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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 15
Council Chambers, County Hall, Newport
8th March 2007


Present at the meeting

Jill Green, Tony Williams, Chris Lale, Andrew Hodgeson, Zelma Barnes, David James, Caroline Knox, Cllr Bill Burt (CBB), John Hague (JH), John Brownscombe (JB), Colin Richards, Michael Poland, Gavin James, Tim Slade (TS -IWC), Mike Jordan (MJ), John Gurney Champion (JGC), Mark Earp, Susie Sheldon (SS)

Apologies were received from

David Langford, Loraine Whelan

Item 1 Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
  • There were no changes to the minutes

Matters arising
  • There were no matters arising

Item 2 New LAF Guidance
  • The new guidance document had been sent out to forum members for information
  • The main changes included
  • New powers for appointing authorities to adapt the organisational structure and geographical coverage of forums
  • A new duty on appointing authorities to supply Natural England with information on the forum regarding
    • Annual report
    • Details of the forum secretary
    • Relevant details after establishing a forum
  • Additional bodies the forum may advise are
    • Sport England
    • Parish Councils
    • AONB Conservation Boards

Item 3 Update from the Rights of Way Section
  • MJ asked if the new members had received the Rights of Way Improvement Plan
  • Members who had not received this document are asked to contact the forum secretary as soon as possible for a copy

  • LS advised that an outline grant bid had been made to the National Lottery Reaching Communities scheme. This initial bid had been rejected due to concerns over the amount of capital asked for and whether the signage in the plan was non statutory
  • LS had spoken to the Reaching Communities team and was about to split the large project into 2-3 smaller projects for new grant bids
  • JB advised of the conservation needs and concerns of such a project
  • GJ asked that information boards in projects be placed within towns and not at the edges
  • LS advised that this project would give large information signs within towns
  • An update on the grant bid would be given at the next meeting
  • TS updated the Forum regarding the Round The Solent Project.
  • LS further explained some of the projects that may be included in the Round The Solent Project
  • The Quarr to Fishbourne Cycleway link - £100K
  • Improvements to the existing Freshwater to Yarmouth Cycleway for multiple users - £50K
  • Signage information boards at the main ferry ports - £20K
  • TS advised that there was little change in the Cowes Waterfront Project from the last update given. Rights of Way had asked for additional access in the scheme but this was not accepted. Several attempts had been made to contact the relevant planning officer, but had been unsuccessful
  • CBB advised that no detailed planning permission had yet been granted
  • It was decided that a planning officer would be invited to the next forum meeting
  • LS updated the forum on the progress of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Works were being done on some of the priority 1 projects and others were opportunity had arisen
  • JB advised on some of the projects including Biodiversity Management and landowner contact
  • LS updated the forum on the long term closures of public rights of way
  • All of the existing long term closures remained closed until Nov 2007, with the exception of N59. Investigations were being made into the dangerous wall which had caused this path closure
  • The Alum bay closure was due to finish in mid April – contractors were on site on this date
  • CS16 and CS17 had been closed very recently due to land slip.
  • JH asked about an alternative diversion route using a private lane from Rew Street
  • TS updated the forum on the rights of way future budget. The Revenue and Capital budgets remained ‘healthy’ and at an acceptable level
  • Decisions were now needed on how to split the money between the statutory duties
  • JB asked if there was a need for an emergency budget for concerns such as landslip
  • TS explained that if the Isle of Wight Council needed to apply under the Belwin Scheme (a central government initiative whereby local authorities can apply to have any costs associated with unforeseen catastrophes), then rights of way would be part of it
  • TS updated the forum on the future of the rights of way section
  • The director had decided that the service would remain an independent section. There was some discussion about incorporating the section with countryside, but as the connections with the Local Transport Plan were so strong it was felt it better to remain connected with engineering services
  • The section head’s position would be advertised for a replacement.
  • A recommendation had been made to employ a modern apprentice for the section. The director agreed this was a good idea, but no decision had been made
  • The maintenance team were now back to a full crew again following the recent appointment of a new member

Item 4 Update on the Tennyson Trail
  • MJ explained that he had written to the head of service as the chairman of the Local Access Forum, regarding the Tennyson Trail closure.
  • TS advised that a full report placed on the IWC website had resulted in a number of further representations regarding the trail
  • Councillor Ian Ward had called officers together for advice on a possible permit system. TS has submitted a report on how it could operate
  • The matter was now at rest with no decision made
  • JGC asked what the report from TS recommended
  • TS explained that the report recommended permits for commercial businesses and disabled blue badge holders only. These recommendations were made on consultation responses and national/local policy
  • Discussion was made of permit systems used nationally
  • A vote was taken as to whether the forum keeps it current position of advising a full closure of the Tennyson Trail to motorised vehicles
  • The majority of the forum voted in favour of the forum recommending a full closure to motorised vehicles
  • A letter would be sent to the Isle of Wight Council with this recommendation and to remind that the Local Access Forum is a statutory advisory body who should be considered when the decision is made

Item 5 Defra Coastal Access Project
  • MJ asked if the forum should set up a sub group to deal with consultations that come up
  • The forum discussed this matter and decided that a sub group would not be set up and consultation matters would be dealt with in regular meetings or by an additional meeting as necessary
  • An email group was discussed
  • The forum would wait for the coastal access project consultation document to be published and discuss as a full forum

Item 6 A presentation regarding Open Access Land
  • JB and JH gave a presentation regarding open access land based on the attached document
  • The forum were advised that more information would be available at the next meeting
  • GJ asked about disabled access to open access land
  • JH advised this would be considered at the time when a brief for furniture had been made

Item 7 Any other business
  • An update from the British Canoe Union was given to members
  • ME asked about whether the forum would discuss access to inland waters
  • The forum discussed the matter but decided to not get involved in access to inland waters
  • SS asked if members could be asked about preference on meeting times. Some members may find it easier to meet at different times
  • A time preference sheet would be sent to all members asking for input
  • MP raised the point that some Ordnance Survey maps were showing wrong information about open access land in Brighstone Forest. MP was to contact Ordnance Survey about this error

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 10/05/2007