The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 20
Enterprise House, Newport
Thursday 5th June 2008

  • Present at the meeting
John Brownscombe, Jill Green, Zelma Barnes, John Farthing, David Farnham, Colin Richards, Tony Williams, David Langford, Chris Lale, Mark Earp, Councillor John Hobart, Robert Oliver, John Gurney Champion
  • Apologies were received from
Susie Sheldon (Chairman), Michael Poland, George Cawood, Ian Williams


As the chairman was unable to attend, the vice Chairman John Brownscombe chaired the meeting.

Two new members were formally welcomed to the Local Access Forum (see item 2)

Item 1 - Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
The previous minutes did not record the discussion made of the Tennyson Trail Traffic Regulation Order and the request for signage. This would be amended, with note that a letter was to be sent to Councillor Tim Hunter Henderson.

Matters arising

LS advised about the action points from the previous meeting minutes.
  • A letter from the forum had been sent to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, Stuart Love. This letter was to request that the Rights of Way Section staffing situation would be resolved as soon as possible.
  • An acknowledgement of this letter had been received, but there was no further detailed information to give.
  • A letter from the forum had been sent to Sir Martin Doughty regarding support of the Natural England Access Management Grant Scheme (AMGS).
  • A letter had been received from Natural England (NE) indicating that the AMGS would continue for 2008. A NE representative would be in touch with the authority soon regarding this project.
  • The forum agreed to make proactive contact with NE regarding this project as soon as possible.
  • A letter from the forum had been sent to Councillor Tim Hunter Henderson regarding the Tennyson Trail closure signs.
  • LS advised that the signs had now been delivered and would be in place very soon.
  • At the last meeting ME was to compile a list of ‘Lost Ways’ and supply this to the Rights of Way Section for review. The list had not been supplied yet, but was imminent.
  • Some discussion was made as to whether the Discovering Lost Ways Project was still continuing as indications had been made that it had collapsed.
  • ME had recently been in touch with NE, who assured him it was still running.
  • DL felt this was not the case and the project had been stopped.
  • LS advised that Hampshire Countryside Access Forum had recently discussed this matter. A letter had been sent from Defra advising:
  • “My purpose in writing to you is to confirm that the Minister has agreed that implementation of sections 53 to 56 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (which would extinguish any historic rights of way not shown on the definitive map and statement by 2026 and are not yet in force) will not be pursued, at least until the [Discovering Lost Ways successor] stakeholder group proposed by Natural England has been reported to Defra on its conclusions”
  • TW believed there would be an announcement from NE very soon
  • JGC queried the date of 2026 and reminded the forum that any claimed routes would still need 20 years of solid evidence before they could be added to the definitive map.
Item 2 - New forum members
  • LS advised the forum that after a recent advert in the local press, the forum had received 6 applications for membership.
  • A selection panel made up of the Forum Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and a representative from the IWC Committee Services Section, met to discuss and appoint members.
  • Four new members were appointed to the Forum. These were
  • Mr John Farthing – User of local public rights of way and access land
  • Mr George Cawood – Land Manager
  • Mr Ian Williams – User of local public rights of way and access land
  • Dr David Farnham – User of local public rights of way and access land

The membership now stands as follows.
  1. Mr Mike Jordan
  2. Tony Williams
  3. Jill Green
  4. John Gurney Champion
  5. Michael Poland
  6. John Brownscombe
  7. Gavin James
  8. David Langford
  9. Peter Gould
  10. Zelma Barnes
  11. Chris Lale
  12. Councillor John Hobart
  13. Councillor William Burt
  14. Colin Richards
  15. David James
  16. Mark Earp
  17. Susie Sheldon
  18. Robert Oliver
  19. George Cawood
  20. John Farthing
  21. David Farnham
  22. Ian Williams
  • The forum has its maximum membership of 22 members.
  • JB informed the forum that the current situation is that members are appointed for a number of years and then automatically re-appointed if the forum is happy to do so. This process may need to be reviewed to ensure there is a good turnover of members to keep the forum active.
  • The member selection panel may need to meet again to discuss a new system where members posts would be advertised at the end of their term, and they would be able to retire or re-apply to stay on the forum.
  • DF asked if there was a normal term to serve
  • JB advised that members could decide to serve 1, 2, or 3 years on the forum.
  • JB also felt that there were other issues that needed to be discussed including public presence at meetings, annual reports and the forum website.
  • JB asked the forum what it felt about members who had not attended meetings for a long time. Currently these members were still on the forum, but the Terms of Reference gives a process to automatically cease their membership if required.
  • CR proposed that these members were removed. This proposal was seconded.
  • JGC believed that the members should be contacted beforehand to ask why they were unable to attend.
  • The proposal was changed that the chairman would make contact with these members first. This was agreed by the forum.
  • JB and Susie Sheldon will discuss and redraft the current constitution and terms of reference of the group for circulation and detailed discussion by the forum at its next meeting. Revisions will include an clause dealing with the election process; details on how the LAF advises the public of its work; and clarification of the need for Chairman contact with members who have not attended three consecutive meetings before a decision is taken to deem their membership lapsed.

