occur before you put controls in place.

It is not always possible for business (in particular accommodation providers) to prevent the initial infection coming into the premises however it is important to BE PREPARED as swift and effective action is essential to prevent/minimise the number of cases/outbreak. 
This is best achieved with some forward planning and the Isle of Wight Council environmental health department has created a practical guide to controlling norovirus and other viral infections in hotels and other accommodation a copy can be found by clicking here.

The likelihood of an outbreak becoming established may be significantly reduced by an effective action plan, so be prepared

Page last updated on: 06/03/2012