
Revised QAF Service Review Reports

This page will have reports for service reviews undertaken with providers using the revised Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) 2009. All providers are being reviewed during 2011 – and once completed, reports will appear in the table below.

The revised QAF has raised the bar in terms of what is expected for each of the levels achievable, so providers attaining a level C under the revised QAF will have complied with a number of points that were graded higher in the old QAF.

Providers are now graded under five points: Assessment and Support Planning; Security, Health and Safety; Safeguarding and Protection from Abuse; Fair Access, Diversity and Inclusion; and Client Involvement and Empowerment.

Level C means that the service meets and is able to evidence the required minimum standard but there is scope for improvement.

Level B means the service can evidence good practise.

Level A means excellence and is associated with providers striving to be leaders in their field.

Quality Assessment Framework 2009
Quality Assessment Framework - Core Service Objectives (Guidance)

To view the reports, please click on the links in the right hand column.

Page last updated on: 03/05/2011