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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 32
Arreton Community Centre
Thursday 7th July 2011


Present at the meeting:

Forum members:
Mrs Sheila Weedall (Chairman)
Mrs Anne Noon
Mr David Howarth
Mr John Gurney-Champion
Mr Mark Earp
Councillor John Hobart

Forum Secretary:
Darrel Clarke from the IWC Public Rights of Way Section (PROW)

Mrs Patricia Merrifield of IW Bridleways Group
Martin Gilchrist from Natural England

  1. Apologies, minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
  • Apologies were recieved from David Farnham. No further apologies were received at the meeting.
  • JG-C referred to an error on the previous minutes. In the final pargraph of section 7, it was understood that Councillor Fuller raised the point regarding the concrete blocks at Centurion’s Copse rather than John Farthing. This was agreed and subject to this amendment the minutes were approved as a true record of the last meeting and signed by the Chairman.
  • DH provided an update in respect of the Alverstone scheme. Phase 1 has finished and phase 2 is ongoing at Youngwoods Copse which includes a permissive footpath with the consent of Wight Nature Fund. When finished it will create a 2 mile easy access trail. ME said what an exellent job had been made but did enquire as to whether the boardwalk could be made a little longer due to very wet ground at the end. DH explained it is proposed that this and other final adjustments will be put right.
  • SW enquired of DC whether Alex Russell in the Rights of Way section had been able to find out any information regarding the concrete blocks at Centurion’s Copse at Bembridge and whether they can be removed. DC would enquire with Alex Russell and report at the next meeting. (Action DC)
  • ME raised a query in respect of Public Footpath C31 at Chale and the fact that it cannot be walked due to it being blocked at both ends despite being shown on the Ordnance Survey Map and the Definivtive Map. DC advised that PROW are aware of this and it has been like it for many years. However, he confirmed that the matter would be consdiered by PROW and he would report at the next meeting. (Action: DC)
  1. Any Declarations of Interest:
  • There were no declerations of interest.

  1. Martin Gilchrist from Natural England:
  • SW introduced Martin Gilchrist from Natural England and invited him to address the Forum. MG explained that he is part of a national team and regional coordinator for the Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Dorset and Berkshire. He is therefore the point of contact for the area and can provide guidance to the Forum and deal with any concerns it may have relating to access. If necessary he can obtain guidance for the Forum from Natural England which in turn can obtain advice from DEFRA if required. DH raised the issue of the coastal path and the Coastal Access scheme and said that it is disappointing that Natural England do not have any plans to include the Isle of Wight in the scheme. MG explained that five counties are presently in the scheme and that as far as he is aware the scheme will continue once these five have been completed. The next five counties will be decided by DEFRA. However, he believes that the counties chosen are likely to be those which join up with the counties which have already been completed. He also explained that the Isle of Wight requires a separate order as the original scheme was for mainland counties only. A discussion then took place between the Forum members as to the enormous economic benefit the scheme would have for the Isle of Wight and DH gave Wales and Scotland as examples. SW enquired as to whether the Forum had contact details for MG. MG confirmed that DC held these.
  1. Disability Sub Group update:
  • DH confirmed he had perused documentation bringing together the provisions of various Disability Acts relating to access points and the types of authorised structures. He explained that ideally there should simply be a gap but if this is not appropriate then the next best option is a gate (e.g. a bridle gate or kissing gate type structures). The third option is a stile which should be avoided if at all possible but it is acknowledged that this is essential for some landowners in order to control stock. He further explained that there are many regulations governing the types of materials to be used and construction methods. The LAF should be encouraging this concept and ascertaining if the IW Council are adopting the standards. He would like to see commitment from the IW Council to adopt these standards and believes that the LAF should encourage this commitment. SW asked DH to draft a letter from the Forum to the Council regarding the matter. (Action DH)
  • A leaflet for the Alverstone easy access trail is due to be published soon and would then be distributed (including to ferry ports and hotels).

