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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 34
Arreton Community Centre
Thursday 8th December 2011


Present at the meeting:

Forum members:
Mrs Sheila Weedall (Chairman)
Mr David Howarth (Vice Chairman)
Mr Mark Earp
Mr David Farnham
Mrs Anne Noon
Councillor John Hobart

Forum Secretary:
Darrel Clarke from the IWC Public Rights of Way Section (PROW)

  1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • Apologies were received from Mr John Gurney-Champion (Member), Martin Gilchrist (Naturual England) and Dawn Elderfield (Guest). No further apologies were received.
  • The minutes were approved as a true record of the last meeting and signed by the Chairman.
  • Public Footpath C31. DC confirmed that the LAF were able to write to the landowner but could not take any formal action. It was agreed that DC would draft a letter from the Forum to be approved by the Chairman. ME suggested the letter request access with horses but it was decided to concentrate on getting the footpath unobstructed before requesting any additional use. (Action DC & SW)
  • Hedge cutting enforcement. DC confirmed that letters, notices and procedures were all in place but no action is being taken by PROW due to lack of resources. The matter is the responsibility of the Maintenance & Protection Officer but he is too busy with actual work on the paths to be able to deal with this. SW asked whether one off letters could be sent. DC confirmed that this would be possible and does occur.
  • Cycle Path Surfaces. SW expressed her concerns with regard to the proposals for the use of public footpaths and bridleways being used as cycle tracks and that such paths would all be tarmac. She referred to the information leaflet published by Sustrans providing details on surfaces for cycle tracks.
  • Countryside Access for Disabled CD. DH confirmed that he had received this from PROW.
  • Website: DC confirmed that he had received authority from the Rights of Way Manager and Governance Manager for the IWC to fund the £40 per annum fee for setting up and running the LAF website. DH could now proceed. (Action DH)
  • IW Bridleway Group on British Horse Society Website. SW confirmed that she had provided the British Horse Society with an outstanding form which will lead to the IW Bridleway Group being shown on their website.
  • Rights of Way Staffing. SW explained that Councillor Fuller proposed to raise this issue at a Council full meeting. Councillor Hobart offered to find out the answer and report back. DH explained that he had written a few times to the Council regarding the matter. He had to make a complaint due to a lack of response. DH explained that he has recently sent a copy of a Mystery Walker Report carried out by the Ramblers Association to Edward Giles, Peter Hayward, Kevin Burton and others. The report involved 1600 volunteers and each volunteer covered 2 square miles. They monitored the paths and were looking at surface condition, obstacles, signs and over all enjoyment. 95% of the country were assessed as good or very good. The Isle of Wight was 118th out of 126 in the good or very good bracket. There were only 27 others lower than 126. The Isle of Wight received the following points out of 5: 3.3 for obstructions, 2.8 for signs, 3.3 for surfaces, 3.5 for overgrowth and 3.4 for welcoming. (Action Councillor Hobart)
  1. Any Declarations of Interest:
  • There were no declarations of interest.
  1. Disability Sub Group update:
  • DH reported that the Donate a Gate Scheme is going from strength to strength. Nine stiles have been replaced with gates at Rookley making a loop around the village. A new scheme is proposed for Shalfleet – one donation received so far out of nine. Five gates have been installed at Newtown. A circular walk around Wootton including N2 at Littletown is proposed, which will involve the installation of five gates in place of stiles, two to be replaced by PROW and one donation received so far from Isle of Wight Steam Two gates have been installed by PROW at Tapnell Farm on the new footpath link. There are six further gates to be installed which will result in a further easy access trail. The Alverstone Boardwalk easy access route is now open. AN raised a query about a missing section at one end where it was muddy. DH confirmed that this would be looked into. (Action DH)

