
If you are struggling financially, having difficulty paying your rent or council tax or other expenses, it is worth checking to see if you are claiming all the benefits you are entitled to.

There are a few websites that you can visit to see what benefits you may be eligible to claim, these being:

These are general websites, and for more detailed information, you would need to contact the relevant benefit agencies direct.

You can also contact the local Citizens Advice Bureau on 0845 120 2959 or Law Centre on 01983 524715 to get further advice on benefits that may be available to you; or if you are aged 50 or over you can contact Age Concern Isle of Wight on 01983 525282 for benefits advice.

Below is a list of the main benefits that you may be eligible to receive, and contact details for the agencies that provide them:

The Department for Work and Pensions

Deals with a variety of benefits and services for people. Details of benefits available can be accessed via their website or you can contact the following individual offices for further information and to apply for these benefits:

Jobcentre Plus

Provides financial support for people who are aged between 16 and 65. There are a number of benefits available depending on your circumstances. Jobcentre Plus can be contacted on 0800 055 6688 or you can view their website at

The Child Support Agency

Part of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission and its role is to ensure that parents who live apart from their children contribute financially to their upkeep by paying child maintenance. For general enquiries they can be contacted on 08457 133 133 or via their website at

HM Revenue and Customs

Collects the bulk of UK tax revenue and also help support families and workers through the benefits and credits they administer. They are responsible for paying Child Benefit, Child Trust fund payments, and tax credits. To discuss tax credits call 0845 300 3900, for child benefit call 0845 302 1444. You can view their website at

The Local Pension Service

The Isle of Wight Council and the Local Pension Service are now working in partnership to ensure that older people on the Isle of Wight are aware of all their benefit entitlements. If you need assistance on completing an application form or information on any benefits relating to people over 60 years please phone 0800 917 9149. If you require a home visit please phone the above number. Other information relating to benefits is available from

The Disability and Carers Service

Assists with benefits and advice to those with disabilities and the people that care for them. They can be contacted for benefit enquiries on 0800 88 22 00 or by text phone on 0800 24 33 55.

Isle of Wight Council

  • Local housing allowance/housing benefit is designed to help you pay your rent if you are on a low income. The amount of benefit due to you is worked out by looking at how much money you have coming in, your personal circumstances, how much rent you have to pay, and the amount of savings you have.
  • Council Tax Benefit helps people on low income pay their council tax. If awarded, Council Tax Benefit is deducted from your council tax liability, reducing your bill. To claim Council Tax Benefit you must be the person liable to pay the council tax bill for a property.
  • If you have more than £16,000 in savings we cannot usually pay you any housing or Council Tax Benefit. Different rules may apply if you are in receipt of Pension Credits Guaranteed Credit, please ask for information.
  • Second Adult Rebate is a different kind of Council Tax Benefit. It can be claimed by anyone who does not have a partner, but only if they do not qualify for Single Person Discount because they share their home with another person, who is 18 or older, is on a low income and does not pay them rent.
  • Second Adult Rebate will depend on the financial circumstances of the other adults living with you; your own income will not be used. The maximum you can receive is 25 per cent of your council tax liability.

All of the above can be applied for, or further information given about, by calling the council on 01983 823950 or by viewing the council’s Revenues and Benefits pages.