The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 22
Arreton Community Centre, Arreton
Thursday 4th December 2008

  • Present at the meeting
John Brownscombe, John Gurney Champion, Zelma Barnes, David Farnham, Mark Earp, Chris Lale, Ian Williams, David Langford, Mike Jordan, Robert Oliver, John Hobart, Lee Skinner (IWC)
  • Apologies were received from
Susie Sheldon, Jill Green, Colin Richards, Tony Williams, John Farthing, David James


Item 1 - Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising
  • Forum member George Cawood had resigned from the forum via an email to the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. He forwarded his apologies but he was concerned about his role on the committee in relation to any potential conflict of interest regarding his work on sub group considering disabled access, lobbying for budget for this and his interest in and objection to the Island Plan’s proposed Newport to Freshwater cycle way along the old railway line.
ACTION POINT : It was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter to Mr Cawood to thank him for his work on the forum.
  • LS advised that this left four vacancies to fill in March.

Minutes of previous meeting
  • MJ asked that his apologies for the previous meeting be included
  • Former forum member George Cawood had sent amendments of the minutes to the secretary. These amendments were read out to the forum and it was agreed that the changes would be made.
  • Discussion was made of the level of detail that was necessary in the minutes, and whether to include some of the points made. It was decided that future minutes would include necessary information unless the subject matter had a level of importance, detail or controversy, or if the members asked for specific points to be recorded.
  • MJ was concerned as he had not received certain information with the minutes of the last meeting. This would be checked by LS and any missing information would be sent out.
  • JB advised that he had received a query from former LAF member John Hague regarding an error in the minutes from LAF meeting 20. This error was connected to the Discovering Lost Ways project and the fact that claims for lost ways were based on historical evidence and not user evidence.
  • LS advised that this note of error was correct
  • MJ commented that minutes of previous meetings should not be amended for someone who was not present at the meeting.
  • The group decided to make note of the correction in these minutes
  • Discussion was made from a further request by John Hague to have the meeting minutes on the website as soon as possible after the meeting date. Currently the minutes were not made available until they are approved and signed off in the following meeting.
  • The group decided that it is not usual to make draft minutes widely available and that the current system of publishing them when ratified by the LAF should stand.
Matters arising

There was an update regarding the contact with the Ramblers Association. This would be covered under agenda item ‘Disabled Subgroup’
The Access Management Grant Scheme would be covered under the Rights of Way Section update
The Tennyson Trail regulation order update would be covered under the Rights of Way Section update
Item 2 Declarations of Interests

There were no declarations of interest
Item 3 – LAF Terms of Reference
  • Members were sent a new draft of the Terms of Reference.
  • JGC had concerns about the new document replacing the existing constitution and terms of reference. The constitution covered the legal aspects of the forum, whereas the terms of reference was the forum’s own guidelines.
  • JGC would check the constitution document and would report back to the forum at the next meeting.
  • The forum adopted the new version of the terms of reference.
  • It was noted that there were a small number of clerical errors in the new document. These would be amended by LS
  • There was discussion of documents that were relevant to forum members, and whether each member had an up to date copy. A list of all of these documents, including any web links would be sent to all members.

Item 4 – LAF Members Handbook
  • A document had been sent out to members with ‘good examples’ from other authorities Local Access Forums. This was to inspire ideas and discussion from the group.
  • Discussion was made of the handbook and how it could be used.

Item 5 – Rights of Way Section update

LS gave an update to the Forum about the Rights of Way Section

The winter work programme was under way. This included
  • Overhead cutting of paths
  • Clearing ditches and drains
  • Newtown Boardwalk – CB9
  • Several new bridle gates being installed
  • Usual winter maintenance problems – Standing water, unsafe surfaces etc.

Long term closures of footpaths that had been recently extended by the government Office for the South East
Extended until November 2009
  • V124 – Undercliff
  • C34 – Whale Chine
  • CS35 – Gurnard Luck
  • NT47, NT48, NT49, NT50, NT51 – Undercliff Drive
Extended until June 2009
  • V90- Botanical Gardens – diversion works are underway
  • CB9 – Newtown Boardwalk – Works are underway and due to finish early 2009
  • NT30 – Niton tunnel – Negotiations are underway with the landowner
Winter closures
  • Byway closed to vehicular traffic for the winter period
  • C32a – Chale
  • SW41 – Kingston
  • SW56 – Kingston to Dungewood

