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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 33
Enterprise House, St Cross Business Park, Newport, IW
Thursday 8th September 2011


Present at the meeting:

Forum members:
Mrs Sheila Weedall (Chairman)
Mr David Howarth (Vice Chairman)
Mr John Gurney-Champion (Landowner)
Mr Mark Earp (Landowner)
Mr David Farnham (Independent User)
Councillor Paul Fuller

Forum Secretary:
Darrel Clarke from the IWC Public Rights of Way Section (PROW)

Mr Kevin Burton (IWC – Manager, Network Management & Improvement)
Mrs Patricia Merrifield of IW Bridleways Group (guest)
Mrs Dawn Elderfield representing British Driving Society (guest)

  1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • Apologies were received from Mrs Anne Noon. No further apologies were received.
  • DH referred to an error on the previous minutes. On the third line of paragraph 3 of Section 1, Natural England should be replaced with Wight Nature Fund. This was agreed and subject to this amendment the minutes were approved as a true record of the last meeting and signed by the Chairman.
  • Public Footpath C31. DC confirmed the response of PROW to this matter: This is a redundant path and is not needed for public use due to other suitable routes in the area. It is a situation which has been in existence for many many years. PROW do not have the resources to pursue the mater at present. A discussion continued between the members regarding this. ME made the point that the path is shown on the OS maps and the Definitive Map and was aware of a situation where tourists became lost trying to locate it. The path is blocked by hedges and locked gates. The members considered it appropriate for the LAF to write to the landowner. DC said he would check the regulations to ensure that this is a permitted action. (Action DC)
  • Concrete blocks at Centurion’s Copse, Bembridge. DC confirmed the response of PROW to this matter. The blocks are not obstructing the path and are not on land forming part of the highway. The matter will not therefore be pursued.
  • SW raised the issue of hedge cutting on paths. Discussions took place as to whether PROW could send letters to landowners requesting them to cut back hedges growing on their own land/encroaching upon paths. It was mentioned that this may not be simple as the landowner is not always known. DH said that the PROW Maintenance Officer (Neil Morey) was very knowledgeable of land ownership on the Island and this should not be a problem. DE suggested that the Parish Councils should be sending letters to landowners. DC and KB explained that Parish Councils have no authority to do this and it was the responsibility of the IWC. DC confirmed that there were procedures in place. He would raise it with PROW and report back at the next meeting. (Action DC)
  1. Any Declarations of Interest:
  • There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Kevin Burton, Manager of Network Management & Improvement:
  • KB explained the latest development of the cross Newport cycle path. Before proceeding further a land agreement is required in respect of land at Matalan which is owned by British Aerospace Pension Fund. A verbal agreement has been provided to create the route through the site but a formal legal agreement is awaited.
  • KB presented details of a number of strategic cycle routes on the Island and showed a map to the Forum. A bid is being made for the funding of this proposed network. In January 2011 the Government published their Transport White Paper ‘Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon’ which announced the establishment of the £560 million ‘Local Sustainable Transport Fund’(LSTF). Local Transport Authorities have been invited to submit bids, either individually or in partnership with others, to deliver transport solutions to help build strong local economies and address the challenges of climate change. The Isle of Wight Council are developing a ‘tranche 2’, small project bid based around sustainable transport access to tourism. In accordance with bid requirements an ‘Expression of Interest’ was submitted to the Department for Transport and the council are now working on a full bid for submission in February 2012. KB provided further details which are set out in the attached copy Expression of Interest (this was not supplied at the meeting but is attached to these minutes for further information). KB confirmed that the bid is very much work in progress and that he is drawing in as many people as possible to assist in preparing the bid. Discussions are continuing with infrastructure providers, bus services, ferry companies, tourism providers, accommodation providers and cycle hire providers. The aim is to achieve a smart through ticket i.e. one payment for all travel, accommodation and cycle hire. It is also proposed that there will be information points on the network with barcodes which could be scanned using a smart phone application. Local information would then be provided on directions, attractions etc. With regard to sustainability it is proposed that the network would be included within the PFI and therefore maintained to the required standard.
  • KB invited members to ask questions:
  • ME enquired as to the “missing link” at St Helens and the use of the track-bed and land owned by Mrs Stratton, Foukes and the RSPB. KB explained that the RSPB and the other landowners have been consulted but are not supportive of the preferred routes. ME explained that clear signposted routes would be required in the area as the present OS maps shows a route that is not possible. KB confirmed that clear and precise information on routes will be provided. He further explained that staff within his team are visting landowners to discuss and negotiate the routes. He wishes to ensure that the bid contains routes that can be delivered and not routes that will be delivered if third parties agree.
  • SW asked whether the routes will take in existing Public Footpaths and Bridleways. KB confirmed that the routes would be set up as Bridleways on the basis that they would be available for all users – not just cyclists. He also explained proposals to improve and promote the Sunshine Trail to make it accessible for the mobility impaired.
  • SW stated that she was concerned with the proposed surface and how this would affect other users and also enquired as to what measures would be put in place to stop unauthorised use e.g. motorbikes. KB explained that barriers would be maintained to a width only allowing permitted users. Any unauthorised use would be a policing matter.
  • PF enquired whether Vestas have been approached for support. KB explained linking employment should not be included in the bid as it has to be based upon access for tourism. A discussion then took place regarding Red Funnel ferries and the fact that they do not permit bicycles on their Red Jet service.
  • DF requested clarification on the amount of funds available. KB confirmed that 4.1 million would be from the DFT and 1.3 million would be from other sources, details of which cannot be divulged at this point. KB confirmed that the original total amount available was 280 million but this has been top sliced twice once for cycle training schemes and once for some form of green initiative. There are two types of bidding – minor (up to 5m) and major (up to 50m).
  • DF enquired as to whether any part of the proposals would proceed in the event of the bid being unsuccessful and also enquired as to timescale for the bid. KB explained that a full and completed project would be in place which would benefit the Island and tourism and consideration could be given as to whether all or any part of it could proceed from alternative funding. Regarding timing KB explained that the bid has to be submitted by the third week in February 2012 and a decision would be made on 4th June 2012. Works could begin in September 2012. KB explained that contractors would be in place to proceed at very short notice.
  1. Disability Sub Group update:
  • DH explained that he has had further days out with Hampshire Mobility and is continuing to mark on maps routes which are suitable for mobility vehicles. The IWRA donate a gate scheme is also continuing and within 6 months most of the stiles in the Freshwater area will be changed to gates. DH confirmed that the Alverstone Easy Access Ramble would be completed within a week and distributed leaflets to the Forum. DH confirmed that the new footpath link between East Afton and Tapnell Farms was effective as from 7th September and the IWRA have applied for funding from West Wight Landscape Partnership to replace six stiles with gates along a route incorporating the new path. DH also mentioned that a new East Wight Landscape Partnership is being set up and they have a meeting on 22nd September. DH explained the British Standard Regulations on Gaps, Stiles and Gates and also the guidelines under the 2010 Equality Act which in basic terms provides that access has to be as user friendly as possible including access for wheelchairs. SW enquired as to whether DH had drafted the letter from the LAF to PROW regarding adopting a policy on stiles and gates. DH explained that he had not done this as he did not consider that it would achieve anything as PROW do not presently have the resources to adopt a policy or system. However, DH put forward a proposal that the LAF has its own website which could be set up and maintained for about £40 per year and that this could be designed and maintained by his neighbours who provide the website for the IWRA. The website could then promote the easy access routes and could be colour graded on the basis of accessibility. A similar system has been adopted in North Devon. The members agreed that a website should be developed. SW requested that DC obtain confirmation from PROW that they would fund the £40 per year fee. DH also requested that PROW pay for the cost of a CD – A Good Practice Guide to Countryside Access for Disabled People - £60. (Action DC)

