The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 23
Arreton Community Centre, Arreton
Thursday 5th March 2008

  • Present at the meeting
Susie Sheldon, John Gurney-Champion, David Langford, Mike Jordan, John Farthing, Jill Green, David James, Mark Earp, David Farnham, Zelma Barnes, Colin Richards, Lee Skinner
  • Apologies were received from
John Brownscombe, Robert Oliver, Chris Lale


Item 1 - Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising
  • It was noted that the secretary had received resignations from the following members
    • Ian Williams – due to ill health
    • Robert Oliver – due to a change in circumstances

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of meeting 22 were approved and signed off by the Chairman
Matters arising

There were two action points from meeting 22.
  • A letter was to be sent to Mr George Cawood to thank him for his work on the forum. This letter had been sent and a copy is attached to these minutes
  • A letter was to be sent to Mr Peter Hayward, the new Head of Engineering Services. This letter had been sent and a copy is attached to these minutes.
  • JGC noted that he was to review the existing Forum Constitution and report back. Due to workload he had been unable to complete this, but would report back for the next meeting.
  • In meeting 22 it was asked that all members be supplied a list of documents that were relevant to their role as forum members. This list was supplied at the meeting and is attached to these minutes
  • In meeting 22 it was asked that contact details of all members to be supplied to other members. These details are attached to these minutes.
  • DF asked if the members should have nameplates as it was not always easy to remember names.
  • SS suggested that it be a part of any meeting that all members briefly introduce themselves.
Item 2 Declarations of Interests
  • There were no declarations of interest
Item 3 – New Member Recruitment
  • LS explained that the Isle of Wight Council were to advertise for members of the Forum in March. There had been some recent resignations recently, and some of the existing members length of service was about to expire.
  • A draft advert was given out to members for any input.
  • The members whose service was to expire following this meeting were
    • Mike Jordan
    • Tony Williams
    • Jill Green
    • John Gurney Champion
    • John Brownscombe
    • David Langford
  • It was advised that if any of these members would like to re-apply to the forum they should notify the secretary as soon as possible. Unless their circumstances or interests had significantly changed there was no reason to fill in an application form.
  • There was discussion of the need to keep a balance of user interests on the forum and that there may be a limit on land owners who may wish to apply. Once applications had been received this would be considered further and if necessary the forum were able to target particular groups.
  • Current members were asked to encourage applications from people they know that may be suitable for the Forum.
  • New members would be invited to the next meeting in June.

Item 4 – Disability Sub Group Update
  • Ian Williams was heading this project but had recently resigned due to ill health. JG and ZB briefed the Forum on the first meeting of the sub group.
  • The group had decided to send out a letter and questionnaire to all user groups that may be affected by access to the countryside. This letter had been drafted but not yet sent out.
  • The group had been working with Steve Tutton from the Ramblers Association regarding some works together.
  • MJ advised that the Ramblers Association had recently appointed a new chairman on the island, who was keen to progress this work.
  • Discussion was made of inviting the new RA chairman, David Howarth, and Mr Steve Tutton to apply for membership of the forum.
  • SS asked if any forum member would like to volunteer to head the subgroup.
  • There were no volunteers

Item 5 – Discussion regarding consultation
  • The forum were asked to discuss whether formal consultations that involve the forum would require a subgroup or extra meetings of the forum. Some of the consultation periods were very short and missed scheduled Forum meetings.
  • DL felt that some of the smaller matters could be dealt with via email and larger ones may require a meeting.
  • JG felt that an extra meeting is sometimes good as it concentrates the group on the matter without distraction
  • JF asked about the responses to the recent Island Plan consultation
  • LS advised that there were very few responses from the Forum members
  • JG felt there was not enough mention of the countryside within the Island Plan proposal
  • DL gave his comments via the CLA
  • SS proposed that for larger consultations there should be an extra meeting arranged and that a representative from the consulting body should be invited
  • The Forum agreed with this proposal
  • Smaller consultations would be dealt with via an email system

Item 6 – IWC Rights of Way Section update

LS gave an update on the work of the Rights of Way Section

Work Programme
  • The winter programme was now over and the maintenance team were preparing for the summer programme.
  • The summer cutting and strimming process was being set out and will be ready to start in April.
  • The boardwalk at Newtown (CB9) had been finished and was open for use
  • A new bridge had been built at Compton (F35)
  • 8000 tonnes of planings resurfacing were set to be laid throughout the summer
  • A full capital programme had been set with works concentrating on surface improvements and drainage. This was spread across the network.
  • Preperations were being made for the Walking Festival and Walk the Wight
  • Approximately 20 large paths had been widened and received overhead cuts during the winter
  • 4 new footbridges were being constructed
  • A new bridleway bridge had been constructed on Spinfish Lane in Freshwater

Long Term Closures
  • The closures until November 2009 were still closed. These included
  • V124 Undercliff
  • C34 Whale Chine
  • CS35 Gurnard – steps had been added to this closure to make parts of the path accessible
  • NT47. NT48, NT49, NT50, NT51 – Undercliff

Paths closed until June 2009
  • V90 – A legal diversion order had been started on this path and was proceeding as planned
  • CB9 – now re-opened

Paths closed until December 2009
  • NT30 – Niton Tunnels – contact was being made between the rights of way section and the landowner. It was now being handled by the landowners solicitor.

Temporary closures
  • Paths T31 and T33 on the Totland sea front had recently suffered a landslide. These paths would be closed until works could be made to repair the section

Budget information
  • The capital and revenue budgets were as last reported.

Staffing levels
  • The new head of service, Peter Hayward, had started in his role.
  • Two temporary members of staff who were brought in to assist with GIS and legal work had now ended their contracts. This would cause a slow down in certain areas of rights of way duties.
  • The Rights of Way manager was producing a plan of resource requirements for the Head of Service, and would expect further information soon.
  • The Forum discussed this matter and decided to send an additional letter to the Head of Service, Peter Hayward concerning the staff levels of Rights of Way.

Legal Orders Underway
  • SS7 – Luccombe – This order was about to be confirmed and put in place
  • V90 – Botanical Gardens – Works were proceeding on this diversion order
  • East Afton Farm new link – works were underway and the route was to be confirmed as soon as possible
  • Y7 – Extinguishment – Works had just started on this possible order

Other Works
  • The signage tender process had now been completed and 4 suppliers of signage had been confirmed. A large sign order would be put in very soon.
  • The rights of way section had met with the Ramblers Association regarding the signing of local open access areas. Their works with the National Trust had been successful and they now wished to expand it to other access areas.
  • The permit scheme for the Tennyson Trail was now being dealt with by the IWC Car Parks section. A small number of applicants had been passed across, who would be contacted.
  • Discussion was made of the Tennyson Trail and the fact that there were still some people using it with motorised vehicles. A system of locked gates and approved keyholders was suggested.
  • There was discussion of the Marine Bill and the Rights of Way section making contact with the Solent Forum.

Item 7 – Local Access Forum Annual Report and Meeting
  • This matter was proposed by John Brownscombe, who was unable to attend this meeting.
  • LS explained that the Forum was required to produce an annual report detailing its work for the year. The Forum was also required to hold an Annual meeting open to the public to promote the work for the year.
  • SS delegated the annual report to be dealt with by JB and the secretary. Any further ideas or proposals for this item could be discussed in the next meeting.

Item 8 – Any Other Business
  • The date and time of the next meeting was discussed. Meeting 24 of the Forum would take place on Thursday 11th June at 16:00.

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 28/08/2009