The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 24
Arreton Community Centre, Arreton
Thursday 11th June 2009

  • Present at the meeting
    Forum Members: Zelma Barnes, Chris Lale, Mark Earp, John Farthing, Tony Williams, John Gurney Champion, David Langford
    Lee Skinner - Forum Secretary
  • Forum visitors/observers: David Howarth from the Ramblers Association, Shiela Weedell from the British Horse Society, Stephen Skipper, Shiela Caws
  • Apologies were received from: Colin Richards, David Farnham, Susie Sheldon, John Brownscombe

As the Chairman and Vice Chairman were unable to attend the meeting, the secretary asked members to elect a Chairman for the day as the guidelines state. The present members decided that the secretary should take the Chairman role for the day.

The Chairman asked all of the visitors/observers to join the other members on the main table to promote discussion.

Item 1 – Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

There were no further apologies received

Minutes of previous meeting
  • LS briefly talked through the minutes of the last meeting. Changes already known were
  • The last meeting minutes were titled as ‘Meeting 22’, this was in fact Meeting 23.
  • On page 2 under the heading of ‘Disability Sub Group Update’ the point ‘It was decided that JG would head the subgroup until a replacement could be found’. This was incorrect and JG would not be heading the group.
Matters arising
  • LS explained that the matter of new member recruitment would be discussed as an agenda item

Item 2 – Declarations of interest
  • There were no declarations of interest

Item 3 – New member recruitment and plans for the next year
  • LS explained that the IWC had advertised for new members of the Forum, and some of the applicants had attended as visitors today. The IWC has a duty to keep a reasonable balance of user interests on the Forum, split between ‘users of public rights of way’, ‘landowners/land managers’, and ‘other interests’. At the moment the Forum was reasonably balanced, but applications had only been received from 5 users of public rights of way.
After discussion with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the IWC Committee Services Section, it was decided that no new members would be appointed until other applications could be sought. The Forum were asked if there were any ways in which applications could be encouraged from other people.
  • DL said he would ask amongst his colleagues within the CLA.
  • It was discussed whether there was any interest from the Isle of Wight representative of Natural England or the National Trust.
  • Discussion was made of whether members could be appointed in the interest of promoting additional numbers on the Forum, but without voting powers in order to keep a balance of interests.
  • LS said these ideas could be looked into and would be discussed with the IWC Committee Services.
  • The members felt that more members on the Forum would be better than a balance of interests.
  • LS would see if any applications could be encouraged in certain areas, and then report back at the next meeting. He asked that anyone who had applied, to please bear with them while they investigated options.
  • LS asked if the Forum had any plans or targets to look into in the next year.
  • ZB asked about the list of connections and links within the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
  • LS explained that the plan had been produced and although some plans were being followed, the links were very much a wish list and were not being actively put into action unless opportunity allowed.
  • ME wanted the Forum to put work into the Lost Ways project, as he believed there were a significant number of routes that had been identified.
ME explained that he believed there was a new impetus on the subject. Many Local Access Forums across the UK had formed sub groups for the subject. Representations had been received from groups such as metal detectorists to gun clubs.  He felt that a lot of misleading information had been sent out by organisations to discredit the project, which was not always factually accurate. A report from Natural England was expected to be sent out to related bodies before the end of the year.
  • ME also raised the matter of an aero films collection of aerial photographs.
  • ME supplied the following text for the meeting minutes to explain this item
Text supplied by Forum member Mark Earp

The Aerofilms collection : This massive collection of superb aerial photographs will be a fantastic tool in identifying lost ways on the Isle of Wight . There are of cause other benefits for archaeologists and lawyers in boundary disputes. The collection has been gathering dust in a Hertfordshire warehouse until its recent purchase. It is believed That there may be 2000 unidentified photographs and 6000 unidentified negatives of the Isle of Wight !!! Two local groups have been accepted as contacts to tackle this mammoth task.
  • LS agreed that these matters would be possible and he would make contact with ME to see how this could be taken forward.
  • TW believed that the closure of Whale Chine should be followed up by the Forum.
  • LS said he would find out the current situation and report back to the Forum.
  • The forum also discussed Luccombe Chine and the access to the beach.
Item 4 - Disability Sub Group Update
  • LS explained that the Forum had for some time wanted to set up a sub group to discuss and deal with improved access in the countryside for people with disabilities. The group had been set up, but due to members resigning or having to leave for health reasons, there was now only two members of the sub group left. These two members were Zelma Barnes and Councillor John Hobart. The group needed more members to take part, and a suitable person to take the lead.
  • LS asked for all Forum members to consider if they would like to join the sub group and let him know as soon as possible for a meeting very soon.
  • DH said he would like to take part as a representative from the Ramblers Association, as a member of the forum or as an advisor.
  • DH mentioned some of the schemes that he was currently discussing with the IWC Rights of Way section. These included projects connected with easy access walks and routes, and the donate a gate scheme.
  • SS said that he felt it was a series of small matters that were causing large problems for path users.
  • The matter was discussed further and some members and visitors felt that they may be able to help or advise with the sub group.
  • LS would await any comeback from Forum members and then set up a sub group meeting as soon as possible.

