How to search on the internet

If you are trying to find information on the internet, use one of the sites listed here. All of these only include sites that are for children, so you won't find things that are too hard for you.

Ask Jeeves for Kids This is the children's version of a popular search engine. A search engine is something that will search the whole internet for you, and give you a list of the sites that are most likely to help you answer your question. You don't have to know any special computer language. Just type in your question - e.g. "why is the sky blue?" - and Jeeves will help you answer it.

Yahooligans! This is a little bit different from Ask Jeeves. Yahooligans has already searched the web and found lots of sites it thinks you will find useful, and then grouped them together by subject.

The Homework Elephant has three sections. One has links to useful sites about a variety of subjects you might be doing at school, one has tips on revision, and one, called The Agony Elephant, is a place you can send in your own questions to be answered.

Page last updated on: 05/07/2005