The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 26
Arreton Community Centre, Arreton
Thursday 3rd December 2009

Present at the meeting
  • Forum Members: John Gurney Champion, Councillor Paul Fuller, Chris Lale, Colin Richards, David Farnham, Susie Sheldon
  • Forum visitors/observers: David Howarth (Ramblers Association)
  • Apologies were received from: Councillor John Hobart, David Langford

Item 1 – Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

  • There were no further apologies received

Minutes of previous meeting
  • JGC had notified the secretary of some minor text errors in the minutes. These were corrected before the meeting.
  • The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman
Matters arising
  • Action points from the last meeting were discussed. Letters had been sent to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, and to the Director of the PFI Project. These letters would be attached to these minutes.
  • DF asked about the rights of way sign order. LS asked him to email him directly over any issues or queries on this point.
  • DF asked about the mention of the lack of regard given to the Forum by the Isle of Wight Council.
  • SS confirmed this point and explained about some members who had resigned from the Forum as they felt not enough regard was given by the local authority.
  • PF asked about the responses recieved and the letters that the Forum had sent to the IWC
  • JGC also asked about the recent letter that the Forum had sent to the IWC.
  • It was agreed that copies of this letter would be sent out with the minutes.
  • The current membership of the Forum was discussed with regard to spaces available and the balance of member interests.
  • LS explained the role of the Forum and that some previous members had perhaps expected the group to be able to make a more direct or immediate change to items.
  • CR made the point that some issues in local government do take some time to influence or change.
  • DF asked about the Forums role. LS explained the basic role of the Forum, but also added that the Forum is able to choose the areas that it discusses and advises on.

Item 2 – Declarations of interest
  • There were no declarations of interest
Item 3 – New members, membership and chairman position
  • SS explained the situation that the Forum would need to recruit more members as there were spaces to fill.
  • The next scheduled recruitment was due in March 2010, although there were still outstanding applications from March 2009.
  • SS noted that she would be standing down as Chairman and as a Forum member in March, so a new Chairman would need to be elected in the next meeting.
  • Other members who would end their terms of membership in March 2010 would be Chris Lale, Colin Richards, Mark Earp. At this time these members would be asked if they wish to continue as a member.
  • LS explained that following a number of recent member resignations, he had been in contact with IWC Committee Services with regard to the IWC appointing some new members to the Forum. This process had been held up in the past due to the need to keep a balance of interests within the Forum.
  • PF asked for him and Councillor Hobart to be copied in on any emails to the IWC Committee Services, so that they would be able to support this point.
  • After discussion it was decided that LS would contact Committee Services again to put pressure on appointing previous applicants to the Forum. There would then be a new recruitment advert made in January 2010 to attract new members for the scheduled March recruitment

Item 4 - Disability Sub Group
  • John Brownscombe was due to head up the sub group, but as he had now resigned from the Forum this was not possible. There was support and a need for this group, but it was agreed that this was to be an agenda item for the next meeting where there may be more members to take part.
Item 5 – Brading Station Project
  • A brief (attached to these minutes) was given out regarding the Brading Station Project. LS explained that this project may need some support and asked if the Forum wanted to discuss it.
  • The Forum agreed that it may be able to help and would invite Cathy Mills from the Brading Project to the next meeting.
Item 6 – Open Spaces Survey for the IWC

Explanatory information – not part of the meeting discussion

As part of ongoing work on the Island Plan documents, the Planning Policy Team is currently conducting an audit of Open Space provision on the Island.
It is important that the Council develops a robust evidence base for its Island Plan documents, so as part of this evidence base, we are undertaking an audit of all Open Spaces on the Island in line with National Planning Policy (Planning Policy Guidance 17: Open Space, Sport and Recreation).

The outcome of this audit will help us develop policies that provide standards for open space on the Island as well as giving us a greater understanding of whether our current open spaces are fit for purpose.  All of these issues will help us develop the planning policy approach we take within the Island Plan including the allocation of sites through the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
As the Forum had previously made representation regarding the Island Plan, the group were asked if they would like to comment on this survey
A survey questionarre was given out and the Forum were asked if they would like to make comment or representation.
After discussion a number of comments were made in relation to some of the subjects on the questionarre
The Footpath network was generally very good
The bridleway network did not provide enough links
Horses and bikes do not mix and this issue needs addressing
There were many instances of bad dog fouling and not enough dog bins supplied in the countryside.
There was not enough access to public slipways
The Forum felt that members should respond to the questionarre as individuals if they choose.
CR felt the exercise was done to prove that the IWC had consulted over open spaces.
SS asked that a response was given as the questionarre need further space for comments and representations and also the questionarre was very limited and had little value.

Item 7 – Coastal Consultation
  • LS explained about the recent response made by the Forum and the next stage of the coastal consultation.
  • The next stage has more details about the implementation of the project and may require more of a response. As the deadline was February 2010 it may require another interim meeting of the Forum.
  • SS asked that details of the consultation be sent out to members and that the members would make contact with LS if they felt that another interim meeting would be necessary.

Item 8 – IWC Rights of Way Section Update
  • LS explained about the current work of the Rights of Way Section
  • Winter maintenance programme including drainage works, bridge works and repairs, and surfacing works.
  • In the past month there had been a significant number of fallen trees, which the section had cleared on paths.
  • There had been recent discussions about the future of Whale Chine.
  • The Tapnell new path link was ongoing with hope that the path would be created very soon.
  • The diversion of CS24 in East Cowes had now been confirmed.
  • Staff levels remained the same, although some new positions were being advertsied for soon.
  • The long term closures on paths had been extended by the Secretary of State.
  • The budget remained the same at this time. The next meeting would be nearer to the new financial year, so more information would be known then.
  • Projects and works were being planned with the user groups, in particular the Ramblers Association and the Cycle Forum.

Item 9 – Any other business
  • JGC asked about contact details of Forum members, and if they could be supplied to other members.
  • After discussion it was decided that this would be done after the next recruitment round.
  • DH spoke about the Ramblers Association new donate a gate scheme
  • Discussion was made of asking the CPRE for a rep for the Forum

Additional text – not part of the meeting

Dates for 2010 have not been set as yet. The secretary proposes the following dates

Thursday March 4th 2010
Thursday June 3rd 2010
Thursday September 9th 2010
Thursday December 9th 2010
Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 23/03/2010