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How will I know that a planning application is going to be considered by the Planning Committee?
If you have written in any kind of representation the Public speaking administrator will write to you 10 days before the application is due to be heard at the Planning Committee

Who should I talk to if I want to speak at a meeting?
Please contact the public speaking administrator on (01983) 823852

Does everyone have the right to speak?
Only the people connected with the application or the people who have written to the Council about the application, within the prescribed time period specified in the publicity and before the agenda is finalised, will be able to speak.

If I have do not write in to the Council by the time the agenda is finalised can I speak?
No however you can still put your views in writing to the Council, the officers produce a late representations sheet which includes information and letters received after the report has been finalised which is handed to all members and officers at the meeting.

Can I ask someone else, for example a professional agent or a friend, to speak on my behalf?
Yes you can, it is recommended that if there is a group of people then they nominate one speaker, if you want to nominate someone to speak on your behalf you will be asked to provide a written statement confirming this.

What happens if I did not register to speak before the deadline given or I am not available on the day of the meeting?
If you wish to make a particular point on a planning application then you need to contact someone else who has successfully booked a slot to speak on that item, they may be willing to raise your comments along with their own. The public Speaking Administrator with make every attempt to put you in touch with each other so that everyone’s views can be heard.

Where are the meetings held?
Normally in the Council Chamber at County Hall, High Street, Newport

How will I know when to speak?
The chairman to the Planning Committee has a list of all names of speakers and which item they are speaking on, you will be introduced and invited to speak in turn.

How long will I get to speak?
for each application on the agenda the time is divided between three groups, each group getting a total of 3 minutes.
1) Objectors to the application
2) parish/Town Councils
3) The applicant/Agent/Supporters of the application
a maximum of three people in each group, and the time is divided equally between them ie 3 people have 1 minute each, 2 people get a minute and a half etc.

If there are 3 speakers and I chose not to speak can I allocate my minute to one of the other speakers?
No, if you decide not to speak then your time will be shared equally between the remaining speakers.

If I am not speaking at the meeting can I still attend?
Yes members of the public are always welcome to attend and listen to the debate , they will be shown to the public gallery which overlooks the Council Chamber.

Can I give the councillors a written statement, plans, diagrams or photographs during the meeting?
No, as the council has to make sure that all parties have an equal right to respond to the points that others may be making; it is not possible to introduce new information at the meeting, You can however ask for the planning officer to display materials to be shown during your presentation if that would help you. The planning officers have copies of some of the plans and digital photographs which have been taken on site.

If you require further assistance please contact Marie Bartlett (tel: 01983 823852) or email Marie Bartlett

Page last updated on: 30/10/2007