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The Isle of Wight Local Access Forum
Meeting 13
Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport
7th September 2006

Present at the meeting

Councillor John Hobart, Zelma Barnes, Gavin James, Peter Gould, Colin Richards, John Hague, Lorraine Whelan, Mark Earp, Chris Lale, Susie Sheldon, David Langford, John Gurney Champion, Tim Slade (IWC), Lee Skinner (IWC)
Apologies were received from
John Brownscombe, Jill Green, Robert Oliver, Caroline Knox, Tony Williams, David James, Michael Poland, Mike Jordan, Councillor Bill Burt

Tim Slade of the Isle of Wight Council chaired this meeting as no formal member had been elected yet

Item 1 Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting

There was no mention of Gavin James under ‘apologies’ – to be amended

Matters arising

There were no matters arising

Action Points from meeting 12

ACTION POINT: New members to receive and read the access land report
The access land report was sent out to new members with the meeting minutes.

ACTION POINT: Press release to be written
Contact had been made with the PR department, although the press release was outstanding

Item 2 New Chairman and Vice Chairman

TS asked the members present if anyone would like to be considered for the chairman position. No members wanted to be considered.

TS further asked if anyone would like to volunteer a member for the chairman role. No members were volunteered.

GJ asked if previous discussion of the Forum and the lack of response from the Isle of Wight Council had affected anyone wishing to be chairman

TS advised that the forum had affected projects such as the Local Transport Plan and the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. He further advised the members that the IWC can provide secretariat for the forum, but could not put pressure on elected members.

Further discussion was made and the chairman election agenda item was to be left until the next meeting in order for all members to consider the role.

Item 3 New members introduction

As the forum had recently recruited many new members it was felt that all present should give a short introduction about themselves.

Item 4 Update on the Tennyson Trail

TS gave an update on the current situation with the Tennyson Trail. As discussed in previous meetings, the Tennyson Trail had received increased off road vehicle use in recent years and this had led to the Isle of Wight Council pursuing a traffic regulation order (TRO) for motorised vehicles in the interest of protecting the trail and its surroundings.

The TRO had been advertised for representation and the closing date was 8th September. After this period TS was to meet with the Isle of Wight Council Traffic and Transport Manager in order to write a report to the Isle of Wight Council Cabinet. This report would aid the cabinet in deciding what course of action to take.

DL asked about timescale
TS advised the report would be complete by the end of September, but did not know how long it would take the IWC Cabinet to decide the action.

Possible gates and barriers were discussed. TS reminded the group that carriage drivers would need a certain width to use the trail, therefore certain restrictions could not be considered.

It was decided that the LAF would contact the Isle of Wight Council Cabinet in order to allow the forum to address the cabinet

ACTION POINT – LAF to contact the IWC Cabinet

JH asked if another temporary closure order would be in place while the TRO was being considered.
This was not to be considered, as a decision on the future of the trail was imminent.

CL asked about allowing disabled buggies.
This would be allowed as certain buggies and carriages are excluded from the TRO.

CL believed that a ban would not stop the illegal use and only the responsible users would be affected.

GJ agreed with CL regarding the effect on illegal use. He also asked that any barriers be disabled friendly and offered his assistance to test or advise on possible barriers.

JHB asked if users could approach private landowners to seek permission to use land.

TS advised this was possible

CL asked about a possible licence system stating that although he did not agree with this system, he would support it in order to keep using the trail in a safe manner

TS reminded the forum that they had previously voted in favour of a complete ban, but asked if they would like to propose any changes or allowances in the order

The forum decided to continue to support the complete ban

JH supported the ban, but believed there were opportunities for allowing safe use with certain users

ZB asked if there were any plans to widen the Carisbrooke end of the trail in the interest of safe passage of users
TS advised that there was some scope but it would be limited

Item 5 Update from the Rights of Way Section

TS gave an update of the work of the Rights of Way Section

The section had 4 statutory elements; Legal recording, Maintenance, Protection, and signage

The legal recording of the Definitive Map had been busy recently. The section had received a number of applications of additions to the map.

A current diversion order in Bembridge was proving to be involved and controversial.

The maintenance work was coming to the end of the summer programme. Low growth this year had helped the process. Winter jobs of stile, bridge, gate and step replacement were now being planned.

Protection of the network was an ongoing task, with two particular difficult cases at the moment.

The signage process had a long delay in the previous year due to failure of the manufacturer. The manufacturer had been changed recently and the new sign order would be delivered within 6 weeks. Over the winter period an estimated 250 new signs were to be erected across the island

The Rights of Way Improvement Plan was now in the stages of discussing priorities and works should start in early 2007

GJ asked about the lack of disabled access and publications not including disabled information

TS explained that publications were not part of the rights of way sections statutory duties and therefore not something that is commonly done

LS advised that if the rights of way section are consulted over an external publication then the correct advice and guidelines can be given

TS advised that works had started to remove as many stiles and barriers as possible, however this had caused a number of problems and requests for stiles to be re-installed.

SS stated that stiles were essential to landowners and farmers in certain areas

TS explained that although publishing the Rights of Way Improvement Plan was a statutory duty, implementing it was not. This limited the funding available to start many of the projects proposed in the plan. The rights of way section therefore asked if the LAF could advise on how to implement the plan and where resources and funding may be drawn from

JH asked if there was any IWC funding available

TS advised this would be unlikely in the current situation

The rights of way improvement plan would remain as a standing LAF agenda item

Item 6 Extending the Bridleway Network on the Isle of Wight

JH said he was keen to extend the bridleway network and in particular to have a links from Cowes/Gurnard to West Wight.

New bridleway links could give benefits to schools, tourism, and landowners.

SS said important to approach landowners correctly and before proceeding. SS asked about the rumours of a plan to re-open bridleway on the line of the old railway from Newport to Yarmouth and pointed out that no landowners had been consulted.

LS said funding for project had been acquired by West Wight Landscape Partnership and improved access was one of their main interests.

DL asked who West Wight Partnership were.

SS queried practicality of scheme and whether the this had been examined before funding was applied for.

TS advised that the Rights of Way Improvement Plan had identified many new links across the island which would benefit all users. The Improvement Plan would be kept as an item on the LAF agenda.

Item 6 Any other business

DL asked about the DEFRA Diversity Action Plan which had been provided to all members

Members were asked to read the document and put any comments direct to Defra

JH asked about DEFRA plans for coastal access land

This would appear as an agenda item in meeting 14

JHB asked about the coastal path and access problems
TS advised that the Osborne section was limited and a long term issue to resolve
The Coastal path and landowners were discussed

TS advised that JH and rights of way had not yet met to discuss the access land grant application. This meeting would take place very soon.

The next meeting of the forum would be on 7th December 2006.


Page last updated on: 24/11/2006