The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 21
Arreton Community Centre, Arreton
Thursday 4th September 2008

  • Present at the meeting
Susie Sheldon, David Langford, George Cawood, John Farthing, David James, Councillor John Hobart, Colin Richards, Ian Williams, Mark Earp, Chris Lale, Michael Poland, Zelma Barnes, John Gurney Champion, Jill Green
  • Apologies were received from
Robert Oliver, David Farnham, Mike Jordan, John Brownscombe


Item 1 - Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
There were no changes to the minutes. This document was approved.

Matters arising
  • SS advised that she had received a letter from the Isle of Wight Council Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, Stuart Love. This letter stated that he was aware of the staffing issues within the Public Rights of Way Section, and that some additional resources will be supplied.
  • Since the last meeting two members had resigned.
  • Mr Gavin James had resigned due to ill health. Mr James has notified the forum secretary that he would still be taking an interest in the forum discussion and may visit future meetings as a visitor.
  • Mr Peter Gould had resigned as he was unable to dedicate the time to the forum.
  • SS was due to make contact with the local Ramblers Association (RA) with regard to the proposed mobility project. Mrs Sheldon had made attempts to get in touch with the RA representative, but had not been successful yet.
  • ME informed the forum that he believed the ‘Discovering Lost Ways’ project was still proceeding.
  • ME advised the forum that the reference to ‘crossing points’ in the Marine Bill would not include the Cowes Chain Ferry. Such ferries need to be free and run 24 hours a day.
Item 2 Declarations of Interests
  • SS explained that this item was necessary.
  • GC asked how the forum could proceed as all members by their nature had an interest in the projects. It was suggested by SS that most members by the nature of the LAF would have interests but if they were likely to receive a financial advantage that would be relevant.
  • For further information for forum members reading these minutes:

The LAF regulations state
Declaring a personal interest
  • 5.1.3 Regulation 6(8) requires a forum member who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter brought up for consideration by the forum, to disclose the nature of that interest to the meeting. A direct or indirect interest might reasonably be regarded as one which:-
might affect a member’s well being, financial position, or business (which would be a ‘direct’ interest, as it impacts on the member directly), or that of a relative or friend (which would be an ‘indirect’ interest) to a greater extent than that of other council tax payers, ratepayers or other inhabitants of the area.
  • 5.1.4 The Regulations do not prohibit a forum member with a direct/indirect interest from participating in the discussion (indeed, they might have a useful contribution to make), but the secretary should record all declared interests in the minutes of the meeting. An appointing authority is entitled to terminate the appointment of any member who fails to disclose a direct or indirect interest in a matter that is before the forum.
  • 5.1.5 If a member is in doubt as to whether they could be regarded as having a direct or indirect interest in a matter, it is recommended they should err on the side of caution and disclose the nature of the interest accordingly.
Item 3 – LAF Members Handbook
  • The forum members had been given copies of the members handbook before the last meeting. It was decided in meeting 20 that members would bring any comments, ideas or input regarding this document, to meeting 21.
  • IW felt it would have helped if there were paragraph numbers.
  • Some members had not read the entire document yet as it was quite large.
  • JF felt the document was not very user friendly and that page numbers should have been added to indicate the position of key sections.
  • GC advised that the section regarding liability for livestock and trespass is incorrect. GC would send the forum secretary information to clarify this point correctly. This information would be sent to members with the meeting minutes.
  • Discussion was made about gates in the country being left open, and the problems this gave to livestock owners.

Item 4 – IWC Rights of Way Update
  • LS advised the forum on the following points
  • Since the last meeting contact had been made with Natural England (NE) over the Access Management Grant Scheme. The grant bid was being considered as an option to take the project forward. NE were being very helpful and advising on the process. The forum would be consulted over the designs of any signage for access land.
  • GC asked that disabled access advice be included on any access land signage.
  • The Tennyson Trail Traffic Regulation Order signs had been erected on site. There were some queries regarding the signage and what access it allowed, but these were being dealt with. The permit scheme was being planned.
  • Natural England had made contact regarding the Discovering Lost Ways (DLW) Project. It was advised that the DLW project had closed following a review carried out in 2007. The document ‘Discovering Lost Ways – Outcome of the review and recommendations for the way forward’ was given to members for information.

