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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Bed Bugs ( Hemiptera: Cimicidae).

The Isle of Wight Council enforces the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 and does not provide a pest control service. The landowner may have to pay for the treatment.
Click here for a list of the Council’s Approved Pest Control Contractors

If in doubt telephone your local Environmental Health Department.
Tel: 01983 823000.

BedBugs00 Bed bugs are sometimes called “red coats”, “chinches”, or “mahogany flats.”
BedBugs00 The adult bed bug is a wingless insect that is flattened from top to bottom and is about ¼ to 3/8 inch (4 to 5 mm) in size. See below.
Not to scale.

What to look for:

Habitat. At the beginning of an infestation, bed bugs are likely to be found only in the tufts, seams and folds of mattresses and bed covers. In areas of heavy infestation, bed bugs can be found in crevices in the bedsteads. Because bed bugs can live in bird nests, houses and buildings with several bird nests in the eaves and on the roof often will have bed bugs coming into the living areas.

Life Cycle. The life cycle stages of a bed bug are egg, nymph and adult. The females lay about 200 eggs, usually at the rate of three or four a day, in cracks and crevices in the floor or bed. Newly hatched bugs begin feeding immediately. They shed their skin five times before becoming adults.
Type of Damage. They feed principally on human blood by piercing the skin with a long beak and sucking blood into their stomachs. They feed mostly at night, but will feed during the day if hungry and the light is dim.


In private homes, find all the areas that bed bugs hide in during the day time. These must be treated with chemicals. In hotels, apartments, and other multiple-type dwelling places, bed bugs may spread from one unit to another. All units should be inspected. Remove all bird nests.

It is an interesting fact that bed bugs can be discovered in unsuspected areas such as floor cracks, under carpets, behind loose wallpaper or wall pictures and in old unused stoves.

For more information regarding this Leaflet please contact:
Environmental Health Service
Jubilee Stores
The Quay
Isle of Wight
PO30 2EH
Telephone: 01983 823000
Facsimile: 01983 529804
©Isle of Wight Council, May 2004

Page last updated on: 30/08/2007