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Neighbourhood Planning

The Localism Act received Royal Assent in November 2011 and includes a new right for communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan.

The role of the Council in neighbourhood planning is twofold. Firstly, as you are developing your plans, it is simply to provide technical advice and guidance to you. Secondly, it has a role in designating the “neighbourhood” and in the legal process of adopting the Neighbourhood Plan. For further information please go to our Neighbourhood Planning page.

Community Led Planning

As well as the new Neighbourhood Plans, local communities can still produce other types of community led plans e.g. Parish Plans and Village Design Statements (VDSs) which reflect local character identity.

The Council is committed to the concept of locally appropriate development which clearly reflects and enhances local character and distinctiveness and is keen to work with local people in the production of these documents.

The following guidance notes will assist groups in the production of their Community Led Plan:

Local Voices, Island Issues – A Guide on How to Develop Your Community Led Plan (Isle of Wight Council, November 2009)
Isle of Wight Community Planning Guide Resources Pack (Isle of Wight Council, October 2006)

A new website giving details of community led planning on the Isle of Wight and in the south east has been launched.  The website at www.clp-se.org.uk is being managed locally by John Brownscombe on behalf of the Isle of Wight Rural Community Council and he can be contacted by email at [email protected] or on 01983 524058.

Community led planning is about communities agreeing a shared vision and priorities for their area.  This often leads to the publication of a parish or community plan.

Existing Parish Plans and Village Design Statements can be viewed here.

Housing Needs Survey Guidance

What is a Housing Needs Survey? 

A Housing Needs Survey asks residents questions about their current housing situation and their possible housing requirements for the future. They are designed to discover what kind of housing people require both for themselves and family members who may want to form households, and whether the type of housing available in their area is affordable.

Housing Needs Surveys are not just about building new housing or expanding rural districts, but are a tool to determine whether the available housing is suitable for the changing needs of your community. For example, if there is provision of sufficient specific housing for families or older people.

Therefore, by carrying out a Housing Needs survey a within your parish, you can ensure that as a community you are able to plan ahead for future housing provision and that any plans proposed are based on accurate information to better meet the needs of your local community. 

How do we know that the answers provided will give us an accurate picture of actual need? 

The Council has ensured that the suggested Housing Needs Survey questions conform to the latest Government guidance and best practice. It is designed so that a good response rate will produce results that reflect your residents’ current housing circumstances and identify their housing needs for the future.

The following guidance will assist communities in carrying out Housing Needs Surveys:

Local Development, Island Needs (February 2012)

Knowing Your Place

English Heritage has published guidance on incorporating local distinctiveness and heritage for communities. With sections on energy efficiency and good design it will be a helpful introduction to anyone taking forward a village or parish plan. It also promotes community led conservation area appraisals (p20), the use of redundant historic buildings to meet community needs and how communities can develop interpretation and take action to enhance their streetscape.  It is called “Knowing Your Place” and can be downloaded here.

Planning Aid England

Parish and Town Councils who are looking to produce a Community Led Plan can get free advice from Planning Aid England. Planning Aid England provides free, independent and professional town planning advice and support to communities and individuals who cannot afford to pay planning consultant fees. It complements the work of local planning authorities, but is wholly independent of them.

For further information, please contact the Planning Aid Adviceline on 0330 123 9244 or [email protected] Alternatively, you can view the Planning Aid England website.

Page last updated on: 02/07/2012