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The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. “Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people.” Para 56 NPPF

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

The National Planning Policy Framework was published on 27 March 2012. This is a key part of Government reforms to make the planning system less complex and more accessible, to protect the environment and to promote sustainable growth. One of the core planning principles of the NPPF is that local authorities should always seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings; Para 17 NPPF

“Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions”. Para 64

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Government Guidance on heritage assets

The NPPF supersedes Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (PPS5) as Government Policy on the management of change to the Historic Environment in England.
Please note, the PPS5 Practice Guide remains a valid and Government endorsed document pending the results of a review of guidance supporting national planning policy. The references to PPS5 policies in this document are obviously now redundant, but the policies in the NPPF are very similar and the intent is the same, so the Practice Guide remains almost entirely relevant and useful in the application of the NPPF.

PPS5 Practice Guidance

Local Planning Policy

Policies referring to building design are contained in the Island Plan Isle of Wight Core Strategy section 7 Development Management Policies DM2 Design Quality for New Development and DM11 Historic and Built Environment

Island Plan Isle of Wight Core Strategy

Former Supplementary Planning Guidance SPGs and Supplementary Planning Documents SPDs

The following documents were adopted as SPGs to support the Unitary Development Plan (UDP). Now that the UDP has been replaced by the Island Plan Core Strategy, the SPGs are no longer formal guidance documents. However, the council will continue to use the following former SPGs as informal guidance documents where relevant:

Submitting Better Planning and Listed Building Applications

In order to give yourself the best possible chance of gaining planning permission, it is essential that you present your proposals fully, clearly and accurately. Failure to do so will result in the application being delayed or being refused which costs you time and money. Unless you have the necessary skills it is advisable to employ a qualified architect or planning consultant to act as your agent.
A short guide, Making Better Planning Applications and Making Better Applications for Listed Building Consent have been published by English Historic Towns Forum.

There are a wide range of design guides published by the Design Council CABE wed site

Design and Access Statements - how to write, read and use them.

The work involved in preparing a design statement corresponds with the steps normally carried out in a proper design process. A design and access statement should be a record of these steps. A design statement should not be a justification for a pre-determined design solution.
Guidance notes about Design and Access statements are issued with Planning Application forms but further information can be found on the CABE wed site

Building in the Historic Environment


Designing new buildings in the historic environment requires exceptional skill says:
“Local planning authorities are encouraged to seek well-conceived and inspirational design that is founded on a full understanding of local context”. Para 44 PPS5 Practice Guidance

Further guidance on designing for historic environments can be found in Building-in-context New Development in Historic Areas by CABE.

Manual for Streets

The Manual for Streets (MfS) supersedes Design Bulletin 32 and its companion guide Places, Streets and Movement. Manual for Streets is predominantly for the design, construction, adoption and maintenance of new residential streets but is also applicable to existing residential streets subject to re-design.

MfS aims to assist in the creation of streets that:
  • Help to build and strengthen the communities they serve.
  • Meet the needs of all users, by embodying the principles of inclusive design.
  • Form part of a well-connected network.
  • Are attractive and have their own distinctive identity.
  • Are cost effective to construct and maintain; and
  • Are safe.

By Design – Urban Design in the Planning System

By Design is intended as a companion to the PPGs and PPSs now formally replaced by the NPPF It aims to encourage better design and thinking about urban design.

By Design – Urban Design in the Planning System: towards better practice sets out the following seven design objectives:
  • Character – a place with its own identity
  • Continuity and Enclosure – a place where public and private spaces are clearly distinguished
  • Quality public realm – a place with attractive and successful outdoor areas
  • Ease of Movement – a place that is easy to get to and move through
  • Legibility – a place that has a clear image and easy to understand
  • Adaptability – a place that can change easily
  • Diversity – a place with variety and choice

Building a Better Environment


Practical advice on adding value to your site can be found in a document called A guide for Developers Building a Better environment

“We know that development doesn’t have to harm the environment. Well located, planned and designed, it can actually make improvements to the environment and provide a better place to live.”

A guide for developers is an essential tool to use in the early stage of development. It provides Environment Agency advice on making sure development contributes to the long-term environmental quality of our Island.

Last updated 2/10/2012

Page last updated on: 02/10/2012