The Valuation Office (VOA)
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is responsible for allocating a council tax band to all domestic properties in England and Wales. A property’s council tax band is based on what it would have sold for, on the open market, on 1st April 1991 in England and 1st April 2003 in Wales. These are known as the valuation dates.

Further information is available from the website of the VOA or by contacting them at the following location:

Southampton Valuation Office
Overline House
Blechynden Terrace
SO15 1GW

Tel: 02380 538500

Local Council Tax Offices
The Building Control department notify the local council tax office of properties commencing and completing building work. This allows the council tax department to carry out investigations and assess whether the current banding of the property should be altered.

Recent News from the VOA
The VOA has recently informed us that customers are not aware that some properties occupied by one household (e.g. one family unit) are identified as consisting of more that one self-contained unit e.g an annexe for a relative.

In situations such as this, each unit must then be given a separate council tax band which is often an additional expense the customer may not have budgeted for.

You are therefore advised to consult the VOA at an early stage to avoid incurring any unexpected additional expenses.

General Council Tax Enquiries:
Revenues & Benefits
Council Offices
Isle of Wight
PO36 9EA

Tel: (01983) 823901
[email protected]

Page last updated on: 30/03/2009