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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 14
Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport
7th December 2006


Present at the meeting

John Brownscombe, Jill Green, Tony Williams, Michael Poland, Mike Jordan, Zelma Barnes, Lorraine Whelan, Mark Earp, Chris Lale, Susie Sheldon, David Langford, Tim Slade (IWC), Lee Skinner (IWC), Robert Oliver, David James

Apologies were received from

Councillor John Hobart, Caroline Knox, Councillor Bill Burt, Gavin James, Peter Gould, Colin Richards, John Hague, John Gurney Champion

Tim Slade of the Isle of Wight Council chaired this meeting as no formal member had been elected as chairman yet

Item 1 Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting
  • The minutes were to be amended to add additional notes to agenda item 6 – Extending the bridleway network on the Isle of Wight. The minutes were approved with this change.

Matters arising
  • DL asked if the project concerning signage for areas of open countryside was still relevant as funding for Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (Crow) duties had been recently cut.
  • JB felt that as work had already been performed on this project it was worth keeping and pursuing for when funding may be available. There may also be further funding options from other sources.
  • TS, JH & MJ were to do more work on this project and attempt to bring a detailed and cost listed proposal to the next meeting for further discussion.

Item 2 New Chairman and Vice Chairman
  • The group were asked for nominations for the open chairman position. No nominations were made.
  • The group were asked for volunteers.
  • MJ volunteered on the condition that a suitable vice chairman would be available for meetings that he was unable to attend.
  • SS volunteered as vice chairman
  • The forum approved these positions.

Item 3 Update from the Rights of Way Section
  • TS gave an update on the current work of the Rights of Way Section
  • The winter programme of works was underway and going well. The Revenue and Capital budgets were scheduled to end on target for this year.
  • The winter maintenance programme includes repairs to furniture – stiles, gates, bridge. The new sign order had been delivered and would be installed very soon.
  • There was a running large programme of bridleway headroom clearance.
  • There was expected land movement in the winter which may cause some extra maintenance work in certain areas.
  • The legal record work was continuing with a number of legal orders in the pipeline. There was also some planning development work and some new path claims from users.
  • A difficult enforcement case was taking place with help from the IWC legal department.
  • The last budget meeting had given no indication that the budget will change in 2007.
  • TS announced he would be leaving the authority in March 2007.
  • MJ asked how this would affect the structure of the section.
  • TS explained that a new director had recently been appointed and would be considering a new structure.
  • MP had concerns over how the Rights of Way Section benefits the Isle of Wight and would this be a retrograde step. He asked that a formal resolution be made to the IWC expressing the concern of the LAF, and that the position held by TS should be filled as soon as possible.
  • The group agreed a resolution should be made to the Isle of Wight Council.
  • LS advised on the progress of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP)
  • The ROWIP projects were due to start being planned in early 2007 however a pilot project had arisen in Carisbrooke that would support two of the ROWIP projects and a National Lottery Grant bid.
  • This project would be pursued by the rights of way section with a view to making a national lottery grant bid in early 2007. An update to this process would be given in the next forum meeting.
  • DL advised that the National Lottery grant were to be reduced in 2007
  • TS mentioned that he had been involved with the Round the Solent Group in conjunction with Hampshire County Council. This group was concerned with interpretation of the Solent and proposes a footpath on the Solent and north side of the Isle of Wight.
  • JB expressed a concern that when TS leaves the authority some of these project opportunities may be missed.
  • TW asked about the works on the East side of the River Medina and that the footpath would be diverted inland.
  • TS advised that the path would not be diverted, but an additional path may be possible to offer an additional inland route for users
  • TS also advised of recent works to re-open coastal paths in the Bembridge area.
  • TW asked that pressure be kept up with the IWC planning section for coastal paths within the Kingston development and other related schemes.
  • JB suggested the forum contact the planning section for an update on the Kingston development and in particular the coastal paths.
  • LS gave an update regarding long term closures of public rights of way.
  • In late November the Government Office for the South East had extended the long term closures until November 2007. This was for all existing long term closures except for public footpath N59 in Carisbrooke. The N59 closure was extended until March 2007

Item 4 Update on the Tennyson Trail
  • TS formed members that he had submitted his report to the Head of Engineering Services and the Council’s Traffic Manager. The report was a full analysis of the consultation process, responses to the draft TRO, a review of relevant policies and included a recommendation.  TS said he understood this report would form the basis of a submission by the Head of Engineering Services to the Council’s Cabinet.
  • JB suggested that the LAF write to the Head of Service concerned with the TRO on the Tennyson Trail asking for an early decision.
  • CL advised that on many of the off road driving websites there was a confusion over whether the Tennyson Trail was open for use.

Item 5 Defra Coastal Access Project
  • Information regarding the coastal access project was given to all forum members. It was advised that the consultation over the access had been delayed to early 2007.
  • This subject would appear as an agenda item in meeting 15

Item 6 Tina Williamson – Histree Trail Project Officer
  • Tina Williamson visited the forum to give a talk on the Histree Trail project she was heading
  • The project was a heritage lottery funded project running for 2 years. The main role of the project is to identify trees on the Isle of Wight that have historic significance or are linked to local heritage. Following this research work there will be a series of trails and walks published and an associated website will provide further information and guidance.
  • MP asked how historic trees were to be defined
  • TW advised that the project was focused on heritage, folklore and areas with stories. There had already been a large survey on the Isle of Wight that would act as a base of information to continue with
  • JG advised on the group ‘Men of the trees’ who had already done works on island trees.
  • TW was confident that a number of trails would be found
  • SS suggested that any farmer who had completed a stewardship application would have identified trees on their land already and it may be worth contacting DEFRA for this information
  • SS also asked that landowners and land managers be consulted at an early stage

Item 7 Bonchurch Landslip Project
  • Karl Dyson, Leading Wildlife Ranger from the Isle of Wight Countryside Section visited the forum to talk about the Bonchurch Landslip Project.
  • The project would be funded by a National Lottery grant bid under the ‘Parks for People’ programme.
  • The project aimed to provide education, physical access, information, conservation and sustainability to the area of Bonchurch Landslip.
  • The forum advised on aspects of the project.

Item 8 Any other business
  • MJ asked about the Defra consultation regarding guidance to authorities on the Countryside and Rights of Way Act. The deadline for comments was the 19th January.
  • LS advised that this document would be sourced and sent out to members for comment immediately.
  • LS asked all present members to fill in a form for suitable meeting dates for 2007. Notification of chosen dates would be sent out in the next week.

Meeting ends

Page last updated on: 25/03/2007