Rights of Way Internal Information
  • Budget levels remained the same as last year. The financial year was half way through, so any changes are unlikely at this point.
  • Resource levels had changed to aid the section.
  • A temporary post had been provided to help with computer based GIS work. This would involve asset management, future maintenance planning and network review.
  • A further temporary post had been provided for legal work to help with definitive map orders. This would allow work on the backlog of legal orders, and the network review.

Maintenance Works
  • The summer cutting programme was now at an end and further cutting or strimming was being done if reported.
  • The winter programme of overhead cutting was starting, as well as some winter furniture replacement/maintenance works.
  • Works to re-open the closed boardwalk at CB9 in Newtown were being planned. The work had recently gone out to tender. Works on the ground were expected in October 2008.
  • GC asked if the new bridge would be designed with disabled access. LS advised that this would be the case.
  • Natural England had booked some days to visit the IWC in late September. This was for a coastal audit. Members were given a document explaining the audit process.
  • SS asked whether landowners would be contacted about the NE visit. LS was not aware if this was going to happen.
  • DL asked for a copy of the audit process, which was supplied by LS
  • ME asked about the rights of way signage and whether the wooden signs would still be used.
  • LAS advised that the new design enamelled signage would be used as it is very long lasting.

Long Term Closures.
  • A list and maps of long term closures was sent to all members before the meeting. SS asked that if there were no comments or objections, then the LAF would support the renewal of the closure orders in November.

Item 5 – Proposed Mobility Project
  • At the last forum it was proposed that the forum should put some work into a map of local ‘easy to use’ routes, that may be suitable for people with disabilities. Although no member of the forum was an expert in this area, it was felt that the wealth of knowledge regarding local routes would be able to suggest some routes that could be promoted or investigated further, for use by those with disabilities.
  • SS proposed that the forum form a small subgroup to take this project forward, and also have regard to other matters that may affect countryside access for those with disabilities.
  • A subgroup was formed of members GC, IW, ZB, Cllr JH, JG
  • Contact details would be circulated to these members, in order for them to meet.

Item 6 – Terms of Reference
  • A recent meeting between the Forum Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary had proposed a number of changes and amendments to the current LAF Terms of Reference.
  • A draft of the changed terms would be sent out to members in October, in order to discuss them at the December meeting.
  • Members were asked for any input or ideas for the changed document to be sent to the secretary before the end of September.
  • GC asked what the previous constitution was

Item 7 – Island Plan Consultation
  • The forum were recently invited to comment on the Island Plan Online Core strategy Options Consultation. Members were sent the link to the strategy document before the meeting and asked to bring any comments to the meeting.
  • The document had not been sent out to members as it was an online exercise and very large.
  • Many members had not read the document due to unreliable internet connections.
  • There were no immediate comments from the forum, however it was decided that a comment would be sent to say that the forum had discussed the document but had not had time to make formal comments. This would acknowledge that the forum had an interest in the continuing process.

Item 8 – Any other business
  • MP advised that due to his health he would regrettably resign from the forum. He felt he was not able to properly participate as a member.
  • SS accepted the resignation, but informed the members that this was done reluctantly. It was felt that MP had been a very valuable member of the forum and his presence and knowledge would be missed.
  • Members asked if MP would consider coming to future meetings for specific agenda items.
  • JG informed the members that she would be visiting a Ramblers Association LAF seminar soon, and would report back to the forum.
  • The Forum discussed meeting venues. It was suggested that the group meet in different locations in order to give the public opportunity to attend.
  • CR advised that he would not like to travel across the island to attend a meeting as it would take considerable time and travel.
  • GC asked about meeting times and whether the forum would consider a 14:30 start in the future.
  • It was decided that the December meeting would start at 14:30 and then meetings in spring 2009 may start at a later time.
  • Members were advised that the next meeting is on Thursday 4th December, venue to be confirmed.

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 13/01/2009