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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Minutes - Meeting 35
Arreton Community Centre
Thursday 8th March 2012

Present at the meeting:

Forum members:
Mrs Sheila Weedall (Chairman)
Miss Janie Feakes
Mrs Gail Yardley
Mrs Margaret Honeybourne
Mr John Gurney-Champion
Councillor John Hobart
Dr David Farnham
Mr James Hewitt
Mrs Anne Noon
Mr Christopher Bull

Mr Martin Gilchrist (Natural England)
Mr David Ashcroft (Guest Speaker – Chariman of the Hampshire LAF)
Mrs Tricia Merrifield (Guest – IW Bridleway Group)
Mrs Alex Russell (Public Rights of Way Manager)

Forum Secretary:
Mr Darrel Clarke from the IWC Public Rights of Way Section (PROW)

  1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • Apologies were received from Mr Mark Earp and Councillor Fuller. No further apologies were received.
  • The minutes were approved as a true record of the last meeting and signed by the Chairman.
  • LAF logo. This was presented at the meeting and it was agreed that this would be used on LAF documentation in the future.
  • LAF website. It was decided that the proposed separate website for the LAF should not proceed but the LAF would continue to use its pages on the Isle of Wight Council PROW website.
  • PROW staffing. AR confirmed that the current proposal was to replace Lee Skinner, but the position will be on a lower salary scale. This is not yet approved but AR is hopeful that this would be agreed. AR confirmed that a member of the maintenance team has left due to ill health which means that only two operatives remain in the team.
  • Visibility Splays – Bridleway/Road junctions: SW confirmed that a letter was sent to Councillor Giles regarding this matter. A basic response was received (a copy of the reply was circulated to the Members). Councillor Hobart confirmed that he raised the issue at a recent AONB committee meeting. AR confirmed that the matter is to be looked into further. SW explained that the matter continues to be a general problem and a dangerous situation for riders which in most cases could simply be rectified with the cutting back of hedges. Councillor Hobart confirmed that hedge cutting has occurred at Whitcombe Road, Whitecroft which has greatly improved the situation on Public Bridleway N109.
  • Cross Newport Cycle Track: DC confirmed that the route will be painted green where the path is on a carriageway and around Coppins Bridge. Other than that it will not be painted.
  1. Any Declarations of Interest:
  • There were no declarations of interest.
  1. Presentation by Mr David Ashcroft:
  • DA introduced himself as a farmer and the current Chairman of the Hampshire LAF. He explained that Hants LAF has members from various interest groups including cyclists, horse riders, landowners and farmers. Each member represents their own interest and whilst they do not give up their interest they try to find ways of addressing problems and all members work towards agreement. The problem faced by many LAFs is making it work and avoiding simply attending the meetings and not really achieving anything. When he joined Hants LAF he formed workshops in respect of particular issues. Two groups are formed at the meetings and given an issue or a problem to discuss. They then come back and give a presentation to the LAF as a whole, swap ideas and come to an understanding and consensus as a Forum. An example of issues that are discussed would be signage, creating safe off road routes for children on horseback or an example for the IW LAF would be visibility splays. DA explained that the Forum should be used to address conflicts between user groups. SW enquired about consultations and the LAF being asked for advice. DA confirmed that the Hants LAF have to be proactive and give advice on issues that they are aware of and very rarely do the Local Authority come to the LAF and ask for its advice. DA went on to provide details of the Common Agricultural Policy and payments to farmers for allowing access/rights of way over their land and said that this is a scheme which could be investigated by IW LAF. MG also provided details of the Paths for Communities Scheme. DA explained that the IW LAF could make “Positional Statements” on certain issues/subjects e.g. visibility splays. He confirmed that Hants LAF are currently addressing stiles and disability/push chair access. DA explained that the LAF should use the expertise of its members and the success of LAFs is based on the amount off effort its members wish to input. If there is a particular issue (e.g. visibility splays) put the landowner and bridleway interests in a group to discuss, come to an understanding then network it out. Councillor Hobart asked DA if Hants LAF address long term closures of rights of way, for example if a landowner’s wall is in bad condition. DA confirmed that he was unable to answer this specific question but from his experience it is a matter of peer pressure as opposed to user pressure. MH asked DA how a problem involving locked gates and carriage drivers could be resolved. MG explained that Natural England have set up online assistance in the form of an electronic workspace for LAF members where answers to specific issues could be answered. The system is known as “Huddle”. AN enquired if Hants LAF have become involved in education e.g. educating the public on improving access from centre of towns to walks in the countryside and generally giving people knowledge and confidence to go out on walks. DA explained that the LAF could contact the Countryside Learning Organisation or encourage Schools to also include learning about access when visiting farms. The local paper could also be used to advertise health walks.

