The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 17
Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport
6th September 2007


Present at the meeting

Chris Lale, Jill Green, David Langford, John Hague, Councillor John Hobart, Michael Poland, Gavin James, Susie Sheldon, Alex Russell (IWC), John Gurney Champion

Apologies were received from

Mike Jordan, Tony Williams, John Brownscombe, Colin Richards, Caroline Knox, Zelma Barnes, Mark Earp, Robert Oliver

Item 1 Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
  • There were no changes to the minutes

Matters arising
  • JG asked about the Open Access Project. It was decided that this would be discussed as part of the Rights of Way Section Update.
  • DL advised the group that he had been in discussion with the West Wight Landscape Partnership regarding the proposed Newport to Freshwater Cycleway.

Item 2 Dog Control Orders and invitation to join KC Dog
Documents relating to three dog control orders proposed by the IWC were given to members for discussion and any comments that they wished to make.
  • SS asked about any exclusions for working dogs.
  • DL believed there was an exclusion in law
  • MP felt the order relating to dog fouling was impractical
  • JG felt that the idea was good but policing it would be impossible
  • Discussion was made regarding working dogs and the fact that they were not mentioned or excluded in the orders
  • The group agreed that there should be a mention of working dogs in the orders if possible
  • Discussion was made over whether the orders affected public footpaths away from public roads.
  • ADDITIONAL – Not part of the minutes. The IWC legal section has advised that
‘The aim of the order is to only apply to carriageways and adjoining highway land.  Carriageways is that adopted land that has both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.  The main aim is to ensure there is no conflict between dogs off leads and highway users, (mainly vehicles).  Its not therefore intended to apply to land some distance from carriageway (highway) only those next to or in the vicinity of the carriageway’
  • The LAF had not been sent any previous notice of consultation so would ask the relevant IWC section to delay the deadline so the group could have time to consider the orders.
  • Members were asked to send any comments through to the secretary for collation, within the following 2 weeks of the meeting.

Item 3 Defra Coastal Consultation
  • DL was disappointed that the LAF comments had been sent before the meeting as he thought there would be another chance to discuss the answers in this meeting
  • LS advised that the comments had been approved by the chairman and sent to Defra
  • LS advised that there was an error on the electronic reply form and question 10 had to be answered via a separate email.
  • Question 10 was answered as
There are concerns regarding the sustainability of funding over the longer period of the project. Any costs to landowners should be kept absolutely minimal.’
  • The completed response form was read through and discussed.

Item 4 Future Training Talks
  • LS told the forum that other LAF groups had run a successful programme of members giving talks on their own area of expertise to the other members. This had helped with training and understanding of certain elements relative to the groups interests.
  • Members were asked if anyone would like to volunteer to give a short presentation in one of the next meetings.
  • No member volunteered.
  • DL asked if one of the Rights of Way Maintenance team would be able to attend to give a presentation.
  • The group also discussed asking a dog warden to one of the next meetings.

Item 5 Update from the Rights of Way Section
LS advised on relevant projects that are being worked on by the Rights of Way Section

Urban signage National Lottery Grant Bid
  • This project was currently being held. Recent indications show that the grant schemes had been reduced due to money being put into the 2012 London Olympics, so funding for this project was unlikely.
  • The project would be pursued but on a smaller scale and in conjunction with other projects.

Round The Solent Project
  • This project was being pursued by Hampshire County Council, with input from the IWC.
  • The project had been abandoned due to the grants being reduced by the 2012 Olympics.
  • A smaller project grant for local circular routes ‘Solent Circles’ would be applied for very soon via the heritage scheme. The IWC would be involved in this further project.

Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Progress had been made on the following ROWIP projects
  • P4 – Circular Routes – this project was discussed as part of the Solent Circles new grant bid
  • P7 – Main User Group Liaison Meetings – As discussed in meeting 16, this project had started with the Ramblers Association and was going well. Further user groups would now be considered
  • P24 & P11 – Unsafe road crossings and connectivity of the network – The Ramblers Association were performing site surveys at identified areas on the island. Further works would be completed once the surveys were complete.

