The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 19
Riverside Centre, Newport Quay
Thursday 6th March 2008

  • Present at the meeting
Susie Sheldon (Chairman), John Gurney-Champion, Zelma Barnes, Michael Poland, Chris Lale, John Brownscombe, Jill Green, Mike Jordan, Mark Earp, Colin Richards, Robert Oliver
  • Apologies were received from
Tony Williams, Gavin James, David Langford


Item 1 - Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
  • There were no changes to the minutes and these were signed off by the Chairman

Matters arising
  • The forum asked about the requested legislation on working dogs and the recent dog control orders.
  • LAS advised the forum that the IWC legal section are currently looking into the relevant legislation, and would advise soon.
  • JG asked about the staffing of the Rights of Way Section and whether the head of section position and ‘backfill’ had been resolved, as promised by the Director Stuart Love in the previous forum meeting.
  • As this matter had not been resolved the forum agreed to write to Mr Love insisting that this be resolved as soon as possible, and that additional support would be provided in the meantime.
  • ACTION POINT – Forum to write to Stuart Love
  • The Access land Grant Scheme was discussed, and whether there would be any future additional funding made available from Natural England.
  • JB said he would only have confidence if there was IWC support for the project.
  • The forum agreed to send a letter of support to the Chairman of Natural England.
  • ACTION POINT – Forum to write to Sir Martin Doughty
  • ME asked about the Discovering Lost Ways Project. He had collated some evidence and wondered how to proceed.
  • LS offered to liaise with ME regarding these routes and provide some help in how to proceed. A list would be made available for the next forum meeting.

Item 2 – Vice Chairman Position
  • The open Vice Chairman position was discussed and volunteers were asked for.
  • Mr John Brownscombe was appointed Vice Chairman of the forum.

Item 3 – New LAF member recruitment
  • The open LAF members positions were discussed.
  • LS advised the forum that an advert would appear in the County Press very soon to advertise for new members. Some names had already been put forward, and all previous unsuccessful applicants had been contacted directly.
  • The forum were made aware that member JB would soon leave his post as AONB Officer. The forum felt he should remain as a member of the forum, and that a position be held open for his successor.
  • LS advised that this only left 3 open member spaces.

Item 4 – IWC Rights of Way Update
  • LS informed the forum that the capital budget confirmation was imminent, but there was no update at this time.
  • Capital projects for 2008 had been forecast, and a list of these projects was requested for the next meeting.
  • The long term closure list was read to members
  • MJ asked that the LAF should be consulted over any future extensions to long term closures.
  • LS confirmed that this would happen for long term closure extensions.
  • ZB asked about litter around school sites
  • This matter was discussed by the forum.
  • LS advised about a series of educational walks that the Rights of Way Section would be conducting with local schools for the walking festival.
  • MP thought this idea was good, and that local landowners should be informed as they may be able to offer help or advice.
  • LS informed the forum that some minor works had been progressed over the access land project. Recent meeting with the Ramblers Association and The National Trust had led to some possible plans to work together on some sites. Members would be kept informed of progress.
Item 5 – Island Plan Consultation Document
  • The document had previously been sent out to forum members so a representation could be made from the forum.
  • SS felt there was not enough mention of playing fields and sports facilities.
  • MP wanted more emphasis on the Island's Natural beauty and environment as a tourist attraction.
  • The forum agreed that the document was only an initial version, so did not include enough detail to thoroughly comment. It would be made clear in the returned comments that the forum expect to be included in all future consultations on this document.
  • JB gave advice on how the AONB section would be commenting on the plan.
After discussion the forum gave the following comments
  • The current document does not contain enough information or provision for playing fields or local sporting and recreation facilities. Such amenities are extremely important for the community, so need further consideration.
  • There is little mention of the intrinsic country landscape and beauty of the island, for tourism purposes. The Island holds a great area of countryside access and Areas of outstanding natural beauty, which should be used to encourage visitors.
  • Any new developments on the island should respect and enhance any existing public access or open space. There should also be formal tariffs set down for development works, to support local public access, conservation and environmental interests.

Item 6 – Any other business
  • There was discussion of bridleway links that could be used on the rights of way network. ZB was to look into previous link documents that had been produced by the BHS.
  • The LAF handbook was commented on. There was no update at this time, but it was expected very soon.
  • JB advised that the Director of Natural England was visiting the Island in July, and was due to have a meeting at Osborne House. It was suggested that if an invitation to this meeting could be arranged for the chairman of the LAF, then it may be an opportunity to discuss the Osborne Coastal Path link.
  • LS would investigate the possibility of this.
  • SS asked if the forum felt that the smaller venue allowed a better atmosphere for discussion.
  • JB agreed with this and suggested the meeting room at Enterprise House.

Meeting Ends

Page last updated on: 01/07/2008