Item 3 – Local Access Forum Members Handbook
  • Members were supplied with the members handbook and asked to bring along any discussion or questions that they may have.
  • DF felt the list of terms and abbreviations at the end of the book was very useful, particularly for new members
  • DL believed the book would be useful to enforce the forums opinions and concerns
  • The forum agreed that as the document was very large, more time was required to stimulate detailed discussion. Members were asked to read the book before meeting 21 and forward any views, opinions, or matters for discussion to the secretary.

Item 4 – IWC Rights of Way Section Update
  • LS gave out a document detailing the current long term closures. These were all explained to the members.
  • The closures were as follows
  • BS106, Brighstone – closed to vehicular traffic in order to protect the path surface. Due to be re-opened during July 2008
  • BS79, Brook – closed due to land movement. Still unsafe for public use. Closure likely to be extended in November 2008
  • CS35, Gurnard – closed due to collapsed sea wall. Still unsafe for public use. Closure likely to be extended in November 2008
  • CB9, Newtown creek – closed due to collapsed boardwalk. Scheduled for replacement in 2008.
  • N59, Carisbrooke – Closed due to an unsafe wall adjacent to the path. May need possible legal action by the IWC.
  • NT47, NT48, NT49, NT50, NT51, Undercliff – Closed due to land movement. Still unsafe for public use. Closure likely to be extended in November 2008.
  • NT30, Niton – closed due to an unsafe wall adjacent to the path. Still unsafe for public use. Closure may need to be extended in December 2008, if works are not complete.
  • NC36, Branstone – Closed following legal action by the IWC. Due to be reinstated very soon.
  • V90, Ventnor Botanical Gardens – Closed as path line is too close to the cliff edge. Diversion works to commence as soon as possible to bring the path line inland.
  • V124, Undercliff – Closed due to land movement. Closure likely to be extended in November 2008.
  • C34 Whale Chine – Closed due to land movement. Still unsafe for public use. Unlikely to be re-opened during 2008.
  • The closures were briefly discussed.
  • LS further advised about the current projects, budget and resources of the Rights of Way Section.
  • The summer cutting programme was underway and going well. A small number of paths had been re-surfaced with planings.
  • Budgets are as expected and sufficient for this year. Due to budget changes in the previous year a number of capital projects, particularly with the coastal path, had to be held and put in to this years programme.
  • Staffing was at the same levels, but steps were being taken to fill vacant positions and provide some immediate temporary cover.
  • JB asked if the budget levels had remained at the 2007 or returned to the 2006 level.
  • ACTION POINT – IWC Rights of Way section to advise the forum on budget levels
The forum is advised that the Rights of Way budget levels have been returned to the 2006 level.
  • Item 5 – Mobility Project
  • LS advised the forum that recently a request had been made for a map of ‘easy to use’ paths aimed at people with disabilities. Currently there was no such map, but it was felt it would be a good project to take forward.
  • The IWC Rights of Way Section asked the forum if they would like to pursue this project as a forum or via a subgroup. It was also understood that the local Ramblers Association was looking into a similar idea, so it may be a good project to work on together.
  • ME felt the idea was very good, but was unsure of the logistics
  • JB was unsure if the forum had the necessary skills to judge the paths and whether it would need to involve other agencies or bodies
  • CR was concerned about the different degrees of disability and that such a project did not give false hope for path upgrades
  • LS informed the forum that this project would only be on existing routes. There would not be options for upgrades or major works
  • JB felt that if a subgroup was formed it would need a clear definition of what was required
  • LS advised that a sub group of the Isle of Wight Ramblers’ Association was also working on a similar initiative.
  • The forum decided that the Chairman would contact the Ramblers Association to find out more about their plans to avoid duplication and then the forum can decide if it has a role to play
  • ACTION POINT – Chairman to contact Ramblers representative
  • ME advised that there was a National Association of Disabled Ramblers
  • Item 6 – Any Other Business
  • JF wished to discuss the Lost Ways project with ME. This was to happen outside of the meeting
  • ZB advised that the British Horse Society (BHS) had written to all of the local riding clubs asking for information of routes that could be upgraded to bridleway standard. It was emphasised that any suggestions would form a ‘wish list’ for the future.
  • ME asked about the marine bill and different limitations on the plans
  • JH had concerns over the lack of bridleways in the Gurnard area
  • TW was concerned about potholes on Quarr Road, that had formed from local site traffic.
  • LS believed there may be some information available and would report back to the forum
  • Further discussion was made of the Defra Marine Bill. Defra asked for any further comments to be returned by 26th June 2008. JB asked the forum if they felt any comments should be made for this deadline.
  • JB felt that the forum had already commented on the principle, and that it was too early to make any useful further comments.
  • DL felt it would be wise to wait for information regarding budget and costs
  • RO advised that a change in government may also change the proposed plans
  • After this discussion it was proposed that the forum would not comment at this time. This was seconded and then voted in favour of.
  • The venue for the forum was discussed. Members felt it may be beneficial to hold the meetings in local village halls, as this may attract more of a public presence.
  • Members were reminded that the next meeting would be on September 4th. Venue to be confirmed.
  • Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 16/09/2008