  1. Update from Martin Gilchrist of Natural England:
  • MG explained that he acts as a contact for the IW LAF into Natural England and DEFRA. He is a channel to feed information to these organisations and to provide information back to the LAF. He can also answer technical questions on the workings of LAFs. MG then explained and provided further details of the Paths for Communities Scheme and Huddle. The Paths for Communities Scheme is a competitive grant scheme (a total of £2m available). Payments can be made to establish a right of way which will benefit the rural economy. It is due to start on 1st April and he will provide further details to DC. Natural England has recently introduced the Huddle system to allow a Local Access Forum to network easily with other LAFs across England. Huddle is an online tool that all LAFs are welcome to use. At present each LAF can have up to three members registered and are able to add files and contribute to discussions/topics. It is hoped that next year all members will be able to login.
  1. Disability Sub Group update:
  • AN confirmed that she would like to continue working in this field following the retirement of David Howarth. She confirmed she will contact David for a full update and make a presentation at the next meeting. (Action: AN)

  1. IW Bridleway Group update:
  • JF confirmed that the Group was formed in September 2010 and membership is growing steadily. The Group was publicised at various summer shows and has recently created a Facebook page. They also hold other events to raise awareness e.g. pub quiz. This helps to advertise who they are and what they do. Their goal is to work along the same lines as the Isle of Wight Ramblers Association but for riders. They divide the group/island into 13 separate areas and each area has its own rep. Reports to the rep are forwarded on to PROW. They have received a good response from PROW. Block paths are cleared quickly and resurfaced where necessary. The group has made a bid under the BEF Hoof scheme supported by Sport England. The bid is for funding bridleway gates, leaflets and a marquee for events. They are waiting to hear if the bid has been successful.

  1. Public Rights of Way update:
  • DC confirmed that since the last meeting two projects have been completed, being steps leading down to the landslip at Devils Chimney (upper Bonchurch) and the clearing and widening of BS66, Gaggerhill Lane, Brighstone in order to restore an historic highway. The diversion order at the Botanic Garden (V90) has been confirmed and an order in respect of the diversion of the path at the Staplers Road and Long Lane junction leading to Furrlongs has been made this week. DC also confirmed that another 150 footpath and bridleway arms have been ordered.

  1. Any Other Business:
  • Appointment of vice chairman. SW explained that the Forum needs to appoint a vice chairman following the retirement of David Howarth and ideally the person appointed should be from a landowner interest. AN expressed an interest. SW confirmed that she had mentioned it to ME. DF proposed ME on the basis that ideally the vice chairman should be from a landowner interest bearing in mind that the Chairman is from a user group. Councillor Hobart seconded this proposal. SW confirmed that a letter of thanks should be sent to David Howarth for his support and enthusiasm as a Member and Vice Chairman. (Action SW & DC)
  • DF expressed his concern as to the amount of rubbish on the public rights of way. He brought with him a carrier bag full of rubbish which he picked up in one very small area on a public footpath. He suggested that the Forum should report the issue to the Council and that a way is found to clear it up. The Island is promoted as an eco island and this issue should therefore be addressed by the Forum. JF confirmed her agreement and also said that she is concerned about the amount of plastic bags containing dog excrement hung on tree branches and in hedgerows. Councillor Hobart also expressed his concern on the issue and stated that the problem occurs on Island highways as well and the litter seems to be created by locals and not visitors. A discussion on the subject continued and solutions put forward such as contacting CPRE, collecting rubbish on Walk the Wight, discussing with AONB and contacting schools. SW requested that this matter be added to the agenda for the next meeting and that all members give some thought on the issue so the matter can be discussed fully at the next meeting.
(Action: All Members)
  • AN raised a query regarding a bridleway around Borthwood and the fact that the surface was becoming very difficult for walkers. She enquired as to whether the Bridleway Group is going to take any action? SW confirmed that a bridleway is for use with horses and certain paths will become muddy during certain times of the year. MG explained that there are solutions for multi user routes.
  • MH raised a concern about access for carriage drivers. AR explained that the only Byway Open to All Traffic which is closed permanently to vehicles is the Tennyson Trail. MH said that she is aware that someone has been given permission to use a cycle track for carriage driving and has a key to the gate. AR confirmed that no permission has been granted by PROW and that cycle tracks are not wide enough for carriages.
  1. Next Meeting:
  • The next meeting will be at 4pm on Thursday 7th June 2012, Arreton Community Centre.

End of meeting.

Page last updated on: 28/03/2012