  1. The Isle of Wight Bridleway Group update:
  • TM reported that the Group was now set up and discussions had taken place, the result of which is that there are three separate areas they wish to work on. Firstly, they wish to ensure that there are improvements to bridleways and it has been decided that this is simply achieved by communication between themselves and then referring matters to PROW, who they have a good working relationship with. Secondly, they are concerned with safe access to bridleways along roads. TM pointed out that the Highways department had not in the past been very receptive to their concerns. It has therefore been decided to work with local politicians and the press to achieve safe road use for horses. Thirdly, they would like to see better access and additional routes for horse riders. For example they would like to push for access along the Cowes to Newport cycle track which would create a circular ride in this area of the Island. No connections or extensions are mentioned in the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for horse riders.
A discussion then took place regarding the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. DH enquired of DC as to whether there were any plans by PROW to implement any of the proposals. DC reported that due to the current staffing issues and budget restrictions in PROW that there was no possibility of this at present. DH explained to the Forum that improvements can be made without any cost to the Council and gave examples of where the Ramblers have obtained grants and funding for various schemes.
JH raised the issue of Bridleway and Highway junctions and what could be done to improve safety as there are a number of lethal examples which are dangerous to riders and drivers. He enquired as to whether hedges/trees etc. can be cut back at these junctions to improve visibility. SW explained that unfortunately it is not a simply case of cutting back hedges etc. as the consent of the landowner is required. JH said that the landowners should at least be approached for consent.
  1. IWC Rights of Way Section update:
  • DC reported that due to Lee Skinner not being replaced it was a very difficult time in PROW. He explained that the priority of Alex Russell (Rights of Way Manager) and himself was to keep the network operating safely and to deal with the deadlines on their legal cases. He confirmed that since the 1st January 2011 the department had received approximately 350 problem/defect reports. DH asked for an update on Lee Skinner’s replacement. DC confirmed that a replacement has been agreed by Peter Hayward and Stuart Love and he understands that a decision now needs to be made by a panel before recruitment can begin. TM enquired as to whether a replacement would have to be from someone within the Council. DC explained that he did know the answer to this. A discussion then took place as to whether a response was obtained to the Forum’s letter to the Council regarding PROW staffing. SW confirmed that a response was received and she read out to the Forum the relevant parts of that letter. DC then provided a summary of ongoing legal cases and an update in respect of the PROW capital programme.

  1. Any other business:
  • SW proposed that a discussion was required in order to decide the way forward for the Forum. She explained that the Forum should have more of a purpose and would like to see it actually achieving something.
  • SW suggested that the Forum should have its own logo and headed paper. A discussion then took place between the members as to the type of logo. SW advised that it should be kept simple and that all members should give some thought as to the design of the logo and submit their ideas to DC prior to the next meeting. (Action – All members)
  • SW enquired of DH whether the Ramblers could be assisted by the Forum with their proposed schemes, by (for example) writing letters of support in applications for funding. The Forum could then be acknowledged for their support when the scheme was completed e.g. placing of a plaque showing the Forum’s logo.
  • SW suggested that other bodies and organisations should be invited to the Forum to give presentations in order to make such bodies/organisations aware of the Forum. MG confirmed that he would provide a list of a number of organisations that could be invited. SW requested that all members also make a list in readiness for the next meeting. (Action – All members)
  • SW suggested that the Forum could become active in actually achieving new access and routes by approaching landowners in an informal and friendly manner. A discussion then took place between the members as to possible routes. The old railway line at Thorley was discussed and the possibility of creating a habitat corridor and the Forum approaching the landowner (Sheldon) regarding this. Another possibility put forward was the old railway line at the end of Bembridge Harbour/St Helens and the Forum approaching the landowner (Stratton). SW requested that these proposals should be given some thought by the members and the matter discussed further at the next meeting and that the members should give some thought as to any other possible routes. (Action – All Members)
  • JH suggested the possibility of contacting and working with Town and Parish Council’s as a way of promoting the Forum.
  • SW then raised the issue of the number of current members of the Forum (9) and a proposal that new members should be recruited following the retirement of David Langford and Colin Richards. SW explained that a landowner (Mr James Hewitt) has expressed an interest. ME explained that Mr Perry (of Perry’s Guide) is returning from Malta and has also expressed an interest. ME to provide DC with contact details. ME suggested an advert in the County Press would be useful. AN suggested having an open morning in Newport. Tim Thorne of Cycle Wight may be a possibility. DC confirmed that he would investigate the recruitment process. (Action – ME & DC)
  • ME explained that there is a possibility that Newport, Ryde and Ventnor harbours could be privatised and that the Forum needs to be aware of and keep an eye on this to ensure that the jetties, slipways and other areas remain accessible to the public without charge. It is also possible that the waterway from Matalan Bridge to The Folly could be privatised and again this is something which the Forum should be aware of.
  • JH told the Forum that the proposal for the cross Newport cycle track (Dodnor to Shide) is likely to be implemented but it was not definite at this stage.
  • SW suggested to the Forum that future meetings be held at Enterprise House to reduce the administrative procedures and costs of PROW. A few concerns were voiced about traffic and parking but it was agreed that the next meeting would be held at Enterprise House and the matter would be reviewed thereafter if difficulties were encountered.

  1. Date of next meeting:
Thursday 8th September 2011 at 4pm, Enterprise House, Newport.

Page last updated on: 20/09/2011