  1. The Isle of Wight Bridleway Group update:
  • PM confirmed that the development of the group was continuing and that she was pleased with the progress being made and are continuing to attract members.
  • PM confirmed that they have a good relationship with PROW who acted quickly on lists of works to be done or confirmed that works were in a programme of works to be carried out.
  • PM raised the issue of the difficulties and dangers involved in using roads in order to access bridleways. PM highlighted Ryde as a particularly difficult area. PM explained that the Group had attended shows and events over the summer months to promote driver awareness. It was clear that many drivers were unaware that it is necessary for riders to use roads in order to access bridleways. Enquiries have been made with the Council as to whether there is a budget for equestrian safety but there is not one. However, further enquiries are being made as to whether there is any sundry budget that could be used for this purpose. PM explained that the Group consider that Bridleways should have their own distinct identity where they meet roads (similar to the white picket fencing at cyclepath/road junctions). Something should be used along these lines to make bridleways instantly recognisable.
  • DH enquired as to whether the group is a charity. PM explained they weren’t but that they were affiliated to the British Horse Society. DE explained that there was no reference to the Group on the British Horse Society’s website. SW confirmed she would investigate this. (Action SW)
  1. IWC Rights of Way Section update:
DC reported that in addition to the day to day running of the department, the following had been carried out by PROW:
  • Signage:
  • 350 new footpath and bridleway arms were ordered at the beginning of the year and 300 have been installed by IWRA. There are about another 50 to be installed – some on lamp posts and others on new posts to be installed.
  • PROW have just received an order of 40 Coastal Path arms which when put up will plug the gaps in the coastal path signage. They also have in stock a number of coastal path waymarkers and it is hoped that these will be used to make the coastal path fully signposted.
  • PROW are working with Sandown and Shanklin Golf Club regarding signage through the course to make it clear to both the public and the golf club members where the paths run.
  • Order Making:
  • Tapnell – DC reported that the necessary orders at Tapnell and East Afton Farms have been completed which means that the new footpath link between the two farms is in force as from yesterday (7th September 2011).
  • Further order making is underway and to be made in the coming months to clear a backlog of legal work.