Item 5 - Discussion regarding current consultations
  • LS explained that there were currently two matters that the Forum may like to discuss and comment on.
  • Natural England had recently published a new Coastal Access Draft scheme. This document was not open for consultation yet, but the Forum members may wish to read the document in readiness. The document was not available as a paper copy, but could be viewed on the internet (details attached to these minutes).
  • Natural England had contacted the Isle of Wight Council regarding consultation over proposed changes to regulations on access land. LS explained the main points that this document covered, and asked members to contact him directly to give any comments. This document was not available as a paper copy, but could be viewed on the internet (details attached to these minutes).
Item 5A - LAF constitution
  • Prior to the meeting JGC had advised LS that he had now prepared the new Constitution of the LAF, and would like to discuss it with members. A new agenda item was added at this point for this matter.
  • JGC explained that the Constitution was to replace the original Constitution that he had prepared for the Forum. This document was to be used along side, but kept as a separate document to the new Terms of Reference.
  • JGC asked that members adopt this new document.
  • It was decided that as the Forum attendance was low at this meeting, that this document would be sent to all members for discussion or approval at the next meeting.

Item 6 - IWC Rights of Way Section Update.
  • LS explained that the Rights of Way Section had started its summer programme of cutting and strimming works. These works had been slightly delayed, but were now on track.
  • The long term closures remained the same as advised in the last Forum meeting, with the exception of the following
  • Closure of section of Footpath V90 near the Botanical Gardens site had been extended for a further 6 months by the Government Office for the North East. This was due to a delay in the legal works.
  • There were new temporary closures of T31 and T33 in Totland. This was due to a landslide which had made the path unsafe for public use. The works were being dealt with by the Coastal Section of the IWC.
  • A planning application had been made for mineral extraction on St Georges Down, near the Bardon Vectis site. This application involved the temporary diversion of a Footpath for a possible 5 years. LS explained that the IWC had consulted with the Ramblers Association, and were not going to object to the plans, but would make conditions that the path returned to its original position and state.
  • Legal works had been delayed due to current resources available. The Forum would be advised further at the next meeting.
  • The staffing situation within the section was about to change very soon. Currently the staff level was the same as advised in the previous meeting, and the section were to lose another member of staff to retirement at the end of June. The Highways and Transport Section of the Isle of Wight Council were part of a re-structuring process, but no information was available at this time.
  • JGC felt that the staffing situation was a problem to the section, which the Forum had already discussed and made contact with the IWC about. He felt that the Forum should set up a sub group or committee to handle any responses received between meetings, as to wait for the next meeting would be too long.
  • It was decided that LS would make contact with the Chairman and Vice Chairman to see how they would like to forward this matter.
  • There were no changes to the budget as advised in the last meeting.
Item 7 any other business
  • ME discussed the World Heritage Status
  • Hampshire County Council were leading a project to seek world heritage status for the defence of the eastern Solent. This also included a second stage to seek substantial heritage lottery funding to interpret and signpost defences for the general public. This would involve the Isle of Wight Council, but at this time it was believed that the project lead had been told to re-design the project to include the whole of the Solent defences.
  • Authorities on both sides of the Solent have different interests in the project, which may have affected the support. World heritage status would affect planning issues up to 4 miles inland.
  • LS said he would find out what information he could from Hampshire County Council and report back to the Forum.
  • ME also discussed the Jurassic Coast. This would be an extension of the status to include the Isle of Wight, so the Jurassic coast would stretch from East Devon to Culver on the island. The implications being that funding could be applied for to support interpretation and access. This may also assist in the repairs to the damaged southern coastal access on the island. 
  • The date of the next meeting would be on Thursday September 3rd.

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 29/09/2009