Long Term Closures of Rights of Way
  • CB9 – Newtown Bridge – Closed since January 2007 until October 2007 – Closure to be reviewed very soon with regard to possible works
  • BS79 – Brook Chine – Been closed for the past 12 months at least due to landslip – Closure very likely to be renewed in October 2007
  • N59 Carisbrooke – Closed for at least the past 12 months due to an unsafe wall – No progress had been made with the landowners to make the wall safe. The IWC would be pursuing this matter for re-opening as soon as possible
  • C34 – Whale Chine – Closed for at least 12 months due to landslip. Closure to be reviewed in October 2007
  • CS35 & CS36 – Gurnard – Closed for at least 12 months due to a collapsed sea wall – Closure to be renewed in October 2007 – New steps to the beach were being planned in order to keep the closure physical length to a minimum.
  • NT47, NT48, NT49, NT50, NT51 – Undercliff – Closed for at least 12 months due to landslip – Closure due to be renewed in October 2007
  • V124 – Undercliff – Closed for at least 12 months due to landslip. Due to be renewed in October 2007
  • NC36 – Branstone – Closed until January 2008 for environmental improvement works. A magistrates court case which affects this closure will be heard on October 2007.
  • AR gave information regarding the rights of way section budget and work programmes
  • The Capital Budget for 2007 – 2008 had been confirmed and as was as expected
  • Work programmes had started
  • Following the retirement of Tim Slade the Rights of Way Section would continue as previously, and be managed by AR.
  • AR hoped to recruit a further member of staff at apprentice level soon
  • With regard to the Open Access Project AR confirmed that the Rights of Way Section could not commit any project time this financial year.
  • JH advised that recent contact from Natural England had offered a possible project grant for this project that had not been taken by the IWC
  • LS advised that the possible grant was considered by the Rights of Way Section. The scale of the project, the quality expected and the available timescale did not allow for a successful project, so it was decided that it could not be pursued at this time. Natural England were involved in the consideration of the project and understood why the grant was not being bid for. Natural England advised that funding may be available again in 2008, and the Rights of Way Section would be informed.
  • DL asked about splitting the project down
  • LS felt that staging different sections of the project could be a wise option
  • SS asked if a timetable could be drawn up for staging the works
  • AR advised that this would be possible but no time could be given in this financial year, however it would be considered for 2008 amongst other projects. No formal commitment could be made at this time however
  • The forum asked if JH would be able to put in any time to the project staging
  • JH did not want to put any further time into the project
  • SS wanted to record that the forum felt disappointed that the project could not be pursued at this time
  • AR advised that projects within the rights of way section need to be designed and bid for in advance. The section would not be able to stop other projects to apply for this one within the timescale given.
  • The LAF had previously given their main priorities as Coastal Path Improvements and New links in the network
  • AR further advised that the project could be split into smaller stages set over a period of time, depending on funding available.
  • The Rights of Way Section would be able to use the information given in the survey reports, and try to progress elements of the project as part of ROWIP/LTP projects in the future. This would concentrate on directional signage, safe code of conduct, and the needs and advice of agriculture & conservation
  • The project would appear on the agenda of meeting 18

Item 6 2008 Isle of Wight Walking Festival
  • LS explained that the 2008 walking festival would be the 10 year anniversary year and it will be a large event. The forum were asked for any ideas or input for the event.
  • GJ advised that he had previously tried to raise awareness of participants with disabilities. He felt that this did not get far and was not considered by the organisers.
  • There were no further comments or input. Ideas were invited to be sent to the secretary as soon as possible.

Item 7 Any Other Business
  • CH asked about the closed footpath CS21 and whether it would be open soon.
  • AR advised that discussions were being made with the landowner and it looked likely to be open very soon.
  • JH asked about the planning section and the guidance by the LAF
  • LS advised that the Head of Planning was due to visit the forum in meeting 18
  • CL asked about the Tennyson Trail closure and whether user groups were able to get permits.
  • AR advised this would not be possible.
  • CL had concerns over the use by some permitted drivers.
  • The closure order would be sent to LAF members when it had been confirmed to the rights of way section
  • LS gave members a copy of the Natural England consultation on activation and expiry of fire prevention restrictions under the CROW Act 2000. The consultation had a deadline of 1st October so members were asked to send any comments or responses to the secretary before 27th September.

Meeting Ends

Page last updated on: 17/01/2008