  1. The Isle of Wight Bridleway Group update:
  • SW reported on behalf of Tricia Merrifield who is currently recuperating following surgery. The Group continues to grow from strength to strength. A scheme to replace bridle gates is being proposed and funds are to be raised. Each member of the group is being asked to nominate a bridle gate to be replaced. Many gates are in a poor state and/or position. SW explained the difficulties with opening and shutting gates with horses and having sufficient room to manoeuvre. Wooden gates are being trialled and if favourable PROW are to be consulted regarding their suitability.
  • The Group are investigating the possibility of more link up routes, for example use of small sections of public footpaths to avoid having to use the road. DH explained that there are proposals to set up an East Wight Landscape Partnership which is being suggested by AONB. They are looking for possible schemes and the Group may be able to get involved as there may be funding for smaller schemes. DH provided details of a possible scheme for a 3 metre wide track between Bembridge and Brading by the old windmill. ME commented that he hoped the new Partnership was organised properly from the outset and that it does not make the same mistakes as the West Wight Landscape Partnership did when it first operated and approached the Newport to Freshwater cycle track scheme in the wrong manner. DH explained that AONB are taking the lead on the new Partnership.
  1. IWC Rights of Way Section update:
  • DC reported that the new public footpath at Tapnell Farm is now open, two kissing gates had been installed and a sign post/public footpath arm. The IWRA are arranging for further gates to be installed along a route incorporating the new path which will lead to a further easy access trail.
  • A Diversion Order had recently been made in respect of Public Footpath V90 which basically diverts the path from along the cliff edge to a safer path within Ventnor Botanic Garden. The Order is being published and will be confirmed in the New Year if no objections are received.
  • PROW have been working with the IWRA and West Wight Landscape Partnership to carry out extensive repairs and surface improvements on pathsT24a and T27.
  • From the 1st January 2011 to date PROW have received approximately 750 defect/query reports.

  1. Any Other Business
(i) Recruitment Update: DC reported that seven applications for membership have been received following the recent advert in the County Press. Five of the applicants are from completely new people and the other two were from ME and DF. The new persons represented two horse and carriage drivers, one horse rider, one landowner and one general user (walker). Copies of the applications are to be forwarded to SW and DH for consideration. DC commented that it was unfortunate that a cyclist had not applied. SW confirmed that she would contact a possible candidate in this respect. ME mentioned that a 4x4 driver could be represented and Councillor Hobart suggested that the Chamber of Commerce/Tourism should be represented.
(Action SW)
(ii) LAF logo: The draft logos prepared by Lee Skinner of Signpost Express were then considered by the members. The second design was the clear favourite although reservations were made about the lettering. SW requested that DC ask Lee Skinner to provide variations of design number two with different fonts. (Action DC)
(iii) Copies of “Sustrans Information Sheet re Cycle Path Surface Options” were made available to the members.
(iv) SW explained that she recently met David Ashcroft, Chairman of the Hampshire LAF who did a very good talk at the BHS Access Conference. He has agreed to attend at the March meeting to give a talk to the IW LAF.
(v) Copies of “HUDDLE” help sheet published by Natural England were made available to the members.
(vi) Copies of “Paths Communities” email from Martin Gilchrist were made available to the members.
(vii) SW reported on an email from Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries, urging all Local Authorities to allow horse riders to use cycle trails, routes and any other ways where it is their power to do so and to encourage that permission or dedication to happen where it is not in their power. It was further stated that horse riders are particularly vulnerable road users, and cycle routes can provide appropriate and important opportunities to avoid busy roads.
(viii) Councillor Hobart raised a query in respect of poor visibility splays where bridleways meet roads making it a dangerous situation for horses, their riders and road users. SW explained that there is an ongoing problem with a Bridleway at Island View. PROW have been looking into it for 6 or 7 years. The Highways department have looked into it but nothing has been done. The IW Bridleway Group have contacted the Police for their opinion. Councillor Hobart suggested that there should be a legal standard for visibility where bridleways meet roads in the same way as visibility splays must be formed and maintained if a householder wishes to form a driveway. The members agreed that the issue is the responsibility of the Highways department and that a letter should be sent to Councillor Giles and Peter Hayward explaining the situation and requesting action. It was agreed that the members should identify a number of problem crossings to refer to in the letter. Island View and N109 Whitcombe Road could be used. SW agreed to provide details of the problem crossings and for DC to prepare a draft letter for her approval.
(Action SW & DC)
(ix) ME raised a query in respect of the cross Newport cycle route. He had heard that the section of the track running alongside Matalan will not be coloured green i.e. it will simply be tarmac. SW asked DC to make enquiries about this. (Action DC)

  1. Date of next meeting:
Thursday 8th March 2012 at 4pm, Arreton Community Centre.
DC also confirmed the other 2012 meeting dates:
7th June 2012
6th September 2012
6th December 2012

End of meeting.

Page last updated on: 21/12/2011