Health and Safety Pro-Active Inspections

We carry out a programme of pro-active inspections of businesses on the Isle of
ight in premises for which we have enforcement powers. The Isle of Wight Council is responsible for shops, warehouses, offices, hotels and catering, sports, leisure, consumer services, (e.g. launderettes, hairdressers, undertakers, shoe repair, tyre and exhaust fitters), residential care homes and churches. The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for factories, building sites, mines and quarries, farms, fairgrounds, railways, chemical plant and offshore and nuclear installations.

The frequency of inspection is based on a risk rating classification allocated to them. We target our attention on those premises with the risk is highest. Additionally, in accordance with an agreed Local Area Agreement our inspections will also focus on businesses which have a risk profile indicating “little”, “almost no” and “no” confidence in management.

These inspections are normally carried out without prior notification. During the inspections we, focus our attention on the issues which are causing the most ill health and injuries in the UK. These include slips, trips and falls, falls from height, musculo-skeletal (e.g. manual handling), workplace transport, asbestos, stress, dermatitis, asthma, noise and hand arm vibration.

Page last updated on: 10/09/2007