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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 27
Arreton Commnity Centre, Arreton
Thursday 4th March 2010


Present at the meeting
  • Forum Members: David Howarth, Councillor Paul Fuller, Sheila Weedall, Anne Noon, Colin Richards, John Farthing, John Gurney-Champion
  • Guests: Cathy Mills
  • Apologies were received from: David Farnham, David Langford, Chris Lale, Councillor John Hobart

Item 1 – Apologies. Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

  • There were no further apologies received
Minutes of previous meeting
  • There were no changes to the previous meeting minutes and these were signed off by the Chairman
Matters arising
  • Since the last meeting, the Forum chairman had sent a letter to the IWC Director of Environment and Neighborhood, regarding the staffing levels of the rights of way section. The chairman had received a letter in return, stating that two posts would be filled soon.

Item 2 – Declerations of interest
  • There were no declerations of interest at this point

Item 3 – Forum Membership
  • LS explained that three new members had been appointed to the Forum. These members included David Howarth, Sheila Weedall and Anne Noon.
  • This meeting was the last meeting for some Forum members and a list was tabled. Members ending their terms at this meeting were as follows
  • Chris Lale would be leaving the Forum
  • Colin Richards would remain on the Forum for another term
  • David James had not stated whether he wished to remain on the Forum, so the secretary would make contact
  • Mark Earp would remain on the Forum for another term
  • Susie Sheldon would be leaving the Forum
  • There were now plans to advertise for members again in March, in particular for landowners. Direct contact with some user groups would be made to attract applications.
  • CR suggested a possible applicant. LS asked him to make contact.
  • LS explained that all members contact details would be made available to other members, as discussed in previous meetings. This information would only be made to Forum members for Forum matters. The information would be treated as confidential and not passed on to any other persons.

Item 4 – Forum Chairman
  • As SS would be leaving the Forum after this meeting, she would no longer serve as Chairman. The Forum would need to elect a new Chairman and Vice Chairman.
  • SS asked for any volunteers.
  • SW asked about the role and work involved.
  • LS explained the role
  • As some of the Forum members were not present at the meeting, it was decided that the Chairman election would not take place.
  • SW volunteered to be Chairman for the next meeting, where it may be possible to formally elect a permanent Chairman.

Item 5 – Brading Station Project
  • Cathy Mills from the Brading Station Project visited the Forum and gave a presentation
The Following text outlining the project was provided after the meeting for the benefit of members who were not able to attend.
In 1987 Brading Station was threatened with demolition as it was in a poor state of repair. The Town Trust and the Town Council with the help of the community stepped in to save the buildings and in 1989 the Trust took on the lease and the Town Council gained some funding to restore the buildings on the western platform. A group called the Brading Station Community Centre Association then took on the responsibility for running the buildings, this situation continued until in 1998, with a dwindling membership the Association folded and the Station again fell into disrepair. Brading Town Council took on the management in 1999 and in 2003 gained funding to completely restore the building and opened them to the public as a staffed Visitor Centre with a railway heritage exhibition.

In 2009 further funding of £80,000 was gained and the Signal Box and Waiting Rooms on the eastern platform were restored.

The entire complex is Grade II listed and will open again to the public on 1st April as a Visitor Centre and exhibition. The Centre also acts as a gateway to the east Wight AONB, and the RSPB Reserve. It is also promoted as the first stop from Ryde to the countryside, Brading Downs can be accessed from London in two hours, and footpaths link the Station to the Downs, the Town, and the RSPB reserve, St. Helens, Bembridge and the Roman Villa.

Any ideas for improvement are gratefully received.
  • SW asked about the conditions of paths in the area
  • AN mentioned the heritage and attractions, particularly the urban heritage available.
  • DH was writing some walks for the County Press and offered to include one in Brading, connecting to the station
  • The brown tourist attractions signs were discussed
  • CM invited the Forum to hold their next meeting at the station. The Forum agreed to accept the invitation.

Item 6 – Registration of Village Green
  • SS explained about a recent registration of a village green in Northwood, where there had been a number of issues and problems particularly for the landowner of the site.
  • PF declared an expression of interest in this particular case
  • SS discussed the general matter of village greens and the need for landowners to be aware of potential problems and issues that can arise. Advice was given to have all routes clearly marked and fenced.
  • SS stated that landowners have expressed concerns over giving permissive rights of way because of the recent judegement mad in the Northwood case.

Item 7 – Disability Sub Group
  • LS explained the situation that the sub group had been proposed before, but due to various reasons it had not yet been propoerly formed.
  • SS asked for someone to volunteer to lead the group.
  • DH agreed to lead the group
  • Discussion was made of how the group may be supported and ideas to follow
  • A sub group meeting would take place soon and interested members would be invited to attend

Item 8 – IWC Rights of Way Update
  • LS advised the Forum on the current work of the Rights of Way Section
  • The budget for the next year was set to be the same as in previous years, although this was not fully confirmed as yet
  • The new sign order had been delivered and was being put up across the island
  • The maintenance team had done many surfacing and bridge works over the winter period, and were now lookign at the summer maintenance programme.
  • Staffing levels remained the same as the last meeting
  • Preperations were now being planned for the walking festival and walk the wight
  • It had been confirmed that the rights of way section would not be included under the PFI project. Other options were now being decided.
  • There were some legal and planning related works being looked into, including the recent Petticoat Lane public inquiry and the new Pan development.

Item 9 – Open consultations
  • LS explained that this item was to hand out details of any open consultations being undertaken by Defra. The LAF was able to comment on consultations if it wished to.
  • The current list was given to members for information purposes.

Item 10 – Any other business
  • JGC wanted to thank Susie Sheldon for her work as Forum Chairman. He felt she was a very good and professional Chairman.
  • Members agreed with this point.
  • JF asked about the letter that the Chairman sent to the Director of the PFI project. No reply had been received.
  • The Forum asked that the letter be chased up for a formal response.
  • It was noted that the next meeting would take place on Thursday 3rd June and would be held at Brading Station. Further details would be sent out in due course.

Page last updated on: 25/06/2010