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International Site Designations

Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Areas land and open water of international importance designated under the EC Habitats Directive for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, which are considered rare or endangered and are recognised as being under particular threat. In the U.K., the Government has decided that all land areas included will already be SSSIs but that SACs may include areas at sea.

Special Protection Area (SPA)
Areas of land and wetland of international importance classified under the EC Birds Directive to conserve the habitats of rare and migratory wild birds. In the UK Government have agreed that SPA designations will only be applied to areas which are also SSSIs. The designations in the UK therefore only relate to areas above mean low water.

Ramsar Site
Sites identified by the signatory states to the International Convention at Ramsar, Iran in 1971, for the protection of internationally important wetlands and wildfowl habitats. In England, the sites are identified by Natural England on behalf of DEFRA.

National Site Designations

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Areas of land of special scientific interest notified by Natural England under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, as amended. The national SSSI series provides statutory protection for the best examples of the UK’s flora, fauna, or geological or physiographical features. Many SSSIs are also designated as sites of international importance (SAC, SPA and/or Ramsar sites).

Local Site Designations

Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
A series of non-statutory local sites designated to seek to ensure, in the public interest, the conservation, maintenance and enhancement of species and habitats of substantive nature conservation value. SINCs should include all areas of substantive value, including both the most important and the most distinctive species, habitats, geological and geomorphological features within a national, regional and local context.

Regionally Important Geological/ Geomorphological Site (RIGG)
Areas of land of importance for the conservation of geological and geomorphological features worthy of protection for their educational, research, historical or aesthetic importance.

In addition to the descriptions of designated sites, there are Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs - UK, regional and local plans) which identify priorities for the conservation of threatened habitats and species. Visit www.wildonwight.co.uk to find out more

Page last updated on: 27/05/2009