  • The situation regarding PROW staffing was then discussed. DC was asked to provide an update. DC confirmed that as far he knows a final decision has not been made but whereas at the last meeting it was still the case that a replacement for Lee Skinner was hopeful, PROW are now working on the basis that he will not be replaced. DC confirmed that there are 2 officers attempting to carry out the work of 4 or 5 people. Members expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation. PF confirmed that he would raise the matter at the next full Council Meeting and discuss the matter with Stuart Love. (Action PF)

  1. Recruitment
  • DC confirmed that he had researched the situation on recruitment and has also been discussing the matter with Chris Matthews who is the Council’s Corporate Governance Manager and the person with the necessary power to appoint new members to the Forum.
  • A person can only be a member for a maximum of three years. They can only continue after three years if they reapply and are reappointed. DC explained that the memberships of Mark Earp, David Farnham and John Farthing have expired. Accordingly, if they wish to be reappointed then they will need to reapply.
  • DC explained that the added complication is that no one can be appointed or re-apponited unless an advert for vacancies is published in the County Press. The LAF cannot simply reappoint the persons who’s membership has expired nor can it simply send out application forms to persons who have enquired. However, it can send out application forms to those persons at the same time as publishing an advert in the County Press.
  • It was agreed that an advert should be published in the County Press as soon as possible and at the same time application forms be sent out to: James Hewitt – Landowner, Tim Thorne – Cyclist, Dawn Elderfield – Landowner, Tricia Merrifield – Isle of Wight Bridleways Group and Mr Perry (ME to provide contact details for the latter). (Action DC and ME)
  1. Any other business:
  • SW enquired as to whether the members had any ideas for an LAF logo. A discussion then took place between the members. It was agreed that DC would approach Lee Skinner of SignPostExpress to see if he would be prepared to design some simple but effective logos to be considered at the next meeting. DH confirmed that he would also discuss it with Steve Williams who is the newsletter editor for the IWRA. PF put forward a suggestion that the design of a logo could be a competition for schools as a way of promoting awareness of the LAF. SW requested that the logo be added to the agenda for the next meeting. (Action DC)
  • DE put forward a proposal that members of the public could be invited to attend 30 minutes prior to the start of the LAF meeting to voice any access concerns or to ask questions. DE explained that most people have never heard of the LAF and suggested that the LAF could put on presentations at shows and events.
  • PF put forward a proposal that the LAF be promoted as part of the Summer and Winter Walking Festivals and the events organiser, Elaine Ceasar could be contacted in this respect.
  • DE expressed her concerns regarding the lack of carriage driving routes on the Island and the fact that routes which are suitable are often blocked. Apart from Byways the only option available is to use roads. DE raised the query as to whether cycle tracks could be opened up for use by horse and carriage. SW asked DC to enquire of PROW. (Action DC)

  1. Date of next meeting:
Thursday 8th December 2011 at 4pm, Enterprise House, Newport.

Page last updated on: 21/09/2011