The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 16
Committee Room 2, County Hall, Newport
7th June 2007


Present at the meeting

Mike Jordan, Chris Lale, John Hague, John Brownscombe, Gavin James, John Gurney-Champion, Mark Earp, David Langford, Colin Richards

Apologies were received from

Loraine Whelan, Susie Sheldon, Jill Green, Michael Poland, Andrew Hodgson, David James, Tony Williams

Item 1 Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
  • There were no changes to the minutes

Matters arising
  • There were no matters arising

Item 2 Matters relating to LAF consultation and advice
  • The document on links to parish councils was discussed.
  • CR had concerns that Natural England had not consulted regarding recent works at the railway line in Alverstone.
  • JB advised that over time this area should settle and the gains could be good.
  • JB asked about the documents relating to the implementation of the Local Transport Plan, and whether the local authority had a duty to implement it.
  • Information following the meeting :- The LTP is monitored by Defra and an annual report must be made explaining the progress against 21 set targets.
  • A letter written by from forum member Tony Williams, concerning development in the Cowes area was discussed
  • Mr Dave Moore from the planning section of the Isle of Wight Council attended this meeting to answer any queries.
  • Mr Moore explained the East Cowes Barratts development, and the access points and paths that had been allowed for. A footpath had been made available behind hedges on Beatrice Avenue. This path was decided as the best route for safe access to schools and local amenities. Further paths to Kingston Copse would be available.
  • Additional research was underway for a greenway from East Cowes to Newport.
  • Discussions were also being made with Island Harbour for an alternative permissive ‘dry’ route set back from the coast.
  • There was no further information regarding a coastal route at Osborne.
  • There was local demand for coastal routes on the foreshore at Venture Quays. This land was however private land and it was decided that there was no logic or ability to have a route made.
  • There were many other plans and project for Cowes waterfront and sea defences. Further consultation would be made when necessary. In this area it appeared that private landowners may consider installing their own sea defences rather than have a public one put in.
  • ME asked about the aluminium boatworks at Fishbourne and the possible path link.
  • DM advised that this was over private land so would be difficult to achieve.
  • JH asked if the LAF would be involved in the Local Development Framework.
  • DM advised that all related documents that feed in to the LDF would affect it. The LTP and ROWIP would all feed into this document.
  • MJ told the forum that the head of planning would be invited to the next meeting to discuss planning policy.

The document inviting members to the Defra coastal consultation day was discussed. Any members that wished to attend this event were asked to contact the secretary as soon as possible.

The document concerning the ‘Right to Apply consultation’ was discussed.
  • JB asked if additional funding had been made available for the rights of way section
  • LS advised there had been no extra funding made available for this task as yet.
  • Information following the meeting :- A briefing document explaining the standard charges would be sent out to members.
  • DL told the forum that the CLA had already made comments on the consultation
  • The forum decided not to object to the consultation as long as the process was cost neutral.
  • JB further commented that any additional revenue should be directed to the Rights of Way section

Item 3 Update from the Rights of Way Section


The Reaching Communities Grant Bid
The grant bid was being worked up to a re-submission in the near future. Support and input was being sought from the parish and town councils. So far feedback had been all good and interest had been generated. Details of the project are circulated with these minutes.

Round the Solent project
Although this project was feared delayed, recent contact had shown that a bid was imminent. Hampshire County Council had been in touch with the rights of way section regarding the projects they had proposed.

Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Opportunities had led to progress being made on the following projects
  • Urban path signage – to be dealt with via the Reaching Communities bid
  • Island entry points – to be dealt with via the round the Solent project
  • 5) Countryside Portals – to be partially dealt with by the reaching communities bid
  • 7) Main user group liaison meetings – The first meeting had taken place the week before, with the Ramblers’ Association. More meetings were to be planned soon
  • 11) Connectivity - The meeting with the Ramblers’ Association had led to a joint project with the rights of way section, to look into possible links
  • 14) Public Transport links – a recent guide put together by the IWC fleet department allowed mention of public rights of way. This was a small part of this project, but gave some promotion of the network
  • 24) Unsafe road, rail & rail crossings – The Ramblers’ Association meeting also led to a joint project to assess unsafe crossings and possible solutions
  • 30) Planning department contact – A meeting would be held with the head of planning and rights of way very soon to discuss how development may affect the network
  • It was decided that a list of ROWIP projects and progress would be given to members at all future meetings.
  • DL told the forum that he had been in touch with the West Wight Landscape Partnership regarding the Newport to Yarmouth Cycleway. Land surveys were being conducted and alternative routes were being discussed.

Statutory Duties
  • The maintenance and protection of the network was continuing. The summer cutting programme had started and was going well.
  • The signage project was continuing and a new order would be placed as soon as the budget was confirmed.
  • The legal recording works were continuing, but this would see a slow down as members of the row team had to cover for the staff shortage.

A list of Long Term Closures of rights of way was tabled and were discussed

The budget and staffing of rights of way were discussed
  • The budget had not yet been confirmed but there were indications that it would be as expected. Further funding may also be available for projects such as coastal path improvements.
  • Staffing within the section remained short following Tim Slade’s retirement. The situation was to be reviewed soon.
  • CR asked why LS was secretary of the forum whilst the row section was short of staff.
  • JB advised that this may have been done as a saving.
  • The forum advised that committee services should be contacted to see if any help could be provided.
  • The forum decided to invite Stuart Love, the Director to the next meeting.

Item 4 Open access land
  • JH and JB gave a brief of their survey findings of the access land. The desired signage works and accesses would cost £50,000 approx. As Natural England had stopped the access land grants it was now proposed that the local authority fund, or bid for funding of this project.
  • GJ asked about whether the sites had been assessed for disabled access. There was a concern that proper access was not being given recognition.
  • JH advised that such access had not been considered during survey works, and that the applications may need to be amended.
  • JB advised that there may be funding for the west side of the island through the West Wight Landscape Partnership, but this had not been confirmed yet.
  • DL asked about priority in the event that £50,000 was not made available.
  • LS advised that he would put the proposal to the head of the rights of way section, but felt current resources would not allow any works on this project.

Item 5 Changes to the Rights of Way Network
  • The proposed extinguishment of public right of way NT47 was discussed earlier in the meeting.
  • JH felt a concern as the forum was not consulted over this change to the network. JH felt that as it was an advisory forum that they should be consulted over every major change in the network.
  • JB requested that a list of all closed or unusable paths be given to the forum with details such as how long it had been out of action and why.
  • JB also felt that rights of way resources should be put into opening any paths that were closed.
  • This request would be put to the rights of way section.

Item 6 Planning Officer
  • This item was discussed earlier as part of item 1 as Mr Moore had other appointments to attend

Item 7 Any other business
  • There was discussion over the Defra Coastal access consultation. An extra meeting was to be held in July to discuss this issue.
  • JH was concerned that IWC elected members were not attending the forum meetings.
  • Discussion took place regarding voluntary dedication of open access land.

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 21/08/2007