Budget information
  • The LAF had requested information regarding the rights of way budget, in particular in relation to works for disabled users.
  • The Forum members were given the document ‘Quick guide to budget and Council tax setting for 2009- 2010’. This was information to help the members understand how the budgets get set.
  • The section had an approved capital budget for 3 years
  • 2008- 2009 - £102K
  • 2009 – 2010 - £93K
  • 2010 – 2011 - £83K
  • Capital improvements include works on strategic networks, coastal path and village networks
  • In addition the section received contractor re-use of road planings for path surfacing works. These totalled approximately £30K annually
  • New bids had been put in for urban paths related to school travel and community routes. This bid was for £300K over 3 years.
  • The revenue budget continues at the same level. New bids had been put in for extra summer maintenance works
  • The Forum was assured that all works undertaken by the rights of way section would have consideration for disabled users as a general policy.
  • Recent examples include the re-built boardwalk at Newtown CB9. This section of path had been designed for wheelchair access. This was at extra expense, but ensure the route was available for all users.
  • The section was also working with the National Trust to provide extra access where possible, through the removal of barriers and gates.
  • Plans were being drawn up to replace the bridges across the St Helens Mill Dam Wall. This route was only suitable for walkers, but 2 new bridges would allow wheelchair use.
  • Discussion was made of the budget levels and why they were decreasing over the next 3 years. Further information would be provided.

  • Alex Russell had been appointed as Rights of Way Manager.
  • There was now a question of backfilling her previous definitive map officer post.
  • A new head of engineering services was due to start in late December, so this matter would be discussed as soon as possible.
ACTION POINT : It was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter to the new Head of Service regarding the Forum’s ongoing views on staffing and budget levels, and also to invite him to a Forum meeting

Legal Orders Underway
  • SS7 Luccombe – currently being advertised. Minor diversion around a private garden and to include a better position for safe road crossing.
  • NC32 Rill Farm – Minor diversion around development – to be advertised very soon
  • Petticoat Lane Newport – diversion of route to take in the new Sainsbury’s development. To be advertised very soon
  • V90 Botanical Gardens – diversion works to bring the path inland and away from a cliff edge. Works were in early stages, but progressing
  • The Forum had previously asked at what stage they should be involved with ROW legal orders
  • The ROW section advised that the forum would not be formally consulted on such legal orders as they were more useful for advice on strategic and policy issues.

Other information
  • Tennyson Trail Permits – The ROW section would be handling applications for permits. None had been issued yet, but this may change in the spring when the route would be open again for permitted drivers
  • Access Land Management Scheme – Some works were underway in conjunction with the National Trust and the Ramblers Association. It had been decided that the grant scheme would not be used for this project, but any signage works may be incorporated into the ROW signage budget. This would be primarily on new or useful routes.
  • An update had been received from former LAF member John Hague regarding the works by the National Trust. This would be sent out to members.
  • Natural England had visited the ROW section recently, to discuss the proposed coastal path. This visit went well and many routes and possibilities were considered. The section are awaiting further information regarding costs.
  • Discussion was made as to whether Isle of Wight is (by the definition s of the forthcoming legislation included in the planned statutory right to Coastal Access. The Ramblers’ Association have raised this nationally. It is expected that the Minister will confirm that the Isle of Wight is included although it is not accessible from the mainland on foot without the use of a ferry or other craft.

Item 6 – LAF Disability sub group and mobility project
  • There was no update from this item as the group lead, George Cawood had resigned from the Forum.
  • IW said he would like to take over the group lead position and would make steps to contact the other members.
  • JB advised that there did not include any landowners on the sub group and asked if any would be willing to provide advice if necessary. It was discussed that GC may still be interested in offering advice as a member of the public in the future if required.
  • The sub group was now formed of IW, JG, ZB, JH

Item 8 – Any other business
  • ME discussed the Discovering Lost Ways Project
  • JGC asked if the group contact details could be provided to other members.
  • LS advised that this could be done if all members agreed.
  • This was agreed and the details would be sent to all members.
  • JB asked about consultation documents that the LAF may wish to comment on. It was often the case that the consultation period was short and between Forum meetings. Discussion was made of this matter and it was agreed that if an important consultation came up then the Chairman would decide if a new LAF meeting would need to be organised. A sub group was considered and may be discussed further in future meetings.
  • Future dates of meetings were discussed. These were proposed as
    • Thursday March 5th
    • Thursday June 4th
    • Thursday September 3rd
    • Thursday December 3rd
  • The next meeting of the Forum would start at 4pm and will be at Arreton Community Centre

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 04/06/2009