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The Isle of Wight Biodiversity Assessment and Audit, Wildlife of the Isle of Wight published in July 2000, describes the habitats and species of particular conservation concern on the Isle of Wight.

Building on this report, a series of Habitat Action Plans have been produced to provide a framework for action to conserve and enhance the Island’s biodiversity. These plans have link in with the national Habitat Action Plans.

The majority of these plans have been written by Jonathan Cox, under the direction of the Isle of Wight Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group. Many organisations have been consulted in their preparation, to ensure that they receive support from those who will have the responsibility for carrying out the actions they propose. A list of Steering Group members and the wider IW BAP Partnership is included in this document.

It is considered that, in the majority of cases, the actions proposed in these Habitat Action Plans will also meet the requirements of the species associated with them. A small number of Species Action Plans may be produced for species with particular requirements.

The current IW Biodiversity Habitat Action Plans are:
Each Habitat Action Plan follows the format:
  • Introduction
  • Current Status
  • Current factors affecting the habitat
  • Current Actions
  • Objectives and Targets
  • Proposed actions

The objectives are based on the following principles:

  • Ensure no further loss or degradation of the habitat
  • Increase the extent of the habitat
  • Improve the quality of the habitat
  • Ensure the needs of the species associated with the habitat are met
  • Improve the knowledge of the habitat, and its associated species by survey, research and monitoring
  • Raising awareness

The actions are grouped under the headings:

  • Habitat protection
  • Habitat management, incentive schemes and other resources
  • Species action
  • Survey, research and monitoring of the habitat and its associated species
  • Communication, publicity and awareness across all sectors of society

The progress of each plan will be monitored annually and reported to the Steering Group. Each plan will be reviewed and revised as appropriate at five-yearly intervals.

The Biodiversity Action Plan is a working document and will be subject to change, particularly as new information becomes available. The species tables produced in the audit of July 2000 have been reviewed in the light of further information received from local specialists, and as a part of ongoing survey work. Further revisions will be produced as necessary.

The Isle of Wight Biodiversity Partnership

The production of the Isle of Wight Biodiversity Action Plan has been overseen by a Steering Group made up of representatives of the following organisations:
  • Country Land and Business Association
  • Natural England
  • Environment Agency
  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
  • Island 2000 Trust
  • Isle of Wight Council
  • National Farmers’ Union
  • RSPB
The majority of the plans have been written by Jonathan Cox of Jonathan Cox Associates, Fig House, Poles Lane, Lymington SO41 8AB

A wider partnership of interested organisations has also been formed and it will be instrumental in the implementation of the plans. This partnership includes the following organisations:

Bardon Vectis
Bembridge and St Helens Harbour Association
Branstone Farm Studies Centre
British Entomological & Natural History Society
Butterfly Conservation
Creasey Biles and King
Diocese of Portsmouth (Church of England)
English Heritage
Environment Concern
Environmental Education Providers' Group
Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group
Forest Enterprise
Forestry Commission
Friends of Parkhurst Forest
Friends of the Earth
Godshill Organics
Highfield Farming Consultancy
Horticultural Association
Hose, Rhodes and Dickson
I W Centre for Coastal Environment
IW Estuaries Steering Committee
IW Freshwater Angling Association
I W Natural History & Archaeological Society
IW Rural Community Council
IW Sports Council
IW Woodland Forum
Island Conservation Volunteers
Isle of Wight Gardens Trust
Island Waste Services
Isle of Wight Ornithological Group
Isle of Wight Partnership
Isle of Wight Society
Isle of Wight Badger Group
Kingston and Grist
Land Heritage Trust
Medina Valley Centre
Ministry of Defence
National Federation of Sea Anglers
Ornithological Breaks
Practical Habitat Management
Ramblers' Association
Solent Forum
Solent Protection Society
Southern Water
Sustainable Tourism Forum
Undercliff Society
Ventnor Botanic Garden
Ventnor Regeneration
Western Yar Action Group
Wight Conservation
Wight Green Centre
Wight Leisure
Wight Nature Fund
Wight Salads
Wight Squirrel Project
Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners

Page last updated on: 27/05/2009